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2014 Special Exhibit: Best of QuiltCon 2013

Graphic and Hip

That was how the  popular special exhibit, Best of QuiltCon 2013 was described.  The exhibit featured quilts from the Modern Quilt Guild’s inaugural show, Quilt Con 2013._i4c3470pg

QuiltCon is the international conference and show held in Austin, Texas, by and for The Modern Quilt Guild. It is the biggest modern quilting event of its kind, bringing together top modern quilting instructors and attendees from around the world. The event includes a juried modern quilt show with cash prizes, vendors, lectures, and workshops. Held every two years, the next QuiltCon is scheduled for February 19-22, 2015._i4c3472pg

The Road exhibit offered attendees the chance to see up close the work of eighteen amazing modern quilters. Included in the display was a quilt awarded one of QuiltCon 2013’s three highest prizes. The Local Quilt, created by Carolyn Friedlander, won Best Machine Quilting.   _i4c3469pg

Road was delighted to be able to showcase these quilts and show support for the modern quilting movement.



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