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Posts Tagged ‘Gammill’

Road 2018 Best of Show

Wednesday, February 7th, 2018

Congratulations to Claudia Pfeil  who won $10,000  from Sponsor Gammill Quilting Systems for her quilt, Fractal Claudia Pfeil is a quilting pioneer in Germany.

She made her first quilt in 1984 without the now common rotary cutter and rulers. As she remember, “There was much “trial and error” as I taught myself the tricks of making templates and seams.” This quilt ended up being her only large sewing project for many years. Claudia studied textile design at the University of Applied Sciences Niederrhein. This work drew her interests into different directions. She got the “quilting fever” –  but didn’t know it at the time. In 1992, with the birth of her first son, Julian, Claudia decided that the work she had done in the textile arena would go in a new direction.  She started by going through her drawers and bins, uncovering  her “hoarded” treasures that she had been collecting over the years.  One of her treasures that she found were handwoven fabric pieces that she made while attending university, on a 16 shaft loom. She was dedicated to giving those 30×30 cm (almost 12 inch) blocks a new “right to exist“ in a quilt! Because she didn’t have the “proper ‘yarn’ for sewing,” Claudia went to the local sewing shop where she was introduced to her first rotary cutter, mat and quilting ruler.  Content with her  “learn by doing” approach, those experimental times gave her the courage to improvise.  She took her finished quilt to the sewing shop and immediately, the owners asked her to teach them her technique!!  Looking back, Claudia says she has “to smile about my self confidence without having any clue!” It didn’t take long for Claudia to start buying and selling fabrics; first in the basement of her house, then in 1997, renting a small location in town where she opened Quilt & Co.  In 2002, the shop was moved to a larger – and current – location in Krefeld, Ritterstrasse. The fall of 2004 totally changed Claudia’s world. She had brought Quilt & Co.  as a vendor to the French quilt show, Carrefour du Patchwork. Next to her booth was APQS. She played everyday on their Millennium quilting machine and was hooked with longarm quilting. She purchased her longarm machine in 2005, finding a way to “express myself through fabric and thread that was exciting, addictive and fun.” Claudia says free-motion quilting gives her the freedom–“like an eagle flying over the mountains”– to play with spaces and quilting designs. When Claudia begins a project, she likes to work with a theme. Themes challenge her, get her out of her comfort zone, and start her thinking “out of the box.” Her theme for Fractal was kaleidoscopes. Claudia searched Google for pictures of kaleidoscopes and endless links introduced her to fractals. She admits that before then, she really didn’t know what fractals were.  She became fascinated by their dynamic , vitality and vibrancy. Before falling asleep at night, she would collect dreams and visions of her theme and began thinking about how she could translate her visions into realistic designs. She began by preparing circles in different sizes out of white Dupioni silk on freezer paper templates. Next, she drew designs on to the circles, first with pencil, then if she was satisfied, she drew them with a black pen (Faber-Castell)  filling in the details and painted them with acrylic colors              (Stewart Gill) and Tsukineko ink pens. Playing and creating  the layers is one of the main parts of the quilt. She tried to enhance this impression with the choice and placement of quilting designs. Using 100 wt black silk thread, it took several backtracking stitches around the outlines of the circle designs to repeat and enhance the  black drawing lines. The design was couched with different yarns ( for example Razzle Dazzle and Yli ) around all outlines, respecting again the different layers to create a foreground and a background. Her final touch? 30,000 Swarovski Crystals!!! Claudia says her entire process took approximately 10 months to complete. Besides learning about fractals, Claudia also learned by trial and error how to use mixed types of ink and paints and pens while making Fractal. She commented, “I learned that it is hard to get rid of pencil drawings on silk.” When she received the news that Fractal had won Best of Show, it was around 5:00 AM in the morning in Germany. Claudia said she woke up “unintentionally” to check the time on her cellphone and saw that she had received several messages on Facebook telling her of her award. She went downstairs, opened her email and saw the official announcement from Road. Claudia said she was “shocked” when she found out she had won. Where does Claudia go from here with her quilting? “I am working on my new project for 2018. I am bit behind my own time schedule this time. But the quilt is loaded on the machine and waiting to be quilted. In May, I will travel to the USA  to teach at several APQS Showrooms in Raleigh, Louisville, Austin and Dallas. In November, I will be at Quilt Festival in Houston and…. I am soooo hoping to be back at Road to California next year!” Congratulations Claudia Pfeil for your outstanding entry.  



