Karen will be teaching half day classes on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday where every student will have their own machine head featuring Gammill machines. Monday: #1006 The Art of Trapunto and #1007 Mini Whole Cloth Quilts; Tuesday: #2006 Feathers and Flourishes and #2007 The Art of Trapunto; and on Wednesday: #3015 Mini Whole Cloth Quits and #3016 Feathers and Flourishes. Karen is also teaching an all-day class on Thursday #4011 Ready, Set, Go-The Basics of Free-Motion Quilting. 
Personal: Karen Sievert is a terrific quilter with an international flair. She was born in Kwajalein in the Marshall Islands and has lived in Italy for two years. Consequently, she adores everything Italian. Karen has 3 children (Wayne, Shannah and Travis) whom she is “tremendously proud of,” and two dogs, a Maltese named Harley and a Goldendoodle named Shiloh. She enjoys music (it is always playing in her sewing room) and reading. The last book she read was Saving Faith by Jodi Piccoult.
How did you get started in quilting? My sister dragged me into a quilt shop in 1997, firmly stating that I needed a hobby! I was immediately hooked, had visions of sugar plums dancing in my head, and haven’t looked back since! For those of you old enough to remember what Calgon is, well, quilting is my “Calgon, Take Me Away!”
Does anyone else in your family quilt? Only the sister who dragged me into that quilt shop! But I’ve recently moved and have another sister, a niece and a great-niece that are all looking to learn!
Where do you find inspiration for your quilting? I think inspiration can be found everywhere! It might be the flower in the garden, a Hallmark card, or the pattern on someone’s sweater. The more open I am, the more I see.
What is the one quilting tool you can’t live without? Wow, that’s a tough question! There are so many tools out there that have made our quilting adventures so much easier. I guess when it comes right down to it, it would be my sewing machine! I love my sewing machine and I think it loves me back! Once, when gone for quite some time, I came home and there was a Post It note on it saying, “I miss you.”
What do you like best about teaching? Easiest question so far! The best thing about teaching is the friendships you make with other quilters! I was a ‘military wife’ for almost 30 years which meant moving…ALOT! I could always find a friend in a quilting group!
What is the funniest or most embarrassing moment you have experienced while teaching? I once had a group that wanted me to teach a class using prairie points, a very “iron intensive” project! Before the class, they had changed the materials and supply sheets, deleting the irons! To top it off, my class limit is always 24, but for this class 64 women showed up. We had exactly two irons for all of them!!!! I learned then, that a sense of humor coupled with a great deal of flexibility can make anything work! Believe it or not, even though I was ready to “throw up” in the parking lot, it was one of the best classes I’ve ever had!
What has been the best class you have taken? Ok, so this is embarrassing! I’ve only taken one class. And the instructor did most of my work because I was so inept! It was a Stained Glass Vest. Loved the teacher, loved the vest, and though it no longer fits, I still have it!
Want is your best tip for quilters? OK, so I have three. First, measure twice, cut once! Second, always test your seam allowance. And third, like the Nike slogan says, “JUST DO IT!”
What do you want your students to get out of your class? EVERY THING!!! Always want to over-deliver, not under-whelm! I want my students to have the faith, confidence, and belief that they can do whatever they envision.
You can reach Karen at www.theniftyneedle.com