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Are You An Eleanor Burns/Quilt In A Day Fan Too?

Eleanor Burns is always a big crowd pleaser at Road. Her fans come from near and far to attend one of her lectures and to browse her Quilt in a Day vendor booth.

This year, two of Eleanor’s biggest admirers came to see her Thursday night lecture. They were nine year old Katie and her Grammy, Barbara. How did we know that they were such big fans? Perhaps it was because they own a life-size cutout of Eleanor that they dress up for all the holidays.  Barbara and Katie

Barbara lives in Northern California. She drives down to Rancho Cucamonga in Southern California every three months to visit Katie and her family. Sewing is a big part of her visits. Barbara is always bringing along batting, fabric, and her sewing machine in her car which has the license plate, ♥2BQLTN.

Ever since Katie was 3 or 4, she wanted to sew along with her Grammy. Together they have made lots of pillows, pillow cases, placemats and one quilt. Katie got her own Brother sewing machine the week of the show. Currently, Barbara is helping Katie make a quilt on her new machine that she plans to enter in next year’s youth sewing challenge for Road to California.

This was Barbara and Katie’s second visit to Road. It is their favorite show. They like to “get material together to make different things and create.” And of course, they love being able to see Eleanor Burns in person. They sat on the front row and Katie even got to be a part of Eleanor’s show. What a thrill for this young fan!!!img_6638

 Have you ever met your idol in person? Who was it and where did you meet them?







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