We Appreciate Our 2018 Platinum Sponsor: Gammill

Tuesday, November 28th, 2017

Platinum Sponsor is Gammill. Since 1980, the Gammill Quilting Machine Company has been an innovative leader in machine quilting. They were the first to develop a large-throat sewing machine on tracks which could be operated from both sides and move in any direction on a specially-designed stand. This revolutionary idea enabled pantograph patterns to be traced directly onto fabric, therefore making it possible to complete a quilt or bedspread in a matter of hours rather than days. Their Platinum Sponsor contribution of $10,000 is the grand prize for the Best of Show quilt entry in our quilt contest. In addition, Gammill provides their Gammill Quilting Systems Stand Up Longarm Machines for classes taught by experienced Gammill quilters.  And throughout the show, Gammill hosts a booth front and center on the main show floor. Last year’s Best of Show winner was The Twisted Sister, made and quilted by Margaret Gunn. Currently, this year’s accepted entries are being received at our home office, waiting for their official judging. Gammill is anxiously awaiting to see which quilt rises to the top. Classes using Gammill Quilting Systems Stand Up Longarm Machines are being offered several days during the week of the show. On Monday and Tuesday, Kristin Vierra of Quilter on the Run, will be teaching on the Gammill machines, guiding students with their hands-on experience.

1014R     Fun Feathers that Fit Anywhere

2014R   Easy Background Fillers for Longarm Quilters

Kris began her long arm quilting business over 10 years ago on a used Gammill machine. Since then, she has purchased a new, Gammill Vision 2. In November, 2016, Kris was honored to be chosen as an official Gammill Quilt Artist. On Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday, the three sisters from Sew Kind of Wonderful (Helen Robinson, Jenny Pedigo, and Sherilyn Mortensen) will taking turns teaching classes using the Gammill Machines:

3018R Wonder Feathers

5012R  Wonderfills

6010R     Caution! Curves Ahead

Something to note: Helen has recently been named a Gammill Ambassador. Looking to learn more about the Gammill Quilting Systems? Visit their booth where company experts can guide you through hands-on practicing with their machines. Last year, a highlight for the staff was helping young quilter, 10-year-old Angela, practice on her “dream machine.” Gammill is always “thrilled” to play an integral part of Road to California. The company appreciates the show’s great mix of education, vendors, special events, quilt showcases and fun. Says Gammill representative, Shandi Brinkman, “Road to California attracts such outstanding talent. We are excited to be able to recognize the creativity, hard work and dedication of quilters.” It is Matt Reese’s hope that Gammill and Road to California will continue to enjoy “a long and lasting relationship.”]]>

Grandmothers, Granddaughters, and Quilting

Saturday, April 8th, 2017

Levonne signed up Angela for sewing classes and Angela thought they were “really fun.” In her classes, Angela has made a purse, pin cushion, neck pillows, and a skirt. Angela grew up watching her grandmother quilting. Since she was three, she would sit on Levonne’s lap and watch. Angela started quilting on her own 2 years ago. Her first quilt was queen size!! She has her own Brother machine and will inherit her grandmother’s Brother embroidery machine one day. Angela is currently interested in longarm quilting and has been practicing. Her dream is to own a Gammill machine one day. When Gammill, Road’s Platinum Sponsor, heard this, they invited Angela to spend some time with their machines in their booth. They promised to work with Levonne and Angela to have Angela’s dream come true!!Grandmothers, Granddaughters, and Quilting Rachel lives in Orange County, California. She brought her 9 year old granddaughter, Siri, who lives in Montana. Rachel’s grandmother was a quilter and when she passed away, Rachel “took up quilting in earnest.” That was 38 years ago. Rachel’s daughters all sew and now she hopes to pass on her love of quilting to Siri. As Rachel says, “Traditions are important.” Siri is just learning to sew from her mother. She has made pillowcases and has donated them to the Beach Cities Quilters Guild. Siri’s favorite quilt on display at the show featured a cat. Faith, age 8, is the great-granddaughter of Annie who has been quilting since 2005 when a co-worker invited her to take a quilting class with the Downey Adult School. Annie now takes classes every Friday at Pico Rivera’s Rio Hondo Park.  Annie quilts “any pattern I can put together,” and particularly enjoys Quilt in a Day by Eleanor Burns. After watching her “Nanny” make a quilt, Faith asked her if she could make one. Annie cut out 5 inch squares and Faith sewed them together, making her first quilt for her baby sister. Faith hopes to make quilts and sell them because “quilting is fun.”Grandmothers, Granddaughters, and Quilting]]>

