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Posts Tagged ‘John Flynn’

Meet Road 2017 Father/Daughter Teachers: John Flynn and Kate Flynn Nichols

Thursday, September 8th, 2016

Tuesday classes.  

John will be teaching 2003C  Double Wedding Ring


and Kate will be teaching   2004C   Storm at Sea


In addition, Kate will be teaching a Friday night class5061C   Half Rail Fence


What could be more fun than sharing your passion of quilting by giving workshops, creating innovative templates and kits, and bouncing off new ideas with someone from your own family? That is exactly what John Flynn and his daughter, Kate Flynn Nichols, have been doing for over 17 years. Both residents of Montana, they spend a lot of time together fine tuning patterns, assembly directions and pressing techniques so that their templates and laser pre-cut kits go together as easily and smoothly as possible.


John got in to the quilting scene in the 1980’s when he was testing the quilt frames that he was designing and building for his wife Brooke. He soon discovered how relaxing hand quilting was and has been working at it ever since.

Kate started quilting in 1988. She grew up watching both her parents quilt.  She went to guild meetings with them and started stashing fabric at a young age.   Kate entered her first quilt show when she was just 8 years old!! As she grew older, she was “actually surprised to find out later in life that not everyone quilts!”

They each find inspiration for their designs in different ways. For Kate, it comes from nature and her parents’ old magazine collection. John has an engineering background so he finds inspiration in the geometry of objects and from old traditional quilts. John and Kate have different preferences when it comes to working with color. John’s favorite palette is the colors of the rainbow; bright primaries and secondaries.  Kate likes strong pastel combinations and monochromes. Interestingly, Kate is the company’s fabric buyer; she has a sure hand in color selection. While they enjoy their partnership, working closely with each other can have its drawbacks. Kate says, “It’s hard not really having a separation between work and family.  Who wants to plan their next business trip at Thanksgiving dinner?”  John admits his challenge is that since he and Kate both have engineering minds, “they think alike most of the time” which can be both positive and negative. When they aren’t working together, John likes fly fishing, fly tying, and biking.John_Flynn bike riding

Kate, who has been married since August, 2003 to graphic designer Kevin Nichols, enjoys reading, rockhounding, gardening and watching either Animal Planet, the History Channel or the Discovery Channel.

What are their favorite tips for quilters?  From Kate: “Relax and be forgiving with yourself.  You are a human, not a machine and your projects should reflect your humanity!” John adds, “Accuracy, accuracy, accuracy. It is easier to take your time and do it right the first time rather than rush through and do it over and over.” There is still limited space in both of their classes. You can learn more about this dynamic father-daughter quilting duo on their website: www.flynnquilt.com

Community Outreach for Road 2016

Friday, November 6th, 2015

Road to California believes in giving back to the community.

Carolyn Reese, Matt Reese, and the entire Road to California has a long tradition of helping those in need.

Road supports charities like Pomona Valley Hospital’s  Robert and Beverly Lewis Family Cancer Care Center Endowment Fund Celebrate in Style and Quilted in Honor, a charity benefiting veterans and their families.Quilted in Honor Road also supports quilting friends with their charities, helping to raise money for John Flynn’s bike rides to benefit MSJohn_Flynn bike riding or the granddaughter of our friend, Kathleen of Starr Design Fabrics, who is suffering from Cystinosis.11888123_10153151925768391_1397178779313471519_n

For Road 2016, this giving spirit is being extended to allow youth and older citizens the chance to personally experience this outstanding quilt show.

Carolyn has enlisted the help of her friends and fellow quilters, Bonnie Rangel and Rene Hicks, to organize free docent tours of Road to California 2016 for youth groups and senior citizen retirement homes. These tours will include seeing and learning about the winning quilts up close, meeting with award winning quilters, and learning about quilting tools from established vendors. Rene said that she is happy to be a part of arranging this community outreach because she “enjoys seeing the joy on the guest’s faces when they experience for the first time quilts coming to life for them at Road to California.” Last year, Innovative Horizons Charter School, accepted the invitation to attend one of these tours. They met with Eleanor Burns (whom they already knew about and were big fans of her) and the Egyptian Quilters as well as have special access to exhibits and using quilt tools._I4C8024 What is the motivation for Road to extend this community outreach?  Sharing Inspiration.  Carolyn Reese remarked, “It’s important to let the younger experience the different aspects of quilting and learn that it’s much more than making blankets.”  And for the retirement home residents, “It gives our respected, older generation  a chance to leave their regular routine and see how the quilting industry has evolved from what they might have been familiar with.” To extend the opportunity for this community outreach, we need your help. If you know of youth groups (schools, 4H, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Campfire, etc.) or retirement homes that are local to Ontario, California and that you feel would benefit from participating , please contact Bonnie Rangel at bonnie.rangel@yahoo.com to arrange for a tour. Sharing the love of quilting is a wonderful way to outreach to the community, don’t you agree?    ]]>