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Charity Quilting Returns To Road To California

Roadies Give Back, first launched at Road 2017. Using a quilt block designed by Road 2017 teacher, Anita Grossman Soloman, 

Roadies Give Back

Roadies from around the country created and sent in hundreds of blocks that were sewn together by Roadie volunteers. Once the quilt tops were made, additional volunteers quilted the charity quilts.

In the end, 41 charity quilts were presented by Road to California to the Robert and Beverly Lewis Cancer Care Center at Pomona Valley Hospital to cancer patients receiving chemotherapy at the center.

Due to the success of the initial charity quilting event, Road is pleased to announce the return of Roadies Give Back at Road to California 2019.

Roadies Give Back

Overseeing this upcoming charity quilting event are three long time Road Staff members: Karen Jones, Rene Hicks and Nancy Lewis. This activity is especially important to Karen and Nancy as cancer has personally touched their lives. Karen is a Breast Cancer Survivor and was recently diagnosed with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia. Earlier this year, Nancy lost her husband to pancreatic cancer.

Charity Quilting

Karen’s smile and enthusiasm for Roadies Give Back is contagious!!

Karen, Rene, and Nancy first started meeting over a year ago to begin planning the Road 2019 charity quilting event. Energized from hearing Jenny Doan speak at Road 2018 about the importance of quilters giving back to their communities, they decided to use one of Missouri Star Quilt Company’s block patterns, X’s and O’s. The finished quilt that Road has adapted is 5 blocks wide and 5 blocks long. Material colors for the blocks are bright fabrics accented with Kona Black. Batting for the quilts has been donated by Mountain Mist.

Interested in being a part of this charity quilting event? Here are some ways you can participate:

Before the Show

  • Make Blocks.  Make as many blocks as you can and bring them to the show. Each block takes 4 Charm Squares to make. If you can’t attend Road to California 2019, you can also mail in your blocks to our office: 1160 N. Dewey Way – Suite A, Upland, CA 91786

We have printed directions for the blocks:

Roadies Give Back

Also, Missouri Star Quilt Company has made this video on how to sew their X’s and O’s quilt block:

  • Register to Volunteer at Roadies Give Back #9600C. The event is taking place Saturday Night, January 26. Two rooms will be dedicated to this charity quilting activity. Sewing machines for the event are being donated by one of Road’s Sponsors, Moore’s Sewing. Volunteers will be needed to arrange quilt squares, sew squares into rows and make quilt tops. Once quilt tops are completed, quilt sandwiches need to be put together.

During the Show

  • Turn in Finished Blocks. They will be collected at South Information Desk.
  • Join in the Fun!! Volunteer to be one of the sorters, planners, or sewers. Many helping hands are required for this charity quilting  event!!!
  •     Roadies Give Back
  • Karen, Rene, and Nancy have put together swag bags for everyone who participates.
  • Roadies Give Back

There will also be raffle prizes throughout the evening. Best of all, make new quilting friends who are also dedicated to making these charity quilts.

Why is this charity quilting event so important? As Karen says, “It lets people with cancer know that a lot of people care about them, are rooting for them, are praying for them and are hoping that they get better.”

Please join us for Roadies Give Back 2019. We hope you will want to share your quilting passion for this worthwhile cause.


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