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Posts Tagged ‘Christmas’

A Reese Family Christmas 2015

Monday, December 21st, 2015

You know the Reese family holiday season is in full swing when Carolyn Reese makes her famous treats:

She makes lots of Double Almond Crunchcandy3

And lots of homemade peanut brittle.final pb

Where will the Reese family be this year for Christmas? _i4c4160pg

Carolyn will be traveling with her son David,  his wife, Susan, and granddaughter (Dave’s youngest) Mary Beth to Virginia to spend a week with Dave’s other daughters, Erika and Carie along with Carie’s family– husband Kevin and their three children, Carolyn’s great grandchildren.  Carolyn is looking forward to having Santa visit again.  They are going to do a little sight seeing if the weather permits.  Carolyn will also be visiting her friend Stevii Graves, who helps her immensely with Road each year. Matt Reese and his wife Jennifer will be spending Christmas in Rancho Cucamonga with his parents Michael (Carolyn’s son) and Shellee, and his sister  Sarah and her family that includes two more of Carolyn’s great grandchildren, Addie and Paya. Carolyn’s third son, Darrell and his wife Jill, will be celebrating with Darrell’s children Jillianne, Glenn and Rachel (who is bringing a gentleman friend from Chicago).   How will your family be spending the holiday?    


Carolyn's Christmas Celebration

Tuesday, December 23rd, 2014

Christmas time with Carolyn Reese is very predictable.

When she puts up this wall hanging, her grandchildren know that Christmas is on its way.HoHoHo

She spends hours carefully setting up her extensive Byers Choice CarolersDolls3-Frontwindow

She makes lots of Double Almond Crunchcandy3

And lots of homemade peanut brittle.final pb

And best of all, she spends lots of time with her family Christmas 2012

Merry Christmas 2014 to Roadies near and far

With Love from Carolyn and the entire Road to California Family


Christmas = Family

Tuesday, December 24th, 2013

The best Christmas memories are those that include family.

Last year the Reese clan gathered at Carolyn’s son David’s home. A huge Christmas tree filled with gifts greeted everyone when they arrived.Reese Christmas Tree

Carolyn was surrounded by generations of her family; her children, her grandchildren, and her great-grandchildren.Christmas 2012

Carolyn’s sister Glenda was even there to join in the festivities.Carolyn and Glenda Christmas

Matt and Jen were having fun (this was a month before Matt proposed to Jen at Road 2013)Matt and Jen Christmas

A Reese family tradition is having Santa come to surprise the kids. Last year, Dave wore the suit that his mother made years ago.Reese Family Christmas-Santa Suit

This year, the Reese family is spread out for Christmas. But no matter where they celebrate, you know they are close in heart.


Wishing you a Christmas surrounded by those you hold dear.
