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Posts Tagged ‘On Line Quilting and Embroidery Store’

Road 2015 Vendor Spotlight: Meet Splinters and Threads

Friday, February 20th, 2015

A Road to California Sponsor, the online business Splinters and Threads, began in 2002 as the place that “brings you the best in quilting and embroidery.” Splinters and Threads features machine embroidery designs, wood printing blocks, fabric paints, patterns and fabrics.Splinters and Threads

Owner Gina Reddin has been sewing since she was a very young girl in West Texas. She made her first dress completely unsupervised right after her 3rd grade year in school. She called her mother to see if she could sew something while she was home that day. When her mother returned home from school, she fully expected to find a slew of cut up fabrics. only to find a fully completed dress. Gina entered that dress in the fair that year and came home with a blue ribbon. Gina won numerous competitions in school, Girl Scouts, and 4-H.Gina Reddin

When her children were young, Gina made most of their clothing and soon began making quilts. While home with her 4 children and expecting her 5th child, Gina discovered machine embroidery.  With her degree in Interior Design and having worked as a draftsperson, digitizing was naturally the next step. The images of the embroidery designs progressed into having blocks hand carved in India.  Today, Gina brings together her love of computers, quilting, machine embroidery, and fabric to bring a wide array of genres into her designs. Gina has been published in Quilting and Embroidery Magazine and Quiltmaker magazine.

In addition to her business, Gina enjoys photography and travel.  She loves hands-on classes, helping others get interested in new ideas.  Giving to others also excites Gina; the hand carved blocks now help support 40 families in India ensuring electricity in their homes and all their children now in school.

Splinters and Threads has been a vendor at Road for five years. 2015 marked the first year the company was a Road sponsor. Gina remarked, “I love the customers that Road has, the quality of the quilts and the special afternoon treatment Road shows its vendors.”Splinters and Threads2

What will be new for Splinters and Threads in 2015? Gina shares that a new template/ruler will be released this year.  “This one template will replace several templates and be a space saver.” There will also be new patterns offered to go with the line.

To see all the products offered by Splinters and Threads, please visit their web site: www.splintersandthreads.com
