Have you ever wondered how a quilter ends up writing a quilt book? Meet Teri Lucas, an accomplished quilter, owner of TerifiCreations and a new quilt book author.

Getting Started in Quilting
Teri shared that for her, quilting “started while working on a project for the kids at Church that led to making patchwork placemats for my sister and her fiancé. While working on these projects my husband watched the joy I was experiencing and told me I needed a hobby. The patchwork placemats led to quilting. A friend showed me how to hand quilt and off I went.”
The aspect of quilting that Teri likes most is machine quilting. She says that it brings her the greatest joy. “The hum of the machine, the designs in my head forming under the needle, seeing the whole work come together.”
A Quilt Teacher
Before becoming a quilt book author, Teri was a quilt teacher. She formally began teaching quilting in 2009. She likes to help her students realize that it’s okay to make mistakes, and then she likes to present to them different solutions to move past the mistakes. She also tells her students that quilting outside the lines is “kinda cool” and that wherever they are in quilting is the right place to be.
Quilt Book Author
Teri calls herself a Chief Creative Weirdo. Her creativity led her to publishing her first quilt book, Color, Thread & Free-Motion Quilting: Learn to Stitch with Reckless Abandon in July, 2020.

Teri explained the reason why she focused on thread for her book: “As machine quilters know, thread color can dramatically affect the look and mood of your quilt.” By using color theory and solid design principles, Teri uses her book to explain how specialty threads in different weights can make motifs stand out the most against the fabric. She shares free-motion tips and tricks as well as her “Impractical Color Wheels.” Teri’s intent is to help quilters learn the thread choice rules so they can be broken!!
Teri’s COVID-19 Adventure
Last April, when COVID-19 was still relatively new, Teri and her husband moved from New York to Texas. They drove 1,700 miles to their temporary home, living in a hotel from mid-April until the end of August. They are still settling into their new home and much to Teri’s dismay, her sewing room still isn’t organized.

What has the pandemic taught this quilt book author? “The biggest affirmation through this: we are built and made for community. This separateness has been hard on everyone for many reasons. The second is: no matter what be kind and presume good motivation/intent. There may be things going on with someone that we do not know.”
Road wishes Teri Lucas the best of luck on her new quilt book adventure.