Even though snow is still falling in some parts of the United States and Spring is still more than a week away, that won’t stop us from dreaming about our upcoming New England Fall Foliage Quilt Cruise, September 27-October 4, 2015.
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Road to California sponsored its first cruise with Deb Roberts and World of Quilts Travel last year. We had so much fun, we could hardly wait to go again. This time, we are taking advantage of the fall brilliance in the scenic northeast.
We set sail on this colorful journey on Royal Caribbean’s Brilliance of the Seas, sailing round trip from Boston, with stops in the ports of Portland and Bar Harbor, Maine as well as St. John and Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Our 7-day cruise adventure features two non-stop quilting days with classes offered from these award winning quilting educators: Stevii Graves, Shelly Pagliai, Anita Grossman Solomon,Margie Ullery and Victoria Findlay Wolfe.
Deb points out five reasons what makes Road’s fall quilt cruise off the coasts of New England and Canada is so special:
1- Historic sites to visit
2-Famous Fall colors to enjoy
3-Natural beauty of the shoreline to view
4-Quaint villages and architecture to explore
5-Local food, including lobster and crab, to experience
This quilt cruise is filling up fast. We’d love to have you join Carolyn Reese for this amazing adventure. Don’t miss the boat – spaces are selling fast!!
See you in New England!!
Tags: Canada Cruise, Deb Roberts, New England Cruise, Quilt Cruise, Royal Caribbean, World of Quilts Travel and Textile Tours
Number 1- the historic sites. I have always wanted to visit that area so to be able to combine it with one of my favorite things to do would be great!.
Wish I could join you! Unfortunately not in the cards for this fall. See you in January!
Would love to see the historic sites!
Lobster and crab yummy!
The historic sites in Boston are great. I’ve been there “by land” and wished I had could have seen more.
These all sound great. My favorite reason is #1. Historic sights are so inspirational. Lot’s of quilting ideas.
I think the fall colors are spectacular.. Wish i could go!
This sounds like fun. Love cruising, combined with quilting, what could be better. Would love to do this, putting on my quilting bucket list.
The lobster and foods I miss since I now live far away from New England
This would be an awesome treat!
Historic sites are always my favorite things to see. Wish I could join you on the cruise, but I’ll see you at Road 2016.
I’ve always wanted to go on a cruise! Only a quilting cruise would do for me! This sounds like loads of fun! I love seeing historic sites and nothing gets me more excited than local food! Ha ha!
Love to see tbe great fall colors since we don’t really get much of them here.
I’d like to go for the quilting, and to see Nova Scotia.
Reason #2 would be my favorite. Seeing the beauty of the fall colors is on my bucket list!
A friend and I were headed for Nova Scotia 26 years ago but we only got as far as Quebec. A quilting cruise would be an ideal way to complete our journey.
Local food of the est coast sounds like a fun cruise!
My new grandbaby in Ma will turn 1. I could make her somthing wonderful on that cruise
Number 1 historic sites. I love to travel and learn about the history and experience the culture of an area. I was a history major in college and taught history briefly before switching to other subjects. I briefly visited the east coast with students one year. Would love to go again.