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Road 2015 Special Exhibit: The WICKED Cherrywood Challenge

Are you a fan of the Broadway hit musical, Wicked?New Wicked

Curator Karla Overland of Cherrywood Fabrics had wanted to organize a quilt challenge for some time and when she saw the production on Broadway, she knew immediately this quilt challenge would be a hit – just like the musical.Wicked logo

Artists involved in this challenge chose how to interpret the theme “WICKED.” Most of the quilts are based off the Broadway show or The Wizard of Oz. The exhibit consists of 114 small quilts. There are three quilts attached to 6-foot banners of black felt for a total of 38 banners. The dramatic impact of the display is amazing because of the cohesive size and colors.Cherrywood1

Submissions for the exhibit were accepted through August 1, 2014. Each quilt had to be made entirely from Cherrywood Hand Dyed Fabric, with the exception of embellishments. The quilts are 20” squares and used specially dyed lime greens – Cherrywood Wicked Greens – and black.Cherrywood4

Karla hopes that the WICKED Cherrywood Challenge generates excitement and appreciation for quilts done in solid colors. Says Karla, “The color is the hero here and inspired wonderful creativity from the entrants.”  Karla also added, “Our suede-look fabric is so rich and saturated.  I hope people will appreciate how strong a quilt can be just using Cherrywood.”  There is a photo book available of the entire exhibit including artist statements.

The WICKED challenge is the first of Cherrywood Challenges yet to come. Look for the announcement of future themes on their website:  cherrywoodfabrics.com


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One Response to “Road 2015 Special Exhibit: The WICKED Cherrywood Challenge”

  1. Sue Duisenberg says:

    Looks like a really fun exhibit! Can’t wait

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