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Road 2016 Faculty Spotlight AND A Giveaway!!

We can hardly stand it: Road to California 2016 is only 4 months away. How would you like two free tickets to come to the show? Read on about one of our outstanding faculty, Shannon Shirley, and learn at the end of this post how you can enter to win!!

Shannon Shirley will be teaching 4016C  Children’s Artwork Quilts, Fusible Appliqué on Thursday; 5014C   Thread Sketching on Friday; 6013C   Introduction to Free Motion Quilting on Saturday; and on Sunday, a handwork class,  7013R   Embroidery for Your Quilts.Shannon Shirley Shannon Shirley is a quilter, teacher, author, and special exhibit curator. Shannon’s love of vintage quilts came from her mum who collected quite a number of old quilts when Shannon was a young adult. Shannon loves looking at all the colors, fabrics and textures that quilting adds. She started collecting vintage orphan blocks and made small wall quilts to practice her skills. She actually started quilting in 1989 and was self-taught until 2004. Shannon has been taking technique classes ever since and loves how quilters have so many different styles, techniques and tools, not to mention an endless array of fabrics and embellishments to create with. She uses some techniques more often than others but they are all there in her toolbox to be used for her current quilt project.ShirleySBottlesandBlooms66x34_tn_w850_h850_wm_w3_o100_gs0_r0_p636.5x344.85 Shannon’s classes are designed for beginning and intermediate quilters. She loves helping students believe they can do something. “That moment when their eyes light up and they smile because they are so pleased with themselves,” is what Shannon enjoys most as a teacher. She hopes her students will be inspired to believe that they can indeed design their own quilt, master a new technique, and finish that quilt! What is her best quilting tip?  To “relax and enjoy the process! Try to do your best work but let go of the desire for it to be perfect.” At Road 2015, Shannon curated the exhibit, Celebrate the Day With Quiltsa display that honored special days in the lives of the quilters that participated. Those days showcased were serious, personal, inspirational and even silly. Something that Shannon has found an interest in is combining children’s art work and quilting. When she was learning to quilt, she had 3 young daughters who loved to draw. Having them draw or paint directly on fabric entertained them while allowing her to spend time on her new hobby. The first piece they made together was a quilt for Shannon’s dad. It had large blocks that her girls drew on, alternated with a print fabric and tied.Shannon Shirley4 Shannon has since published three books and has three traveling exhibits on her method.  “It was very exciting to publish my first book Creating Children’s Artwork Quilts and the response to it and the traveling exhibit has been amazing. I love it when the quilts are on exhibit and I am able to be on the exhibit floor with them. Interacting with the visitors to the shows and answering their questions and hearing their feedback is my favorite thing to do! “  But Shannon also admits that while she loves sharing her work, she “ loves even more when someone shows me something they have created because they were inspired by a presentation, exhibit or book of mine!”Shannon Shirley3 To learn more about Shannon Shirley, please visit her website, Once in a Rabbit Moon. How can you enter to win two free tickets to Road 2016? Simply comment below what you like best about Road to California by Sunday, September 20, 2015. One lucky winner will be chosen using Random Number Generator and will be notified on September 21st. Good luck to all who enter!!    ]]>

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130 Responses to “Road 2016 Faculty Spotlight AND A Giveaway!!”

  1. Sabrina Cowley says:

    I love feeling the love of quilting emanating from every corner!

  2. Kathy says:

    I so enjoy preview night. There is such energy from people seeing these quilts for the first time. It gets everyone revved up for three days for an incredible show.

  3. Melanie says:

    Love the quilting knowledge that comes from Road to CA.

  4. Nancy K says:

    Road to California provides southern California the opportunity to see top notch quilts in person. They often have already been in books and magazines or go on to be in publications. I also like the gathering of vendors that would not normally be available. It is a must see for me and I haven’t missed a show in over 20 years. I’ve also been fortunate to have my quilts included a few times over the years. Thanks Road!

  5. Pax says:

    Sooooo many vendors all in one place, and wonderful, inspiring classes with such esteemed teachers.

