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Real Men Know Quilts


Contrary to popular belief, quilting isn’t just a woman’s hobby. Men, like one of Road to California’s 2013 winners, Jerry Granata, enjoy quilting too. To find out what brought our men visitors to Road this year, we stopped several of them in the main hallway and asked them why they were there. Their responses might surprise you: men_at_road__i4c6487

Jason from Rialto, California, came with his wife and her friend. He sews with his wife all day on Fridays and has made three quilts. He said that all the women at the quilt store love him.

Steve from Utah, came with his wife Sandy. They were on vacation and decided to stop by the show because Sandy is a quilter. In the past, Sandy has gone to lots of shows he likes and so he wanted to return the favor. He found Road to be well organized and the quilts “were gorgeous.”men_at_road__i4c5777

Gary drove his wife and her friend from Palm Springs, California. They were “snowbirds,” visiting for the winter from their home in Kelowne, British Columbia, Canada. Even though he brought a book, Gary was still interested in coming because his wife has a quilting business.  

George, a fireman from Apple Valley, California, met his aunt from Huntington Beach, California, at the show. George remarked how he loves quilts and keeps one that his aunt made for him at the fire station where he works.men_at_road__i4c6033

Michael Schwartz has been a quilter for 25 years. While his wife is also a quilter, they work on separate projects. Michael is an engineer by profession which he says compliments his hobby. He cuts out fabric with the utmost precision. Watching Michael and his wife quilt has inspired their eight year old granddaughter to start quilting too.

Ron from Canada (another snowbird who winters in Yuma, Arizona) said this was his fourth time to attend Road. While he goes to support his wife who is a big quilter, he enjoys looking around at all the exhibits.

This year was also the fourth time Mike from Dublin, California came to Road. According to Mike, “I come for my wife. I carry her bags, keep her company, and PAY!!men_at_road__i4c6205

Richard, from Alabama, has come the last 10 years to support his daughter and spend time together. He prefers the “old school” quilts: embroidered, crocheted, and hand pieced.

Howard and Sandee came from Omaha, Nebraska. Sandee is a quilter and Howard supports her by going to “lots of quilt shows” and admits that “this quilt show blows the others away.” Howard has made the furniture for his wife’s quilting room, a room in their house designed exclusively for her hobby.men_at_road__i4c6307

I met James from Hueneme, California, in one of the classes. After his wife passed away, he was looking for something to do and decided to start quilting. James belongs to the Simi Valley Quilt Guild and attends meetings after work during the week. He likes taking machine quilting classes which he says are “labor intensive but fun.” What does he do with his finished quilts? He displays them on a wall in his home. This was his third Road. men_at_road__i4c6390 

Whether they come to support their wives, daughters, or friends, browse the exhibits and the vendors, or take a class — men are always welcome at Road.

Have you brought the man in your life to Road?



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