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Giving Back At Road 2017

“The life of a man consists not in seeing visions and in dreaming dreams, but in active charity and in willing service.     Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Road to California has teamed up with the Robert and Beverly Lewis Cancer Care Center in Pomona, California and Anita Grossman Solomon, one of our Road 2017 Faculty, to make as many quilts as possible on the Saturday night of Road 2017. All quilts produced that night will be given to cancer patients at the center on behalf of everyone participating with this wonderful cause.roadies-give-back2

The Robert and Beverly Lewis Cancer Care Center was chosen as the recipient of Road’s night of service because Show Director Matt Reese’s mom, Shellee Reese, has been a long time employee at the center. Roadies have supported the center in the past, casting votes for the award winning video that won valuable donation dollars to the center in 2014. Linda Rasmussen is overseeing the project and the Sew-A-Thon that will take place Saturday, January 21st beginning at 7:00 PM. Linda has been a volunteer at Road in the judging room for 17 years.  She joined Road to California’s staff last year, first as Ribbon Clerk in the judging room and now the Coordinator for Roadies Give Back. Linda says the goal for Roadies Give Back is to supply lap size quilts to the patients of the Robert and Beverly Lewis Cancer Care Center.  The quilts will be made from a block designed by Anita Grossman Solomon especially for Road to California.  Road to California fans and attendees throughout the United States and overseas are invited to make the blocks prior to the show.  Then, on January 21st, all of the blocks received will be assembled into quilt tops, quilted and prepared for donation to the Cancer Care Center. During the evening there will be door prizes and raffle prizes along with yummy treats. How can you be a part of this worthwhile event?saturday-january-21-7-00-pm
  • Tell a friend.
Share this blog post in an email, with your social media or with your guild. Linda has already started to visit guilds in the area. She says the response “has been enthusiastic.”
  • Make a square (or two or more!!)
There is no limit to the amount of blocks you can contribute. A raffle ticket will be given for each square donated. We will start accepting squares at Road’s office beginning December 5, 2016. Mail them in, roper them off, or bring them to the show.
  • Register for the event.
Go to our website and sign up to assist with either piecing (class 9600C), domestic quilting (class 9601C), longarm quilting (class 9602C) or finishing (class 9603C). A nominal $10 fee will be collected at the time of registration. Half the fee will go to directly to the Cancer Center and the other half will be applied to deferring costs for supplies for the evening.
  • Join in the fun.
Stay at the show after the classes have finished and the vendors have closed. Machines will be provided for the night. Guests are encouraged to bring thread, snips, pins and any other items that makes sewing more productive for them.teachers_classrooms__i4c5741 We hope you will want to be a part of this very special event. As Linda says, “It is a great opportunity to show support to people who need to know that we are all working toward making their challenge of facing cancer just a bit less intimidating.  Something to keep you warm, made with love, showing support, is a visible way to make a difference in someone’s day.” To learn more about Roadies Give Back including getting the pattern for the squares and where to send them when you are done, please visit our website.    ]]>

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