Did you happen to notice the very pink vendor booth at Road 2015?
Shabby Fabrics is all about family and fabric. An online, 8,500 square foot warehouse that carries hundreds of “the most beautiful fabrics on earth under one roof,” Shabby Fabrics is based in Coeur d Alene, Idaho. The Shabby Fabrics family includes owner Jennifer Bosworth, her husband Dave and their two children, twenty “amazing” full time employees, and three “loveable” dogs.
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Jennifer credits the beginning of Shabby Fabrics as “a result of God’s work.” Prior to September 11, 2001, both Jennifer and Dave were employed as commercial pilots for United Airlines. Following the events of 9/11, many of the major airlines began to furlough airline personnel – including the Bosworths — because people were reluctant to fly and the economy had taken a major downturn. Jennifer explained that a furlough is a temporary lay-off of unknown duration. During a furlough, employees are not paid and they lose their medical insurance. The Bosworths couldn’t just switch to another airline because they were furloughing pilots too. Their situation became very serious as they had no other source of income.
Jennifer prayed for guidance and God said “Do what you know and do what you love.” Growing up, she always loved to create and craft. In her early twenties, she supplemented her family’s income by selling her handmade crafts at holiday bazaars and other craft shows. So Jennifer decided to go back to what she knew and loved. Jennifer called her mother and asked for a $10,000 loan to start a new business and buy her first round of inventory. Shabby Fabrics began as an Ebay company in the basement of the Bosworth home in Spokane, Washington. When the business grew from the basement to include the living room, kitchen, and a specially built backyard building, it was time for Shabby Fabrics to move into first a commercial building in Spokane, and later to their current location in Idaho.
Why is Shabby Fabrics an online-only business? Says Jennifer, “We chose to be online only because we launched the company during one of the worst US economic downturns. We knew we needed a global customer base to balance the effects of a bad US economy or else we wouldn’t survive as a company.”
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Besides fabrics, the most popular item Shabby Fabrics sells are their pre-fused/laser-cut shapes and kits which are “quick, fun and easy.”
Road to California is the only show Shabby Fabrics leaves Idaho for. They have been coming since 2012 and appreciate the opportunity to meet their customers face to face. They also enjoy the beautiful, sunny weather (there’s rarely sun in Coeur d Alene) and getting an In-N-Out Burger!!
And about that pink…. Says Jennifer, “I just love pink. It’s a girly color and I think there’s at least a little “girly girl” in all of us! I love pink, glitter, rhinestones and ruffles. But I can also throw a football and fly a Boeing 767. Go figure!”
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Indeed, “quilting is sew fun” at Shabby Fabrics.