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7 Tips For Beginning Quilters From Laura Nownes

Laura Nownes, Featured Artist for Road 2014 along with Diana McClun, loves to teach and encourage beginner quilters.Laura

Here are Laura’s 7 Tips for Beginning Quilters:

1) Recognize your passion for quilting and go with it. Doors will open for you.

2) Practice. Start with a fabric you love and keep your project simple._i4c3819

3) There is something for everyone in quilt making. Find what you like best and perfect it.

4) Just start. Get rid of your fears and begin._i4c3804_copy

5) Don’t worry about perfection.

6) Support your local quilt shop. Take classes and keep learning.

7) Join a local quilt guild. Make new friends who share your love of quilting. They are a great resource.   

Which tip did you find most helpful?



2 Responses to “7 Tips For Beginning Quilters From Laura Nownes”

  1. Jan Aalberg says:

    What is the name of the pattern that is square with the vegies on the top box. Please help if you can as I would like to make it. I got to attend the quilt show in February and enjoyed so much. .Also like reading the baCKROADS TO cALIFORNIA

    • Pat H says:

      If you are asking about the one pictured above it has several names but the most I hear is “Tumbling Blocks”. I did one and it was not easy to get started but once you get going it is not bad. I did the rows going down and made them as long as the length of the bed and then put the rows together. It was the first three rows I had trouble with.BUT if you read the direction several times it does work. From there on it is quite easy. You do have to have some quilting experience to make this quilt!
      The one in the picture is really pretty and I really like the choice of colours.

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