Two Ways To Show Off Your Quilt for Road 2017

Thursday, July 14th, 2016

Do you have a quilt that you have been working on that you would like to share with the public?

Road to California 2017 is offering two opportunities for quilters to enter their quilt designs – one that we are known for and a new one for quilts to be part of a special exhibit.

First, there is Road’s annual Quilt Contest. For 2017, quilters have the chance to vie for prize money totaling $90,000. Once again, Gammill is sponsoring the Best of Show category, offering $10,000 for the top prize. [caption id="attachment_4055" align="aligncenter" width="404"]Best of Show Road 2016 - Silk Road Sampler by MelissaSobotka Best of Show Road 2016 – Silk Road Sampler by MelissaSobotka[/caption] Road receives hundreds of entries each year in their annual contest for the fifteen categories.  In order to qualify to enter, quilts have to have been made since January 1, 2015 and could not have been entered in a Road contest previously. The quilts have to been made with three distinct layers and no pre-quilted fabrics can be used. [caption id="attachment_4093" align="aligncenter" width="336"]2016 Outstanding Modern Quilt by Linda M. Thielfoldt 2016 Outstanding Modern Quilt by Linda M. Thielfoldt[/caption] Individuals can enter up to 3 quilts in the contest. Entry packets can be obtained on the Road website and must be received at Road’s office (either online or by mail) no later than October 3, 2016. Entrants are notified by November 28, 2016 if their quilt is chosen for the competition.  Quilters then have until December 23, 2016 to ship their quilt to Road’s office. [caption id="attachment_4035" align="aligncenter" width="327"]2016 Director's Choice by Kathy McNeil 2016 Director’s Choice by Kathy McNeil[/caption] Judging for the contest will take place on January 17, 2017. Besides the top prizes, judges also consider three winners for each of the categories offered. All winners are notified the evening of the 17th. [caption id="attachment_4110" align="aligncenter" width="336"]2016 Outstanding Traditional Quilt by Bethanne G. Nemesh 2016 Outstanding Traditional Quilt by Bethanne G. Nemesh[/caption] For more information on our 2017 Quilt Contest, please visit our website. If you have a modern design quilt that you are proud of, perhaps you might consider entering it in the Special Exhibit, Modern Quilts – Redesigning Traditions. While no prize money is being offered, accepted quilts earn the prestige of being included in this special display.jpgMQRTLogo_FINAL-300x244 The exhibit will be shown at the Ontario Museum of History and Art in Ontario, California, December 1, 2016 through January 22, 2017 – which includes time during Road 2017. Modern Quilts: Redesigning Tradition, explores the modern evolution of traditional quilt patterns. Entries must adhere to the exhibit theme: traditional quilt blocks redesigned into a quilted item displaying Modern Quilting aesthetics. The traditional block used as inspiration must be identified by its commonly used name on the entry form. [caption id="attachment_3839" align="aligncenter" width="296"]Not Your Grandmother’s Wedding by Pauline Saltzman Not Your Grandmother’s Wedding by Pauline Saltzman[/caption] Submissions considered for acceptance to the exhibit include quilts, bags, pillows, and table coverings. All entries must consist of three distinct layers: top, middle layer and backing and must be quilted by hand and/or machine. No entry can exceed 96” wide. Due to shipping restrictions, quilted upholstered furniture will not be accepted. [caption id="attachment_3842" align="aligncenter" width="297"]Square in a Square by Christa Watson Square in a Square by Christa Watson[/caption] The deadline to submit entries is August 15, 2016. Accepted pieces will be notified by October 1, 2016. Interested sewists can request detailed information and an entry form from Guest Curator, Geroganna Hawley at ghawley@ontarioca.gov Road to California is looking forward to all the submissions for both of these events. What quilt will you be entering for Road’s contests?    ]]>

A Giveaway: Statler Educational Program At Road 2016

Thursday, November 19th, 2015

Road 2016 will be offering the Statler Educational Program — a series of 4 classes taught by certified Statler instructor Georgia Stull — designed for longarm quilters of all levels.    

