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Finding Your Way Along The Roundabout

If your conference goal is to learn as much as you can about all kinds of quilting topics and techniques in the shortest amount of time, then Road’s Roundabout is the perfect event for you.roundabout4

Roundabout is an activity always on the move. Over 25 stations were set up on a ballroom floor, designated by a different colorful balloon. Each station represented a particular topic of interest for quilters and was led by one of Road’s expert and capable staff of teachers and vendors. 


















Attendees received a list of what was being offered and chose which stations they wanted to visit. Ten minutes was allotted for each segment, giving attendees the opportunity to learn from 7 or 8 different stations throughout the evening. Some stations had hand outs and giveaways. All stations provided different ways to approach their projects. While there was a sales area set up to purchase books, tools, and kits from the various presenters, there were no active sales pitches being given so attendees never felt pressured. 


Sonja Hoch, a member of the Night Owl Quilt Guild and Road’s new Roundabout Coordinator, said this about the event: “There are so many talented people offering instruction and ideas. Since it is impossible to take all of the classes at Road, the Roundabout is great way for giving a snippet of what is offered.” 

Throughout the evening, you could hear a lot of chatter and a lot of “ah ha” moments going on. Some of the stations were standing room only. Many attendees had a hard time moving on to their next station. roundabout5

Energy. Excitement. Education. That just about sums up Roundabout.

Did you participate in the Roundabout? What did you learn?




3 Responses to “Finding Your Way Along The Roundabout”

  1. Chris Lapham says:

    So… When is the next round up??? I would like to attend. 🙂

    • Chris- We will be doing another Roundabout at Road to California 2014, which will be held January 23-26, 2014. Registration is in July. Follow the blog, our Facebook Page, or the web site: road2ca.com for updates. See you in January!!!

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