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Marketplace: No Middleman Here

In most retail situations, the consumer has no choice but to talk to a middleman seller when asking questions about a particular product or service. What would happen if the middleman was cut out and you, the consumer, could learn directly from the wholesaler about the product you were interested in?

Well, that is exactly what Road’s newest feature – Marketplace — is all about.  Carolyn Reese has come up with a way for guests at the show to meet and ask questions directly with top manufacturers in the quilting industry. And it gives the wholesalers a chance to meet their buying public face-to-face, share their techniques and introduce what is up and coming with their product line. 

Eight exhibitors will be stationed in the Marketplace which is located at the front of the Exhibit Hall, right where Road’s guests first come in. Exhibitors that will be in the Marketplace include:

Robert Kaufman Co., Inc.Robert Kaufman Fabrics

Clover USAClover USA

Shannon FabricsShannon Fabrics

Riley Blake Designs

Riley Blake Designs

Maywood Studio/EE Schenck CompanyMaywood Studio

Marcus Brothers TextilesMarcus Brothers Textiles

Michael Miller FabricsMichael Miller

Hoffman California FabricsHoffman California

This is not a purchase area. Rather, it an area that provides knowledge and expertise from the wholesalers themselves. 

Learn from the industry’s leaders. Experience firsthand what is new. Visit Marketplace.



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2 Responses to “Marketplace: No Middleman Here”

  1. Sandy Wagner says:

    This is a great idea. I’ve been trying to get manufactures to listen to me about a huge market they are missing. Now I can hit them all at the same time. Thank you, thank you, thank you. The Road is the best. See you Wed.

  2. I like this new exciting Marketplace idea at Road, especially to see what & be able to talk with whomever is behind the fabrics, products & tools that I love & use! Thank you Carolyn! Road to CA is the best in the west +

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