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Road 2018 Outstanding Artistry Quilt Winner

Lenore Crawford is featured frequently on our blog. Why? Because she has a knack for making award winning quilts.

In 2013, Lenore won Outstanding Art Quilt for Capturing Brittany. She won again in the same category in 2017 for Emma in the Looking Glass. Lenore’s latest winning quilt is Pinecones. It won for Outstanding Artistry at Road 2018. Lenore received a cash prize of $5,000 from Sponsor, Handi Quilter. Lenore’s award winning quilt journey began around 1995. She had just learned about watercolor quilting with 2” squares and wanted to make impressionistic art quilts with fabric using this technique. Lenore developed her own style using those squares. After about 10 years of doing that technique, she felt she needed a change and tried fusing. A large winter project that took months to complete, Pinecones was inspired by a trip to a nursery that Lenore took with her mom and sister who love conifers. It was in spring and the beauty of the brand new pinecones growing on the trees captured Lenore’s imagination. Lenore recalled, “They were bright colors against the dark greens of the branches.” What was Lenore doing when she found out she had won? She was watching TV at about 11:00 at night and was just getting ready to go to bed. She quickly looked at her email and was very surprised to see the one from Road. Lenore was so excited to find out that she won that she immediately texted her husband (who was in California; they live in Michigan) to tell him. Next, she posted it on Facebook. Her husband answered the Facebook post before her text!! What does Lenore plan to do with her prize money? “My husband and I are planning to retire at the end of this year. I am going to save it for a trip to either Ireland and Scotland or a riverboat cruise in France.” Congratulations Lenore Crawford for another outstanding winning quilt.]]>

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2 Responses to “Road 2018 Outstanding Artistry Quilt Winner”

  1. Bev Remillard says:

    Hi Caryn thx for a great article on Lenore. I’m s fan of her work. Bev. http://www.ladylikedesigns.com

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