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Finding Quilt Show Fun With Friends

Why is Road to California the ultimate friend destination?

Besides offering outstanding lectures and classes, breathtaking winning quilts, and hundreds of unique vendors that Road to California is traditionally known for, friends find lots of reasons to share a day or week together, enhancing their Road quilt show experience.

Taking A Bus TripQuilt Show Fun With Friends

How much do Candi, Maria, and Karen like Road’s Quilt Show Bus Excursions? So much that they have gone on six of them!!! They like the variety of stops the trips go to as well as seeing areas of Southern California that they don’t usually get to. Candi and Karen have known each other since second grade!! The three friends met each other in a quilting class they took in 2004. They’ve been to Road to California’s Quilt Show together nine times.

Round Robin Tips At RoundaboutQuilt Show Fun With Friends

Learning with friends and sharing quilt tips interests Rita, Judy and Denise. While they all sign up to sit in traditional classes and lectures at Road’s Quilt Show, they find fun at Roundabout because it gets them up and moving in 20-minute intervals. They enjoy choosing topics together that are taught by teachers and vendors they wouldn’t have run into before. Judy and Denise are married to brothers. They’ve been quilting for 27 years. Their first class was a 12-block sampler that took 12 weeks to complete. Rita is a friend of Denise’s sisters and says that Judy and Denise “adopted” her. Her first quilting class 8 years ago was at a Senior Center after she retired.

 Party TimeQuilt Show Fun With Friends

“Party Time is Awesome,” says Audrey, Cherie, and Sylvia. “It is a lot of fun, and the prizes are great.” This threesome has attended Party time four times. Figuring out how to dress-up is part of their fun. At Road 2018, they wore the same matching red aprons that they wore working in the Baby Loc booth at the San Diego Quilt Show. All three belong to the San Diego Quilt Guild where they go on retreats and participate in the guild’s Green Quilters group- recycling and repurposing fabric and patterns for items that are donated. They have a combined total of 30 years of quilting experience and 27 years of attending Road to California.

Modern IdeasQuilt Show Fun With Friends

Where do Los Angeles sewists Ariga, Elise, and Perla find fun, support and encouragement for their new quilting hobby? By walking around viewing Road’s Quilt Show exhibits and talking with more experienced quilters. While they see a lot of traditional quilting ideas, Perla commented she liked seeing more Modern designs and quilters at Road 2018. A quilter for 6 years, Elise commented how she appreciated the inspiration she found at the show. Together, they share ideas on how to get creative with all the fabric choices.

Are you wanting to add to your Road to California Quilt Show experience with these fun quilt show activities? Sign up for these events on our website.        ]]>

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