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Posts Tagged ‘Thread Sale’

How Do You Thread Your Needle?

Friday, July 25th, 2014

All threads are not created equal. And who should know this more than Bob Purcell, President of Superior Threads and a Self-Certified Threadologist. Mr. Purcell presented two, $5.00 Lectures at Road 2014 entitled, Thread Therapy with Dr. Bob.MasterPiece-Group-Shot-L

How your thread performs depends on Five Thread Criteria:

  1. Quality: The higher the quality of thread, the less special handling is required. Quality thread is worthy of your machine and your project.
  2. Needles: Make sure you are using the right type and size. A topstitich needle works best with most projects because it has a larger eye and deeper groove. Make sure the needle is inserted correctly in your machine and that your machine is threaded correctly.
  3. Tension: Dr. Bob says, “Running your machine always at the same tension setting is like buying a new TV and never changing the channel.” Learn how to make quick and easy adjustments, even if your machine has an auto tensioner.
  4. Delivery System: How is the thread prepared to use on your machine? Is the thread wound on a spool or a cone? Either type is OK but each has a different use. The larger the spool, the greater the savings.
  5. Condition of Sewing Machine: Always keep your machine clean and in good condition. Regular maintenance insures your machine is in the best condition.

Dr. Bob also answered some common questions regarding thread:

How accurate are thread labels? Because different manufacturers use different standards of measurement, labels are not always accurate. Rely more on your sight and touch than the printed label.

What weight of thread should I use? It depends what you want the thread to do. A simple rule, “Heavy to show, thin to blend.”

Should I only use cotton thread in my quilts? Traditional quilters often used all cotton: fabric, batting, and thread. Times have changed and machine quilting has opened a whole new world. Polyester, medium and heavier cotton and even metallic thread can be used to enhance the beauty of a quilt.Banner-Machine_Quilting

Does polyester thread tear the fabric? No. Under normal use, polyester and softer, non-glazed threads will not tear through the fabric and is perfectly fine to use.   

Does the bobbin thread have to match the top thread in type and size? No. The bobbin thread can be a lighter weight than the top thread and still provide sufficient strength. Since bobbin thread does not go through a needle, bobbin threads have fewer problems.Banner-Prewound_Bobbins

Now is a great time to try Superior Threads. From now until July 31, customers can save up to 75% on Try Me Specials. For the first time ever, Try Me Specials are being put on a bigger FREEDOM sale.  These specials are already 30-50% off, but for the rest of July, they are an additional 50% off the already-sale price.  You choose the thread type and Superior threads will choose the colors. Choose from over 50 products.  With prices this low, you can afford to try a thread you have never used before. Just use the Promotional Code tryme at checkout.

Discover what threads work best for you, keeping in mind the Five Thread Criteria and have fun!!!

What is your favorite Superior Threads product?

