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Road 2014 Faculty Spotlight: Meet Jacquelyn Gering

Jacquie will be teaching four classes: 4005 Stitch Flip and Improvisation on Thursday, 5005 Log Cabin Modern Makeover on Friday,6005 Slice and Insert Improvisation – The Shattered Quilt! on Saturday, and on Sunday,7005 Creative Quilting With Your Walking Foot.  Jacquie Gering Head ShotPersonal: Jacquie Gering sits on the Board of Directors for the Modern Quilt Guild and is an enthusiastic advocate for all things modern quilting.  The inspiration for her modern quilt designs comes from the world around her (like the city of Chicago) and from causes she is passionate about. She has created a quilt in response to the Boston Marathon Bombing and one in support of anti-violence. The mother of two sons in their 20’s, Jacquie’s quilting partner is her adopted black lab, Bruno.picaftermatha

























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How did you get started in quilting?  I started quilting by accident 5 years ago.  A visit to the Gees Bend exhibit happened to correspond with me quitting my job. There was something about The Quilts of Gees Bend that reached out to me. They inspired me, and I had the time, so I gave quilting a try.

Does anyone else in your family quilt? Not really.  My family is Mennonite so making is a tradition.  The men and women in my family are all makers.  The women are/were all accomplished seamstresses.  They could make a quilt if they needed to.

What is the one quilt tool you can’t live without? My sewing machine.  It’s my best friend.

What do you like to do when you aren’t quilting? I love to visit art museums, walk my dog and listen to music.  I also love to write.building_bridge_overall

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What do you like best about teaching? I’ve been a teacher for over 30 years.  Teaching is the best job in the world.  The best part of teaching is that kids and adults learn!

What is your best tip for quilters? Don’t be afraid to fail and then learn from your mistakes.piccrosscut

What do you want your students to get out of your class? It’s important to me that students leave class having gained knowledge and skill in the technique and confidence in their design ability.

You can find Jacqueline at: www.tallgrassprairiestudio.blogspot.com



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