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Posts Tagged ‘Alex Anderson’

Road 2018 Special Exhibit: Red & White Quilting, An Iconic Tradition

Friday, January 26th, 2018

Red & White Quilting, An Iconic Tradition. Red & White Quilts have been popular for over three centuries of quilt making and have been a staple since the mid nineteenth-century.  Red & White quilts are bold, graphic and eye-catching and are the most iconic color combination in quilting. The exhibit highlighted this tradition celebrated in Linda Pumphrey’s newest book, Red and White Quilting an Iconic Tradition in 40 Blocks. The book features instructions for 40 blocks and 14 projects.  Each project has three variations shown so readers can decide which version they want to make. A total of fourteen quilts hung in the exhibit, highlighting the versatility of a two-color quilt. Eleven of the quilts came from Linda’s book and the other three came from the International Quilt Study Center & Museum located at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln which were used as inspiration for some of the new quilt designs in the book. The production of the quilts used for the book and the exhibit, were actually a “Pumphrey Family affair.”  Linda’s mother and sister each made one of the projects and the rest were made by Linda.  Linda said that she “set out to develop new quilt patterns that were little on the modern aesthetics, definitely contemporary but yet classical with using very tradition blocks.”   All of the quilts were quilted by Karen Kielmeyer who also did the quilting for the Special Exhibit seen at Road 2017, “Mountain Mist Historical Quilts.” Road to California 2018 was the first place Red & White Quilting, An Iconic Tradition has been shown.  After Road, the exhibit will be on tour at the Original Sewing and Quilt Expos throughout the country in 2018.  In addition, the quilts and the book will be featured on an upcoming segment of “The Quilt Show” with Alex Anderson and Ricky Tims.  ]]>

Now Showing: TheQuiltShow.com

Tuesday, August 12th, 2014

Have you visited TheQuiltShow.com, the friendliest, interactive, online community for quilters worldwide?The Quilt Show

Hosted by Alex Anderson, former host of HGTV’s Simply Quilts and Ricky Tims, quilt teacher, author, and performing artist/entertainer, TheQuiltShow.com is the most diverse website for quilters ever created. Subscribers can watch fully produced web “TV” shows, featuring great instruction as well as entertaining segments that provide insights into the lifestyles of well-known quilt personalities.

The show is the first quilting show series to be shot in front of a live audience. TheQuiltShow.com recently moved to a new much larger, state-of-the-art venue called WEST WORKS Studios in Littleton, Colorado. While filming for the new shows begins in November, all previous shows can be found in the site’s archives.

TheQuiltShow.com is ever evolving and is jam-packed with a multitude of topics for all levels of quilters. Some of the website features include a Daily Blog where members can stay current with all the opportunities on the site, a Forum (message board) for sharing insightful and helpful quilting information and techniques, Chat Rooms for those who like to be instantly connected, and the world’s largest online Quilt Gallery with a search feature that allows you to locate quilts all over the world. Once you log on, you’ll be hooked with this innovative and comprehensive site.Quilt Gallery

How do you become a member of this amazing community? Simply go to the website and enroll as either a Basic or Star Member. Whichever membership you choose, you will automatically become a member of the TQS World Quilt Guild –another great benefit of TheQuiltShow.com.

If you enjoy watching Alex and Ricky on TheQuiltShow.com, then you will love seeing them in person as they teach the new Lecture-Demo Classes at Road to California 2015. Both Ricky and Alex will be teaching two classes each on Friday and Saturday, sharing their expertise in a lecture hall setting.Ricky Tims and Alex Anderson

Join the new wave of quilters. Watch TheQuiltShow.com where “It’s a new day – every day!”




A New Style Of Classes At Road 2015

Thursday, August 7th, 2014

Road to California 2015 – 20th Anniversary Show

will have the familiar feel of hands on classes along with lectures where experts share their knowledge on products and techniques.

But Road 2015 will also be offering a new, exciting style of classes featuring remarkable quilt makers, Web-TV stars, and authors, Ricky Tims and Alex Anderson. Ricky Tims and Alex Anderson

These new Lecture-Demo Classes will be held Friday and Saturday in the state of art lecture hall at the Radisson Hotel.  The lecture hall is perfect for this type of class as it features tiered seating with a large projector screen so attendees can see the minutest detail from the comfort of their seat. Ricky says, “I promise this educational event for quilters is not like any other quilting experience.”

Why is Road offering these new types of classes? Carolyn Reese says, “I have attended Ricky and Alex’s Super Seminar in the past. When I left their seminar, my brain was saturated with ideas and techniques and not a single UFO in sight. These lectures are presented in the same style.”

What can attendees expect in these Lecture-Demo classes?

  • Great lecture style master classes.
  • Lessons are suited for experienced, novice, traditional, and contemporary quilters.
  • Learn simple, efficient techniques and explore the principles for successful original designs.
  • There is no sewing, there is no supply list and you won’t be going home with a UFO
  • The classes are loaded with projects that will allow you to try the various techniques when you get back to your sewing studio. Prepare to have your head spinning with excitement!

Ricky Tims will be teaching morning classes from 9:30 – 12:30, 5018R Improvisational Patchwork on FridayRicky Tims Improvisational Patchwork

and 6017R Kool Kaleidoscope and Convergence Quilts on Saturday.Ricky Tims Kaleidoscope and Convergence Quilts

Alex Anderson will be teaching afternoon classes from 1:00 – 4:00, 5019R Beautifully Quilted & Fabric A – Z on FridayAlex Anderson Beautifully Quilted

and 6018R Scrap Crazy & Studio Dream Tours on Saturday.Alex Anderson Scrap Crazy

There is a $60 supply fee for each class that includes a full color syllabus with the projects and lecture information.

We hope you are as excited as we are to be offering these new style classes.
