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Posts Tagged ‘Hoffman Digital Panels’

Celebrating Hoffman Fabrics: 94 Years And Going Strong

Friday, May 4th, 2018

How much do you know about this iconic fabric brand?

Michelle Flores of Hoffman Fabrics shared the following 10 Facts and Figures of the “Hoffman Look” in a $5.00 lecture at Road to California 2018:

1) A family owned and operated business, currently four generations of the Hoffman family run the day to day operations with headquarters in Mission Viejo, California

2) Imaginative fabrics originate with a team of in-house textile artists. Many designs are developed from hand-drawn and hand-painted art. Premium screen-printed and hand-dyed fabrics are manufactured for independent retailers

3) Hoffman searches the world for their premium, high thread count, 100% cotton fabric base.

4) Bali Batiks are a Hoffman exclusive. They have been running their own independent operation in Bali for 35 years. Original, hand drawn designs are put in the computer where designers play with size and repeat. Once perfected, the design is sent to the factory in Bali and re-created on copper stamps which are dipped in wax and applied to the base fabric. Wax does not absorb dye, so designs are left intact. When the dying process is completed, the wax is washed off.5) The minimum order for each Batik design and color is 1,000 yards. Because it takes 6-8 months to develop a Batik fabric, it is recommended that if you love a particular design, buy it when you see it as Hoffman does not duplicate the same design and colors.

6) Interested in their famous Christmas Batiks? These fabrics are delivered to stores in June and July.   

7) Me + You is Hoffman’s modern Batik line. They are mostly solid fabrics with minimal design patterns like these prints created by Latifah Saarfir exclusively for Hoffman Fabrics:8) Can’t find Batiks in your area? Hoffman recommends you first go to your local fabric shop and request what you want. If you still can’t purchase locally, these online retailers carry Hoffman’s line: e-Quilter.com, Batiks Plus, Hancock’s of Paducah, and Nancy’s Notions.

9) For the past 5 years, Digital Prints have become Hoffman’s latest fabric trend. Because a screen-printed fabric can only hold 17-18 colors, the magic of digital printing allows designers to achieve a more realistic effect using more colors. Custom orders for digital prints are honored with a minimum of 500 yards.10) Digital Prints are also made in to panels which can be used for binding and backing or can be cut-up for piecing. Some of their popular panels include the Crazy Panel—all Hoffman fabric challenge prints for the past 30 years. Not sure how to use a digital print panel? Hoffman has free patterns on their website for ideas.

Hoffman Fabrics has lots to celebrate in 2018: Fabulous fabrics, a rich heritage, and their 30th Anniversary of the Hoffman Challenge. Thanks Hoffman Fabrics for allowing Road to California 2018 be the exclusive stop in sharing your successes.      ]]>