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Mountain Mist’s DIY Face Mask Filter

Mountain Mist, maker of exceptional batting products and a favorite vendor at Road to California, has begun a new venture related to the Coronavirus.

Mountain Mist is one of the many product lines that Fibrix, LLC produces.  Their sister company, Fibrix Filtration, makes a filtration line of goods— including a DIY face mask filter media.  Mountain Mist is now in the position to offer this media to the DIY market. 

Why a DIY Face Mask Filter?

From all the research conducted by Mountain Mist, it appears that face masks are the new fashion statement. With the prediction of a second and a third wave of the pandemic, school districts all-across the United States are requiring facemasks for teachers and students when going back to school. In addition, individuals wearing face masks are wanting more than one mask for their wardrobe.  Consequently, the research states that mask making will continue.

DIY Face Mask Filter

DIY Face Mask Filter Media provides an added layer of protection to homemade and store-bought face masks. In fact, it is the same 100% polypropylene needle punched material that Fibrix sells to commercial face mask producers. This vital filtering layer, previously only available to the commercial sector, is now available for the home-sewing market.

How Does the DIY Face Mask Filter Work?

The filter media is made of 100% polypropylene that is needle punched through a polypropylene scrim. It is washable and easy to use. When a filter is placed inside two layers of fabric, it increases the effectiveness of the mask.  The filter media can either be sewn into the mask or be used as a removable filter for pocketed masks. 

What Has the Response Been?

Mountain Mist started shipping the DIY Face Mask Media in August 2020.  Says Linda Pumphry, Senior Account Executive for Fibrix, “The response has been over whelming.  A Mountain Mist retailer did one posting on Facebook of What’s New and sold out his initial order in 20 minutes and called to increase his order.  A consumer said she shared it with her oncology support group, and they were so excited about the product. They shared that the extra layer help in giving them a little more peace of mind when having to venture out for appointments.”

The response to the product was not surprising to the company. All their research indicated that face masks were going to continue to be part of people’s everyday wardrobe. Since Mountain Mist was not able to supply the DIY Face Mask Filter Media during the first wave of face mask making, they weren’t sure if the pipeline had been filled.  As it turned out, the need for wearing face masks has increased; individuals are adding to their initial supply.   

You can take part in using this timely product by purchasing the DIY Face Mask Filter at local independent quilt stores or on Amazon.com.

One Response to “Mountain Mist’s DIY Face Mask Filter”

  1. It sounds wonderful!

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