Gammill Quilting Systems premier machine, Statler by Gammill, recently celebrated its 25th anniversary. The machine was invented by Paul Statler for his wife, Mildred, in 1990.download   [caption id="attachment_3511" align="aligncenter" width="565"]The original Statler design by Paul Statler The original Statler design by Paul Statler[/caption] Mr. Statler sold his first Statler Stitcher technology to Gammill in 1994. He and Mildred continue today to build and advance the Statler by Gammill.     Paul and Mildred 2015 Color The Statler by Gammill utilizes cutting-edge computer software and robust hardware to beautifully stitch any design. The Statler can handle an intricately patterned king-size quilt in a matter of hours instead of days. Available with a 22, 26, 30 or 36-inch Gammill-quality machine head, a Statler gives quilters the flexibility of hands-free quilting. With exceptional features, the latest in quilting innovations, lifetime mechanical warranty, free software upgrades, and unparalleled customer service, it is easy to see why Statler by Gammill® is the choice of experienced quilters everywhere.Vision with Wunderlust by Karen Marchetti How does the computerized software work? [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XlRCcf1e1uI&list=PL8TyNRnvApwZaNpYGSRoSsBjSB-KdS95n[/youtube] With a Statler by Gammill system, the possibilities are endless. Attending Road 2016’s Statler Educational Program will allow quilters to get to know firsthand some of the machine’s many features. Road to California is giving away to one lucky winner the chance to for FREE all four classes in the Statler Educational Program. There are several ways to enter:

Write a comment on this blog post

Write a comment on the blog post featuring Georgia Stull

Write a comment on Road’s Facebook Page posts featuring the Statler Educational Program Giveaway.

Entries will be accepted until November 22, 2016. One winner will be chosen using Random Number Generator and will be announced on November 23, 2016. Good luck to all who enter.


