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Get To Know The Inland Empire Quilter's Guild

Located just a few miles south of the Ontario Convention Center in Corona, California, the Inland Empire Quilters Guild didn’t have to travel very far to display their opportunity quilt, “Lady Liberty,” on Saturday of this year’s Road to California. With 90 members, both old and young, this guild’s “friendships are incredible,” says member Connie Peterik. The guild meets twice monthly for fellowship, business, and great speakers. guild

Inland Empire Quilters Guild has two main philanthropies. They donate quilts to victims of domestic violence as well as to Royal Family Kids Camp, a camp for foster children. Last year, they donated over 100 quilts and pillowcases to the campers. inland empire guild2

Another event that fosters friendship is their annual “Country Quilt Fair.” To be held on May 3rd and 4th, there will be over 150 quilts on display as well as special exhibits, challenge quilts, and the raffle for “Lady Liberty.” inland empire guild

What do you value most from your quilt guild?



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2 Responses to “Get To Know The Inland Empire Quilter's Guild”

  1. Karen Poole says:

    I belong to the Inland Empire Quilters Guild and I enjoy the friends I have made in this great guild! I know I have made life long friends here along with stitching sisters (and brothers) I have learned a lot about quilting as well, I was a brand new quilter when I joined the Guild!

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