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Modern Quilts for Charity

The Modern Quilt Guild will have a special exhibit, The Best of QuiltCon 2015, at Road 2016.

The Modern Quilt Guild is a thriving online community of modern quilters. The founding guild was formed in Los Angeles in 2009 and has grown to over 125 guilds around the world with members in 6 continents.

Last August, the MQG offered a challenge to its members: the QuiltCon Charity Quilt Challenge. This challenge required participating Modern Quilt Guilds to work collaboratively to create quilts using a predetermined color palette and alternate grid work design. Quilts could utilize blocks of different sizes and additional negative space plus any other creative ideas.  Finished quilts were then donated by the guilds to local charities benefitting children.

The official rules also included:

  • Guilds had to complete a quilt using the predetermined color palette of white, light gray, chartreuse, burnt orange, sky blue, cerise and a deep turquoise.
  • The quilt had to use alternate grid work.
  • A pattern could be used provided the guilds got permission from the pattern designer.
  • A guild’s members provided the blocks for their quilt as well as all the necessary batting, backing, binding and additional fabric to complete the quilt top.
  • The finished quilts could be no smaller than 68”x 88” and not greater than 72” x 92”
  • Quilting could be no farther apart than 2”
  • Machine sewn binding was allowed.

Pictures of the finished guild quilts, along with their story on how they were created, began appearing on the MQG’s blog last spring. Some of the recent entries included:

Ann Arbor Modern Quilt Guildann-arbor-4

A quilt inspired by ideas! Arrows swarming and circulating represent the coordination of thought fragments.

Chicago Modern Quilt Guildchicagomqg1

Inspired by the pattern “Blue Ice” from Quilting Modern by Jacquie Gering and Katie Pedersen.

Central Jersey Modern Quilt Guildcentral-jersey-pic2

“Modern Bracelets” is a tribute to minimalism, bright colors, and modern piecing of every kind.

Boise Modern Quilt Guildboisemqgquiltconcharityquilt

The idea of a block slowly building and getting bigger with additional elements being added to it. It has double batting so it really “pops.”


Congratulations to all the modern quilt guilds that participated in MQG’s QuiltCon Charity Quilt Challenge.




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