Road 2016 Faculty: Meet Georgia Stull Plus A Class Series Giveaway

Tuesday, November 17th, 2015

Gammill instructor, will be teaching Road 2016’s Statler Educational Program which is a series of four longarm lecture/demo classes featuring the Gammill Statler Stitcher: 4017R  Put the Hammer Down for Beautiful Borders! on Thursday; 5015R  It’s a Photo Finish! on Friday; 6015R  Victory Lap! on Saturday; and on Sunday, 7015R Statler Pit Stop.Georgia Stull Bio pic When Georgia Stull’s oldest son announced he was getting married, she thought she would make him and his new bride a quilt as a wedding gift.  Georgia had been a seamstress (wedding gowns to window treatments) since she was a teenager so sewing the quilt was not an issue. When it came time to have it quilted, Georgia and her husband, Ivan, took the quilt to an area quilter who proceeded to tell them all about his quilting machine.  As they were leaving, Ivan said to Georgia, “You could do that!”  Her reply was “Sure, if you buy me a machine!”  Two weeks later, Ivan took off work early and bought Georgia a machine!! She couldn’t have been more surprised.  Ivan was all ready to buy a Statler by Gammill for Georgia but she just wasn’t sure she could do it.  They did lots of research and eventually bought a Statler four months later.  And guess what? Georgia can do it!!stull honeycomb It didn’t take too long after Georgia started quilting that her husband, Ivan, decided he should learn all about quilting.  He pieced and quilted his first quilt with a little help from Georgia.  Now, he has pieced and quilted 5 quilts.  Georgia is hoping that their oldest granddaughter, Ellie, will be a future quilter. She is off to a promising start.  Together, Ellie and Georgia made a quilt for Ellie’s doll babies this past summer. Since most of Georgia’s quilting is for customers, her inspiration comes from the quilt tops they bring to her.  Georgia is a “computerized quilter” and she is honest to say that she “designs by credit card!”  While there are many wonderfully talented digital pattern designers, the trick is to find the perfect pattern to bring a quilt to life.  Georgia loves the challenge of putting together the perfect combination of designs for a quilt.  She is also inspired by the fabulous quilting of others. As a teacher, she is exposed to the very ‘best of the best’ quilts. Georgia remarks, it is “such golden inspiration!”Stull dresdan Georgia has used a Statler by Gammill from the very beginning. Because the Stulls live in Harrisonville, Missouri (just outside Kansas City), it was easy for them to take classes at the Statler facility in Columbia, Missouri. Georgia actually learned from the master, Paul Statler.  She counts Paul and Mildred Statler as good friends whom she respects and admires very much. Both Ivan and Georgia have showed up so many times at the facility that they are sure the Gammill people thought, “It’s those Stulls again!” gammill_plain In 2008, Georgia was asked to be a beta tester for the software and she also became a Certified Statler Instructor. She has come to know many of the members of the Gammill team as she’s traveled and taught. Georgia says that “the Gammill team always takes good care of me as a teacher.” Georgia loves meeting quilters from all over the world. She has been fortunate to travel as far away as England and Wales to teach. She always tries to remember how when she bought her Statler, she was more than a bit overwhelmed and thought, “What did I do?”  She loves helping her students go from “What did I do?” to “I love my Statler!”Stull closeup At Road 2016, Georgia’s desire is for students to become efficient and effective quilters without compromising quality. And more importantly, she hopes that they enjoy the process because, as Georgia says, “quilting is FUN!” What is Georgia’s best quilting tip?   “Don’t be so critical of yourself and your quilting.  Computerized quilters, especially, tend to expect absolute perfection.  I am all about doing the best that I can on every quilt but it is never going to be perfect.  It’s so hard to enjoy the process if you expect perfection.”Stull cherry blossom How would you like to meet Georgia and take her Statler Educational Program classes for FREE? Road to California is going to award one lucky winner admission to all four classes in the series!! To enter, simply comment below, by midnight November 22, 2016, why you want to participate in the Statler Educational Program with Georgia Stull. You can also enter by commenting on Road’s Facebook Page post about the contest. One lucky winner will be chosen by Real Number Generator and announced on November 23rd. Good luck to all who enter.]]>

Meet Road 2016 Platinum Sponsor: Gammill

Wednesday, October 7th, 2015

Gammill Quilting Machine Company has been an innovative leader in machine quilting. They were the first to develop a large-throat sewing machine on tracks which could be operated from both sides and move in any direction on a specially-designed stand. This revolutionary idea enabled pantograph patterns to be traced directly onto fabric, therefore making it possible to complete a quilt or bedspread in a matter of hours rather than days.download Gammill has continually worked on improving the machine quilting process, creating new models and sizes for different quilting needs.  Gammill recently celebrated the 25th Anniversary of the Statler by Gammill. [caption id="attachment_3511" align="aligncenter" width="565"]The original Statler design by Paul Statler The original Statler design by Paul Statler[/caption] After an extensive career in the Air Force and in biomedical technology, inventor Paul Statler began a new career when he built the first Statler Stitcher for his wife, Mildred, in 1990. They began production quilting as Paul continued improving the system, eventually selling his first Statler Stitcher technology to Gammill in 1994. Paul and Mildred continue today to build and advance the Statler by Gammill.Paul and Mildred 2015 Color Gammill has long been associated with Road to California, becoming their platinum sponsor in 2015. As a platinum sponsor, they have the opportunity to support the show and the prizes that are awarded. Says Gammill representative, Shandi Brinkman, “Road to California attracts such outstanding talent. We are excited to be able to recognize the creativity, hard work and dedication of quilters.”Print Gammill is always “thrilled” to be at Road. The company appreciates the show’s great mix of education, vendors, special events, quilt showcases and fun. One of their favorite parts is meeting so many of the nearly 40,000 attendees that come each year. And, they don’t mind the beautiful California weather either!! For 2016, Gammill is excited to sponsor both classrooms and a vendor booth as well as support the Best of Show award, a $10,000 prize to the winner!!  Next year’s lineup includes classes taught by Georgia Stull that will focus on the Statler by Gammill machine. This will be a fantastic learning opportunity for Statler owners or those who are interested in learning more about computerized quilting. They also hope attendees stop by their booth to test a Gammill Vision 2.0 or Statler by Gammill.Vision with Wunderlust by Karen Marchetti Road to California is grateful to Gammill for their generous contributions to the show. To learn more about their products and quilting community, please visit their website.]]>

