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Road 2014 Faculty: Meet Katie Pasquini Masopust

Katie will be teaching two, two day classes:  #3401 Painted, Stitched Canvas on Wednesday and Thursday and  #5601 From Watercolor Painting to Quilt on Friday and Saturday.Katie Pasquini Masopust Head Shot

Personal: Katie Pasquini Masopust has taught quilt classes as far away as Australia and New Zealand but what she enjoys most, happens right at home.  She likes to walk and dance and play with her three dogs: Ziggy a Chesapeake retriever; Jake, a yellow lab; and Buddy an Australian Shepard. Katie also enjoys her three wonderful step children and three grandchildren.

How did you get started in quilting? I took what I thought was an embroidery class which turned out to be a quilting class and was hooked.

Does anyone else in your family quilt? My sister and my cousin and I make log cabin quilts together twice a year.

Where do you find inspiration for your quilting? I find inspiration for my quilts in the world around me and through my paintings.Watercolors Tangled by Katie Pasquini Masopust

What is the one quilting tool you can’t live without? My Gingher scissors

What do you like best about teaching? Sharing my knowledge with the students and enjoying working with fabric together.stitched paintings

What is your best tip for quilters? Enjoy yourself!

What do you want your students to get out of your class? The ability to think it up, then make it.Accentato, with Emphasis 51 x 40 - Copy Watercolors

 You can find Katie at: http://www.katiepm.com/



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