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Road 2014 Faculty Spotlight: Meet Norah McMeeking

Norah will be teaching #5020 Stacked Hexagon Stars on Friday and a two day class Saturday and Sunday #6701 Cosmati Rings I. Norah head shot

Personal: While Norah McMeeking has traveled as far away as exotic Palermo, Sicily for her quilting endeavors, it was looking at antique quilts at an Apple Festival in a local history museum in Illinois where she first caught the quilting bug. She decided then that “If I had to live among the corn and soybeans, I should get something out of it, so I took a quilting class.”

Norah enjoys the company of her two children, one granddaughter, a “spoiled dog,” and two feral cats. Her favorite foods are green beans, steak, and popcorn. And devil’s food cake. The last book she read was The Paris Deadline by Max Byrd.Norah's dog

When she is not quilting, Norah likes to entertain the neighbors, take photographs, travel, go to museums, and “pet my dog.”

Does anyone else in your family quilt? My niece quilts and my sister and my daughter-in-law “dabble.”

Where do you find inspiration for your quilting? Absolutely everywhere!

What is one quilting tool you can’t live without? Besides my sewing machine? I guess that would be my computer.

What do you like best about teaching? The students of course!Class teaching

What has been the funniest or most embarrassing moment you have had while teaching? Once, about 2 hours in to an intense class on foundation piecing, I said to the students “You do know you won’t finish this in class don’t you?” And a student exclaimed, “Thank God!”

What has been the best class you have taken? I’ve been lucky to take many great classes, but one of the first, from Margaret Miller, stands out for its breadth. Another class I took from Ruth McDowell stands out for a real “ah-ha!” moment. It changed the way I thought about quilt design.

What is your best tip for quilters? Never be afraid to try something. Give yourself time to learn.

What do you want your students to get out of your class? I want my students to gain the confidence they need to do whatever they’d like with their quilting.

Visit Norah on her website: www.bellabellaquilts.comwhatgoesaround missing quilt

 P.S. Norah made this beautiful quilt titled What Goes Around and it is missing. If you have seen it, please let Norah know.


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