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Handbags Are So In!! Meet 2015 Vendor: StudioKat Designs

“When we started out, we thought we were going to start a Home Décor business.”

That’s what Kathy and Bubba Southern were thinking when Kathy retired in 2004. Thankfully, Kathy and Bubba decided to go down a different path:  creating a home-based, handbag pattern studio/business known as StudioKat Designs.StudioKat logo

After working 30 years doing lab work for a sewage plant in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, Kathy was looking for something different to do in retirement; something she could really enjoy and something she could do staying in her pajamas! “I have had a lifelong obsession with handbags and I knew what I liked,” remarked Kathy. “I found I could fill a niche that other people hadn’t been able to do: cater to people who want a real good alternative to an expensive bag.”_I4C8233

StudioKat Designs enjoys their online presence. In addition to their web site, they have a large following with their Facebook and Instagram accounts. On their web site, they sell handbag patterns as well as zippers and notions because they had a hard time finding good bag notions. Kathy says, “It was the best thing we did.”_I4C8242

What is their biggest seller? Their purse insert line. They began offering this pattern in 2007. Why does Kathy think it is so popular? “It’s a great way to organize ‘stuff’ and can be transferred between handbags.” StudioKat Designs1

Road 2015 was StudioKat Designs first time as a vendor. In fact, it was Bubba’s first time in California!!! Kathy and Bubba said they were “excited” to be at Road to California. “We don’t do many shows. We had a great time, met a lot of friends, and loved the weather!!  _I4C8236

Wouldn’t one of StudioKat Designs be great for Road to California’s Bag and Purse Challenge?



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