Road to California is a great place for family members of all ages to enjoy.
Judy Brink, her daughter Lori Vandenberg, and granddaughter Allison Vandenberg are all Road to California veterans. Judy has come to Road the past 19 years and Lori for the past 15 years. Allison’s first visit to Road was when she was just 6 weeks old. She’s been back two other times.
Judy has been sewing since she was 6 years old and has influenced both Lori and Allison with their sewing. When Lori was expecting her first baby, she wanted to make a baby quilt and Judy helped show her how. Allison got her first sewing machine last Christmas. Grandma Judy shared with Allison some of her stash to get her started on her first sewing projects, pillowcases.
Judy, Lori and Allison regularly plan their own quilt retreats twice a year. They go to Palm Springs, California where they quilt, swim and share.
Lori commented that “Road is an event we never miss.” Added Allison, “Road is really fun and I get to get a half day off school to come!”

Kim, age 19 from Simi Valley, California, attended Road 2016 with her mom and grandmother, a third generation quilter. Kim got into quilting when she decided she wanted to make a quilt for her best friend. Since then, she has also made a couple of wall hangings. She finds quilting to be a nice break from school and work. Road 2016 was her third time at the show. “I love it.” Kim likes seeing all the quilt entries. “They are mind blowing.”

These three generations of quilters visited Road from Bakersfield, California. Grandmother Kay, Kay’s daughter Judy along with Kay’s granddaughter and Judy’s niece Alyssa, age 13, enjoyed spending the day together, enjoying the variety of quilts and skill levels on display.
Kay has been quilting for 30 years and is 90 years old. Judy started sewing in the 8th grade and has been quilting for the past 25 years. Her first quilt was made from fabric she bought at J.C. Penney. She cut out hexagons, created her own pattern and sewed it together. Today, she prefers to applique. Alyssa started quilting 5 years ago. She likes to piece together fabric to make pillows. While her aunt and grandmother have been to Road dozens of times, Road 2016 was Alyssa’s first visit. “I liked it,” remarked Alyssa. She especially enjoyed the Carol’s Zoo Booth.
Who in your family do you bring along to Road?