Laura Heine and Fiberworks has been a popular Road to California teacher and vendor since 2014. 
A native of Montana, this registered nurse gave up a full time nursing position to open her quilt shop in Billings in 1994 and has “never regretted it.” Laura is the mother of two grown children – daughter Jenna and son Brandon. Her best friend is her Labrador, Hannah, who comes to work with her every day.
When she isn’t quilting, Laura enjoys glamping— glamorous/luxury camping. She owns a pink 1956 Shasta trailer that she restored. She takes it on all travels that she drives to including every time she teaches at Road to California. Look for her pink trailer in the parking lot of the Ontario Convention Center!!
Laura started quilting over 30 years ago when she was expecting her first child. She took a quilting class so that she could be able to say “I made one quilt in my life.” Laura figured after the baby came, her chances to quilt again would be lost. Not true!! Since then, Laura has made countless quilts and has gone on to be a fabric designer, teacher, author and thread designer.
Laura will be teaching two classes during Road to California 2018. On Monday,
1007C Paisley Bear Floral Collage
and on Tuesday,
2006C Painterly Collage…Making a Fish
Both classes are perfect for beginners wanting to learn her collage technique.
What is Laura’s best advice for quilters? “Do what you like, like what you do. You don’t always have to follow the rules.”
Laura’s business in Montana, Fiberworks, is a 6,000 square foot shop where “talent, imagination and fun meets fabric, patterns, quilts, threads, and classes.” It supports a community of fiber artists that includes those just starting out, those whose work proudly adorns Fiberworks’ walls, and a delightful rainbow of colors in between. It’s a “quilter’s heaven” where “friends and quilters are invited to just bring your imagination.”
Looking for quilt items that have a modern flair at Road 2018? Then stop by Laura’s Fiberworks booth. She will have a large selection of patterns that she has designed and can only be found in her shop or on her website. Laura loves it when customers “get lost” in her booth!
What does Laura like most about coming to Road to California each year? “Meeting old friends and a whole new group of people! I look forward to the happy faces and the camaraderie that comes with quilting.”
To learn more about Laura, visit her