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Pat Yamin

Pat Yamin

Pat is teaching class 5013

Matt: How long have you been quilting? What made you begin quilting?

Pat: I have been quilting for over 40 years. Moving from the Midwest to NY, it was very relaxing for me living in dowtown Brooklyn without knowing anyone.

M: Do you have a quilting studio? How big and is there anything unique that you keep in your studio?

P: I live in a 14 room Victorian house and tend to use all of the rooms. Each one has a different purpose. My home based office is in the Maids Room. When I first started the business in 1981 I taught classes in this room. Now it is filled with office work, computers and files.

M: What do you consider your quilting “specialty” or what makes you unique in the quilting world?

P: I design and manufacture templates to make the quilter’s lives easier.

M: What is your favorite color schemes to work with?

P: I truly love the colors of the 1880’s or lots of bright colors.

M: What books or articles have you written?

P: I am working on my 4th book to be published by AQS, Two-Patched Quilts.

M: What do you do while you quilt? Do you listen to music?

P: When I am sewing or quilting I like it to be quiet. My creativity comes from this absolutely quiet time.

M: What is your quilting inspiration?

P: I get a lot of my inspiration from History. Old newspaper patterns, old textile, orphan blocks and quilt tops.

M: What is the funniest moment you have had happen while you were teaching?

P: The funniest moment I had was demonstrating rotary cutting to a group of beginning quilter’s . Taking a moment to talk between the demo I was flipping the 28mm rotary in my hand like a baton. Without realizing it, I was shredding the front of my blue and white seersucker pants@!

M: What was the best class you have taken?

P: I have taken so many classes and lectures there in not one that stands out, it’s the cumulative experiences that have driven me and the business.


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