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Week 8 Giveaway: Quilting And Crafting For Winter Days

This week, we are featuring three books and four patterns all suited to quilting and crafting on long winter days:

Week 8 Giveaway

Quick Cozy Couch Quilts by Sandy Thompson; Simple Super One Patch Quilts by Pat Yamin; Beyond the Lines: Quilting Designs for Machine and Longarm Quilting by Debby Brown; and four Snowman themed patterns (The Winters; Three’s Company; Floozies;  and Paper Piecing For Fun) by Connie Spurlock 


Enter up to three ways to win these new projects to start off 2015:

1)      Write a comment on this blog post and tell us why you want to win 

2)      Write a comment on Road to California’s Facebook Page post featuring Week 8’s giveaway and let us know why you want to win.

3)      Tweet out  Week 8’s giveaway on Twitter using the hashtags #road2ca2015 #giveaway and @Road2CA

Entries for Week 8’s Giveaway begin Friday, January 2nd and close Wednesday, January 7th. As always, a winner will be chosen using Random Number Generator. Week 8’s lucky winner will be announced on Thursday, January 8th on Road’s Facebook Page.  Any questions? Contact Caryn at carynpayzant@roadtocalifornia.com

Good luck to all who enter!!


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37 Responses to “Week 8 Giveaway: Quilting And Crafting For Winter Days”

  1. Hilda Ambriz says:

    New years resolution doing more crafts this year.

  2. sandy Hawes says:

    Always lve new creative ideas

  3. kupitis says:

    Would love to win this for new projects for the new year!!!

  4. Cindy says:

    I like trying new projects.

  5. Dona says:

    Why would I not want to win?

  6. Bonnie Baker Lippincott says:

    My kind of patterns!

  7. Juanita Cairns says:

    Love to quilt!

  8. Gwen Humphries says:

    I would love to learn new techniques.

  9. Cindy Zabuska says:

    I think I need more projects. Pick me. Please!

  10. Cecelia says:

    These books are a great collection, would love to wind esp. simple super one patch quilts….

  11. Michelle Baker says:

    Another great give away.

  12. Nanci says:

    I love winter projects!

  13. Rina says:

    Because I need more projects to work on this winter.

  14. Marie Blash says:

    Why do I want to win- who doesn’t. We all love winning. It makes us feel special and I am no different

  15. Chris says:

    I really like Snowmen and The Quick Cozy Couch is one I know I would use.

  16. Maddy Lopez says:

    Always need more projects.

  17. sonja McLane says:

    These look really fun to do……. sonjasmith76@yahoo.com

  18. Cindy Frazier says:

    Those books look great for a fairly new quilter like me!

  19. Jean says:

    Ok it is my turn to win and start a brand new experience! Thanks Road for this opportunity to win something special. See you in a couple of weeks. This first timer is soooooo excited!

  20. Deb says:

    I;d love to have these books!

  21. Teresa Thompson says:

    Just touched a sewing machine for the first time 8 months ago. Jumped right into it & made a baby quilt! Just recently finished my 4th & the feeling I get from my finished quilts is priceless! I would love to win this giveaway to learn more & begin my very own library. Right now I learn from videos but can’t always find the same video again.

  22. Ericka Stewart says:

    Best give away yet!

  23. Pat Tarwater says:

    Hope I can win this week’s fantastic items.

  24. Lee says:

    I need some new inspiration for the new year!! Thank you!

  25. Sabrina Cowley says:

    I love quilting books and the new ideas they possess! I would love to expand my base of knowledge!

  26. sue singer says:

    I love the show and would enjoy the projects in the books

  27. Regina Reece says:

    I would love to make some of these very cute projects.

  28. Pat Tarwater says:

    Hopefully I’ll win this week. Hope, hope, hope.

  29. Anne Sidell says:

    Would love a chance to win some new inspiration!

  30. Cindy says:

    I see a few “Snowmen” patterns there. I love them and collect them <3

  31. Robbin Newlin says:

    Can’t wait to go

  32. I would love to win, because I love quilting and sewing. My grandma, my mom, and my daughter quilt too. 4 generations.

  33. Sonja Mclane says:

    I I need new ideas:-) and patterns and books, ect,ect…… sonjasmith76@yahoo.com

  34. Rhonda says:

    can’t wait for R2Ca, I have signed up for my first class ever.

  35. Rhonda says:

    can’t wait for R2Ca, I have signed up for my first class ever.

  36. Tina Mann says:

    I cannot wait to go to Road 2 California. It will be my first time. I would love to win the drawing this week!

  37. Sandra Payne says:

    This is my 3rd. year to attend the Road to California Quilt Conference. It is such a thrill just to attend, traveling from WV. Last year’s show was outstanding and I expect this one will be also. Hope I win but will enjoy the show no matter.

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