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Posts Tagged ‘Safety Tips’

Safety and Security at Road 2017

Wednesday, January 11th, 2017

Security Detail

Providing a quality experience that involves large crowds, over 200 classes and events, and more than 229 vendors and exhibitors, requires extra safety precautions. For the past six years, Road to California has hired special security detail to watch out for their guests. Their security personnel have extensive experience dealing with loss prevention with a big box retailer for over 20 years. They walk the show floor and hallways, scrutinizing body movements and behavior as they watch out for shoplifters and employees stealing from their employers. What advice do they have for our guests to help prevent possible losses?
  • Keep bags and purses close and in front of you.
  • Use Sack Sitters to manage your purchases. (Sack Sitters are from Boy Scout Troop 628. Located in the hallway of the Convention Center, the scouts give service and earn money for camp outs and other troop activities by watching over large purchases so guests don’t have to haul heavy items around all day).
  • At night, leave the convention center in groups. 

Safety support

The Convention Center hires a private ambulance service that is made available to assist guests with any medical needs they might have during the four days of the show. They are located at four stations in the Convention Center: under the stairs in the south lobby; in the pavilion tent; in the main hallway and in the north lobby. The medics are ready and available to help with any kind of medical emergency before, during and after the show each day. Should a medical situation arise, medics advise that you “raise your hand for help” and someone will come to your aid. If they can’t handle a situation, they are prompted to call 911 and have an ambulance come to the convention center. The medics report that falls are the most common medical situation they deal with at Road. To prevent falls from occurring, they recommend guests wear comfortable shoes, bring a friend to assist with special walking circumstances, proceed slowly and cautiously in crowded areas, and if you are used to using a walker or wheelchair, by all means bring that apparatus to the show. Road to California is always watching out for our guests, especially when it comes to safety and security.  ]]>