So You Want To Make A Winning Quilt? 2014 Best of Show

Wednesday, September 3rd, 2014

Sharon Schamber of Payson, Arizona created the Best of Show winning entry, Once Upon a Time, and received $6,000 from sponsor, Gammill Quilting Systems.Best of Show

Sharon Schamber began quilting in 1999. Her winning entry, Once Upon A Time, took 14 years to complete. This quilt was inspired by her love for the romantic and delicate details of the Victorian era. Says Sharon, “I love how things are both simple and complex at the same time. I wanted to create a medallion quilt that spoke to that romantic notion.”

Sharon chose blue roses because “they were unique and the quilt asked/demanded something special like them.”  At the time she started on the quilt, there were no actual blue roses, but by the time she had finished, they became available. Sharon likes to think that “maybe the quilt knew something that the rest of the world hadn’t thought about yet.” Talk about romantic!!!

When Sharon started the quilt in 2000, her plan was to finish it as any other quilt she had worked on. But that didn’t happen. Sharon would work for a while, and then stop because she didn’t feel like she knew what she needed to do next. During each pause, she learned and developed additional techniques to have the tools needed to continue on. This lengthy process taught Sharon that each quilt truly has its own schedule and identity. “You have to follow the clues it gives you if you want the best out of it and yourself,” remarked Sharon. Even though it took 14 years to finish, Sharon felt it was an amazing adventure and she “enjoyed every minute of it.”

How did Sharon feel after she won Best of the Show?“I was ecstatic. Road to California is a prestigious and well respected show. The best quilts in the world are competing here, so winning Best of Show was an honor.”

What did she do with her prize money? “Since winning any award is a surprise, I never have plans to spend the money. I am passionate about machine embroidery, so I bought a few things that’ll allow me to explore this art form in new and different ways.”

What does the quilting future hold for Sharon? “My plan for the future is to combine every aspect of quilting into one piece. Traditional piecing; hand embroidery; needleturn appliqué; machine appliqué and machine embroidery. Each technique has its own strengths and weaknesses and I am exploring the limits of each. You name it, and it will be in my work.”

Congratulations Sharon for winning Road to California’s 2014 Best of Show.






Road 2014 Faculty Spotlight: Meet Karen Sievert

Friday, September 27th, 2013

Karen will be teaching half day classes on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday where every student will have their own machine head featuring Gammill machines. Monday: #1006 The Art of Trapunto and #1007 Mini Whole Cloth Quilts; Tuesday: #2006 Feathers and Flourishes and #2007 The Art of Trapunto; and on Wednesday: #3015 Mini Whole Cloth Quits and #3016 Feathers and Flourishes. Karen is also teaching an all-day class on Thursday #4011 Ready, Set, Go-The Basics of Free-Motion Quilting.  Karen Sievert head shot

Personal: Karen Sievert is a terrific quilter with an international flair. She was born in Kwajalein in the Marshall Islands and has lived in Italy for two years. Consequently, she adores everything Italian. Karen has 3 children (Wayne, Shannah and Travis) whom she is “tremendously proud of,” and two dogs, a Maltese named Harley and a Goldendoodle named Shiloh. She enjoys music (it is always playing in her sewing room) and reading. The last book she read was Saving Faith by Jodi Piccoult.

How did you get started in quilting?  My sister dragged me into a quilt shop in 1997, firmly stating that I needed a hobby! I was immediately hooked, had visions of sugar plums dancing in my head, and haven’t looked back since! For those of you old enough to remember what Calgon is, well, quilting is my “Calgon, Take Me Away!”

