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Posts Tagged ‘Barbara Ramsey’

Meet The East Bay Heritage Quilters

Wednesday, March 16th, 2016

East Bay Heritage Quilters traveled 400 miles to come to Road 2016 — their first time ever at the show. They came to show off one of their opportunity quilts, Bay Windows, and to share information about their upcoming quilt show, Voices in Cloth – Extraordinary Quilts by the Bay, being held March 19 and 20, 2016. [caption id="attachment_3887" align="aligncenter" width="588"]East Bay Heritage Quilters members Edy Brady (l) co-chair of Voices in Cloth and Gwen McMillan (r) a guild member since 1985. Picture by Brian Roberts Photography East Bay Heritage Quilters members Edy Brady (l) co-chair of Voices in Cloth and Gwen McMillan (r) a guild member since 1985. Picture by Brian Roberts Photography[/caption] Centered in the East Bay of the San Francisco Bay Area, the guild was formed in 1978 to support the traditions of quilting and to encourage the growth and development of quilting through art, education, and community. East Bay Heritage Quilters (EBHQ) currently has 350 members; women and men who embrace both traditional and contemporary styles of quilting. In almost 30 years, the guild has given away over  30,000 quilts. In 2015 alone, they gave away 1,000 quilts to people in need, supporting the Diana Davis Community Project. Bay Windows is an original applique design created by well-known quilt artist and teacher, Nancy S. Brown. The quilt captures the wildlife of the San Francisco Bay Area.  The layers of the ecosystem move from the fish who inhabit the bay to the birds who live on the shores of the bay. With the help of 14 of Nancy’s students, drawings were made for each of the blocks. Nancy appliqued eight of the blocks herself and her students made the rest. Laura Lee Fritz did the quilting which was enhances the waves, kelp and sea grass of the ocean surface.  The sense of humor and the attention to detail make this quilt an outstanding art piece.Bay_Window_72dpi_web_small If you look at Bay Windows closely, there are two animals stitched in the quilt that do not belong to the Bay Area. Can you name them?** This year’s quilt show, Voice in Cloth – Extraordinary Quilts by the Bay — is celebrating its 25th Anniversary. The show is held biennially so this is actually only the guild’s 13th show.There will be over 300 quilts and garments on display as well as a special exhibit by Julie Silber. Also featured will be a Guild Marketplace of Fine Fiber Art, a Cloth Doll Challenge entitled “Tell Me a Story,” and two opportunity quilts. In addition to Bay Windows, the contemporary art quilt, String Theory, will also be given away. Made by Bay Area artist, Barbara Ramsey,  this abstract original design purposely distorts the geometric shapes and combines light and dark fabrics which in turn, draws the viewer’s eye over the surface of the quilt. The use of batik and hand-dyed fabrics in a 4-Block pattern evokes apartment windows.  The border treatment on two diagonal corners mimics a cityscape design with the other corners reflecting the sky, thus lending to the overall “High Rise” affect.EBHQ_72dpi_web_small Congratulations East Bay Heritage Quilters on your anniversary show. **Did you guess the animals? Godzilla and penguin. [caption id="attachment_3886" align="aligncenter" width="563"]Photo by Brian Roberts Photography Photo by Brian Roberts Photography[/caption]      ]]>