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Posts Tagged ‘Service’

Road 2016: Service and Security

Tuesday, January 12th, 2016

Since 1998, The Ontario Convention Center has been the home of Road to California.Ontario Convention Center

Road to California is the convention center’s largest client, taking up not only the entire convention center footage, but additional tent space as well. This year’s show will feature

173 classes, lectures and special events taught by internationally recognized experts

Over 1,000 quilts on display

220 Retailers from 37 states and 7 foreign countries set up in over 700 merchant booths

[caption id="attachment_3709" align="aligncenter" width="525"]Photo courtesy of Gregory Case Photography Photo courtesy of Gregory Case Photography[/caption] The Ontario Convention Center provides great service to the Reese family and their Road guests:438 Desiree has been a convention center assistant to the Reese family for three years. Her job is to provide hospitality items like meals, beverages, and water to the Reeses so that they have the nourishment and energy to run the second biggest quilt show in the United States. Desiree says of her experience, “I love working with the Reese family. Carolyn is a sweetheart and everyone is so kind.” Desiree loves watching the show come all together, especially with all the quilts.Tina Tina is the Director of Event Services for the Ontario Convention Center. She oversees all event logistics, directing the many managers on staff. However, with Road to California, she personally oversees all aspects of this event because Road is the convention center’s biggest client. She has worked with the Reese family ever since they first came to the convention center in 1998. Tina works 14 hour days during the week of the show, supervising the convention center workers like greeters, janitorial, and security guards; serving as the direct contact to the police and fire departments; and troubleshooting situations that arise. For instance, last year during Road 2015, Ontario experienced extremely high winds. To accommodate for this hazard, Tina and her staff worked quickly and efficiently to change the bus drop off locations, block off dangerous entrances, reinforce the tent areas, maintain crowd management and hire additional staff to pick up items that were blowing away. Regarding the show, Tina admires “the extensive art work involved with the quilts.” It is a joy for her to see how the quilts have evolved over the years.download Large crowds, over a hundred classes, and numerous vendors require extra safety precautions. For the past five years, the Reese family has hired special security detail to watch out for their guests. Their security personnel have extensive experience dealing with loss prevention with a big box retailer for over 20 years. They walk the show floor and hallways, scrutinizing body movements and behavior as they watch out for shoplifters and employees stealing from their employers. What advice do they have for our guests to help prevent possible losses?
  • Keep bags and purses close and in front of you.
  • Use Sack Sitters to manage your purchases.
  • At night, leave the convention center in groups.
Road to California is always watching out for our guests, especially when it comes to service and security.  ]]>

A Fraternity That Mixes Music With Quilting Service

Wednesday, May 8th, 2013

There always seems to be a lot of bad press when you hear about fraternity activities. But you won’t hear anything negative at Road to California where the talent and giving spirit of a local fraternity truly makes a difference.

Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia is the world’s oldest and largest secret national fraternal society in music. The objects of this fraternity are to encourage the best and truest fraternal spirit; the mutual welfare and brotherhood of musical students; the advancement of music in America and a loyalty to the Alma Mater. A key component of this fraternity is charity. Sinfonians are called to serve mankind through ideals and music in “uplifting his fellow man.”fraternity5

Matt Reese is an alumnus of the Kappa Omicron Chapter of Phi Mu Alpha at California State University-Long Beach. For the past two years, he has enlisted the brothers of Kappa Omicron to help Road’s vendors haul their merchandise to and from their vehicles.  While these young men are super busy helping to get everything in order in time for Preview Night, they do also get to visit with some of the participants.  Said Robert Tovar, current Chapter Secretary, “I love hearing the stories from all the quilters. They are very friendly.”fraternity2

The fraternity brothers return to the Convention Center Sunday afternoon, when everything is over, to tear down the show. fraternity3

Each student spends about 17 hours completing their assignments. All of the money raised by these young men during Road goes towards their fund raising efforts to provide aid to inner city school music programs. In fact, their fund raising concert, Sinfonia Helps Music, will take place on May 10 at 7:00 PM at the Unitarian Universalist church in Long Beach, CA. 

Robert sums up the fraternity’s participation: “It is just one art helping another art.”fraternity1

Thank you Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia for your hard work at Road and in the community. 







Sharing Holiday Cheer

Friday, November 30th, 2012

Are you looking for an easy and meaningful way to brighten someone’s life this holiday season? We have a request that will take only a few minutes of your time and cost not much more than the price of a postage stamp.

Glenda Kaye White is Carolyn’s sister.  Born November 23, 1944, Glenda suffered a birth injury which left her with the mental capacity of a seven year old. When Glenda was younger, Carolyn’s mother took care of all of her needs and made sure that Glenda was provided opportunities to experience the world around her. Today, Glenda is happy and doesn’t have a care in the world. She lives in a special facility in Upland, California. Glenda’s favorites include country music, “I Love Lucy” re-runs, the color red, and the song, “You are my Sunshine.” But more than anything else, Glenda LOVES GETTING MAIL.  Postcards, holiday cards, short notes — anything that the postman delivers just for her brings true joy and excitement in to Glenda’s life. She collects each and every letter and safe keeps them in her special RED purse to read over and over again.

So, we were wondering. ..Would you mind sending a card to Glenda this holiday season? Any kind of card would do.  Our hope is that Glenda will receive lots and lots and lots of mail, beginning today and on through the month of December. Can you just imagine what a thrill it would be for her?  Here is her address:

Glenda Kaye White

1289 North 3rd

Upland, California 91786


You can be sure that this small act of kindness will make a world of difference to one woman’s life. Thank you for sharing your holiday spirit with our family.       
