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A Birthday Wish

Road to California is all about family. It is a family run business under the direction of owner Carolyn Reese, managed by grandson Matt Reese, a business dedicated to promoting a feeling of  family for all who attends.   And while you’ll see various members of the Reese family participating in putting on the show, there is one member of their family who can’t join in but who is always close in thought. 

Glenda Kaye White is Carolyn’s sister.  Born November 23, 1944, Glenda suffered a birth injury which left her with the mental capacity of a seven year old. When Glenda was younger, Carolyn’s mother took care of all of her needs and made sure that Glenda was provided opportunities to experience the world around her. Today, Glenda is happy and doesn’t have a care in the world. She lives in a special facility in Upland, California. Glenda’s favorites include country music, “I Love Lucy” re-runs, the color red, and the song, “You are my Sunshine.” But more than anything else, Glenda LOVES GETTING MAIL.  Birthday cards, postcards, holiday cards, short notes — anything that the postman delivers just for her brings true joy and excitement in to Glenda’s life. She collects each and every letter and safe keeps them in her special RED purse to read over and over again.

So, in honor of Glenda’s birthday and the holiday season that is fast approaching, the Reese family would like to ask a favor of you, our Road extended family….Would you mind sending a card to Glenda? A belated birthday wish, a holiday message — any kind of card would do. Our hope is that Glenda will receive lots and lots of mail, beginning today, through Thanksgiving, and on to the entire month of December. Can you imagine what a thrill it would be for her? Here is her address: 


Glenda Kaye White

1289 North 3rd

Upland, California 91786


You can be sure that this small act of kindness will make a world of difference to one woman’s life.  A real birthday wish come true!!!       


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2 Responses to “A Birthday Wish”

  1. SewCalGal says:

    How special. Happy Birthday to Glenda. And I’ll definitely send her a card today.

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