Does anyone else in your family quilt?  Only the sister who dragged me into that quilt shop! But I’ve recently moved and have another sister, a niece and a great-niece that are all looking to learn!

Where do you find inspiration for your quilting? I think inspiration can be found everywhere! It might be the flower in the garden, a Hallmark card, or the pattern on someone’s sweater. The more open I am, the more I see.A Truly Feathered Star

What is the one quilting tool you can’t live without? Wow, that’s a tough question! There are so many tools out there that have made our quilting adventures so much easier. I guess when it comes right down to it, it would be my sewing machine! I love my sewing machine and I think it loves me back! Once, when gone for quite some time, I came home and there was a Post It note on it saying, “I miss you.”

What do you like best about teaching? Easiest question so far! The best thing about teaching is the friendships you make with other quilters! I was a ‘military wife’ for almost 30 years which meant moving…ALOT! I could always find a friend in a quilting group!

What is the funniest or most embarrassing moment you have experienced while teachingI once had a group that wanted me to teach a class using prairie points, a very “iron intensive” project! Before the class, they had changed the materials and supply sheets, deleting the irons! To top it off, my class limit is always 24, but for this class 64 women showed up. We had exactly two irons for all of them!!!! I learned then, that a sense of humor coupled with a great deal of flexibility can make anything work! Believe it or not, even though I was ready to “throw up” in the parking lot, it was one of the best classes I’ve ever had!

What has been the best class you have taken? Ok, so this is embarrassing! I’ve only taken one class. And the instructor did most of my work because I was so inept! It was a Stained Glass Vest. Loved the teacher, loved the vest, and though it no longer fits, I still have it!

Want is your best tip for quilters? OK, so I have three. First, measure twice, cut once! Second, always test your seam allowance. And third, like the Nike slogan says, “JUST DO IT!”  

What do you want your students to get out of your class? EVERY THING!!!   Always want to over-deliver, not under-whelm! I want my students to have the faith, confidence, and belief that they can do whatever they envision.

You can reach Karen at www.theniftyneedle.com



What is Modern Quilting?

Saturday, August 10th, 2013

There has been a big movement in the quilting world the past few years called Modern Quilting. While its name would lead one to believe this is something new and unique, in actuality, its roots are from techniques used for much of the 20th century.

According to the Modern Quilt Guild, “Modern quilts are primarily functional and inspired by modern design. Modern quilters work in different styles and define modern quilting in different ways, but several characteristics often appear which may help identify a modern quilt. These include, but are not limited to: the use of bold colors and prints, high contrast and graphic areas of solid color, improvisational piecing, minimalism, expansive negative space, and alternate grid work. “Modern traditionalism” or the updating of classic quilt designs is also often seen in modern quilting.modern_quilts_img_1581

A defining event for modern quilting occurred in 1998 when Martha Stewart Living featured Denyse Schmidt, calling her quilts a “chic, modernist aesthetic.” For many quilters in the early days of the movement, this was a key inspirational moment.”

There are four factors that have contributed to the growth of the modern quilt movement: the cultural shift of quality design being recognized by the general public, affordable digital cameras, the changing fabric industry and the rise of social media.modern_quilts_img_1594

Road to California understands the popularity of this quilt genre and has always shown support. Classes have been offered featuring modern quilt designers and quilters. For Road 2014, not only are more modern quilt classes being offered, but also a new Modern Quilt Category has been added to the quilt contest. The Modern Quilt Category has two subcategories to choose from. The first is Modern Piecing which includes quilts that utilize improvisational piecing techniques. The second sub-category is Negative Space which includes quilts set with large amounts of negative space including quilts with alternative grid work and modern abstract design. Prizes for the new Modern Category include Best Modern Quilt $2,000 sponsored by Modern Quilts Unlimited; Best Modern Piecing $1,000 sponsored by Stash Books and Best Use of Negative Space $1,000 sponsored by Stash Books. Quilts entered in to the Modern Quilt Category are also eligible to win other prizes such as Best of Show $6000, sponsored by Gammill . The deadline to enter a quilt is October 1, 2013. 

What do you think about modern quilting?

