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Posts Tagged ‘Sewing organizers’

From Travel to Sewing: Meet Yazzii Bags

Tuesday, May 19th, 2015

“Life is short. Do it right”

This philosophy has guided Yazzii Bags owner, Yasmita Magan, in all her decisions, especially as she has developed this international company known for producing “the world’s best bag.” [caption id="attachment_3160" align="aligncenter" width="525"]Photo by Gregory Case Photography Photo by Gregory Case Photography[/caption] Born in South Africa, Yasmita is a Canadian citizen who has called Australia her home for the past 26 years.  Once you meet her, you are captivated by her exuberance for life and for her business. It’s easy to see how she acquired the nickname, “Jazzy Yazzii.” With a passion for people and design, Yazzii strives to put her “best foot forward” in all she does. Yasmita’s professional career started in the travel industry. She had seen the need for a travel bag that was versatile and long-lasting, so began developing quality, handmade bags, the forerunners of today’s Yazzii bags.  At age 40, Yasmita left the travel industry and for the past 14 years, has been selling her bags full time. [caption id="attachment_3157" align="aligncenter" width="609"]_I4C8203 Photo by Gregory Case Photography[/caption] The first Yazzii Bags were sold to hold jewelry when traveling. They quickly became popular with crafters as mini craft organizers. Then, in October, 2001, while selling her bags in Sydney Harbor, Yazzii met two women dressmakers who fell in love with her bags and remarked how versatile they could be for storing sewing supplies. Yazii took their suggestions and began marketing her travel bags to the sewing world where their demand has quickly grown All bags are handmade in India in a factory owned by Yasmita. A Hindu, Yazzii speaks their language and feels more comfortable running her company there than in China. She has made 65 trips to India over the years to personally oversee the bag production. Workers sit on the floor as they make the bags. It takes approximately 7 hours to produce one bag!! Yazzii is especially proud of the fact that her bags hold their value.  Her zippers are of the highest quality and remain intact even after 14 years of constant opening and closing. In addition, a specialty line of bags have been designed for quilters Sue Spargo and Jinny Beyer. [caption id="attachment_3161" align="aligncenter" width="613"]Photo by Gregory Case Photography Photo by Gregory Case Photography[/caption] Yazzii Bags are sold in Australia, Europe, Japan and the United States. Being a vendor at Road 2015 was a highlight for Yazzii. She appreciated the “tremendous opportunity” Carolyn Reese offered her to be there. Yazzii’s husband (they’ve been married for 36 years) joined Yazzii for the show, assisting her in selling the bags. They both loved meeting all the quilters, hearing success stories of their Yazzii Bags, and introducing new customers to their product. They are thrilled to return to Road 2016. Yasmita Magan is fulfilling her dream of making a difference in the world, one Yazzii Bag at a time.  ]]>