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Meet Road 2017 Faculty: Sharon Miller

Sharon Miller will be teaching on Friday, 5067C  Espadrilles  and on Saturday,  6063C     Espadrilles  sharon-miller-one-shoe

Road to California 2017 will be featuring several handwork classes, including these beginner to intermediate level classes on how to make espadrilles shoes by Sharon  Miller. sharon-miller Espadrilles are casual, flat, shoes that originated in the Pyrenees. They usually have a canvas or cotton fabric upper and a flexible sole.sharon-miller-brocade Sharon has a Bachelor of Science degree in Home Economics, clothing and textiles. She began sewing, crocheting, and tatting when she was 10 years old and has created everything from clothing and costumes to home décor, bridal gowns, crafts and quilts.sharon-miller-dress How did Sharon get started in making espadrilles? “I love new things and when I saw the espadrilles I could hardly wait to start making them.  I envisioned them with kids clothes, casual wear, in leather, and a fun bridal party activity.”sharon-miller-childs There was a bit of a learning curve in learning how to make the shoes. Sharon tried all kinds of fabrics and had to figure out how to adjust the fit for unique feet.  Luckily for Sharon’s students, she has developed many quick tips to make the process easier that she will be sharing in her classes. Does Sharon have a favorite espadrilles style? She likes — and has a pair — of both flats and wedges. In her Road 2017 classes, students will be making the flat version. At Road 2016, Sharon demonstrated her espadrilles shoes in the EE Schenck Company booth in the Marketplace. It was such a popular demonstration that the Reese family asked her to offer a class at Road 2017. Previously, she has taught her espadrille class for shop owners in Portland, Oregon in 2015. Sharon is excited to share something she loves to make that has become natural to her. Students can expect to finish at least one pair of shoes and hopefully start the second pair before the end of class. Sharon describes her classes as both “fun and educational.” She adds, “We have a good time.”      ]]>

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