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Which Class is Right For You?

Classes for Road to California 2022, were announced in July and registration began in August. Once again, Road to California is offering a plethora of classes taught by a distinguished faculty that are geared to all levels of quilters. Road’s classes offer assistance with traditional to modern techniques, hand and machine quilting skills and the latest in surface-embellishment using paint, thread and embroidery. With so many choices, how do you know which class is right for you?

Skill Level

Based on teacher recommendations, we assign the following skill levels for our classes to make sure each class is right for you:

Beginner: New to sewing or it’s been awhile since you last sewn. A knowledge of basic sewing skills with some rotary cutting skills and a working knowledge of using a sewing machine is useful.

Beginner-Intermediate: Some basic sewing experience with confidence to move past beginner.

Intermediate: Knowledge and experience from sewing over time.  

Advanced: Experienced quilters looking for a challenge.

All Levels: Assumes a knowledge of basic sewing skills, basic rotary cutting skills and basic quilting skills, either appliqué or piecing.

Expand your horizons

Road to California isn’t just about quilt classes. There are a wide variety of other choices including design, beadwork, painting on fabric, rug making, and clothing construction.  It’s a great time to find the class right for you that allows you to explore new techniques or practice others you want to perfect.  

3062C – Duchess Bracelet taught by Amy Loh-Kupser on Wednesday, January 19th 2022
From 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM


Are you looking to purchase a new sewing machine? While many of our classes require you to bring your own sewing machine, there are others that have sewing machines provided, allowing you to “try before you buy.” 

Perhaps you’ve wanted to try longarm quilting but don’t have access to a longarm machine? We offer several classes that provide both stand-up and sit-down long arm machines for you to choose which class will have the experience you are looking for.

Learn from the best

Our faculty is top-notch. Many have taught not only throughout the U.S. but internationally as well. And several are published authors too. We bring the experts to you.

Road invites you to look over the selection of classes being offered in 2022. We are confident that you’ll find everything you need to choose the class right for you.

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