  6. donna bach says:

    Oh my gosh where do I begin? First time was last year and I was a little overwhelmed. With that said my hubby and I had a blast!
    Loved the preview night and being able to look at the quilts and ask questions.
    We met Julie Olds at Shannon Fabrics who we loved! I have made 1 quilt using minky and hated it and swore I would NEVER sew with it again. Well guess what, Julie changed that. Not only did she take the time to explain several times how to work with them and gave us tons of tips but we made a new friend. I have taken her tips and made a baby blanket that turned out really cute and glad I tried it again. Have a couple other patterns that I will make and yes I starting a new stash—you guessed it—Shannon Fabrics Cuddle!
    Made some new friends, learned some great ideas and oh yeah, came home with some new patterns/fabric!

  7. Ellee says:

    I love the tons of creativity and inspiration everywhere you look.

  8. Joy Call says:

    The ROAD leads me to memories of my Mother and Grandmothers and their quilts. Recently, my daughter, the Quilt Artist, has flown down from Bend, OR and we are making new memories along this ROAD TO California. Thanks for the memories.

  9. Sue Graham says:

    What I love best about Road? – Announcements by Randy Graves. 🙂

  10. Cheryl Taylor says:

    I enjoy wandering around the exhibit halls soaking up the beauty of the works of “art” everywhere. There is so much talent in the quilting world and it inspires me to try to make each of my quilts better than the last. I also love seeing new techniques and tools to learn and use in my next project.

  11. Barbara Diane Scism says:

    I love all the vendors. They have everything you could ever want for quilting and sewing, and some things you didn’t know you needed! On top of that, some of the most beautiful quilts in the country are on display for our visual feasting, lending new ideas to our repertoire. Thanks for continuing this fabulous show.

  12. Deb Hulme says:

    Wow, Last year was my first Quilt show ever. Loved everything!

  13. Betsy Trempy says:

    This is my first time to attend Road to California. I am so excited to see the quilts and Vendors. I have looked forward to this for a couple of years. what excitement

  14. Suzie McLeod says:

    This will be my first trip! Can’t wait to experience every aspect.

  15. I most love the beautifully created quilts and the fabric everywhere!! Color!

  16. Cindy Calvo says:

    I love being surrounded by quilters and seeing the incredible artistry exhibited there. I love the classes, the comradery, the countless new notions that each booth has. I love the fabric, the friends, the fabulous new machines. What do I like best? That Road to California is where I get my therapy! It’s my happy place.

  17. Shirley Keaough-Peterson says:

    I love the classes, the ability to look at the show’s quilts when not in class, Caroline’s gift for areanging meals that don’t leave a quilter sleepy-full after lunch, and, most of all, the great sense of family Caroline both creates and models. 🙂

  18. LisaMittleman says:

    I am a new quilter and really want to attend for inspiration and ideas! I am especially excited about the children’s artwork quilts!!

  19. Janet Hashberger says:

    I love the chance to take these exciting classes, to learn from the talented instructors and to see and learn about new ideas to enhance my quilting.

  20. Sydney Peterson says:

    I enjoy all the beautiful quilts and the many veneers!!!!

  21. Linda Horsley says:

    I love viewing all the fabulous quilts. The talent that is out there is so inspiring. I feel like every quilt entry is a winner, even if they don’t have a ribbon. Also, I love seeing all the vendors and what is new. I’m wishing I could buy everything I like. Ha ha
    I also love running into old friends that I have seen for awhile. The show is something I look forward to each year. Great job by all that put this fantastic show on.

  22. Beth Richardson says:

    Incorporating children’s artwork into quilts is such a fun idea.

  23. Doris Barnes says:

    I would love to win tickets to the 2016 show

  24. Joyce Morrissette says:

    i love the creativity and inspiration .

  25. Awesome giveaway…

  26. Paula louis says:

    I love the quilts on display and seeing all the techniques that are used.

  27. Kathleen Darling says:

    Inspiring and shopping!

  28. Nancy Page says:

    Road to California is a very relaxed show but still has an atmosphere of excitement, energy, inspiration, and creativity. Everyone is friendly and willing to share experiences. The classes provide great fun, learning, inspiration, and spark creativity. Also, it is easy to get around the show and find the classes.
    Thank you for this great giveaway!

  29. Peggy Monroe says:

    Road to California is inspiration. I’m inspired by all the color, all the new designs, the explanations of things I didn’t understand, and meeting up with all the people with my same heart.

  30. Shelly Hoffman says:

    The vendor mall, the vendor mall, the vendor mall!!!!!!!!

  31. To be surrounded by the best of the best! To be immersed in what you love. Quilts and quilting. It is such a wonderful show!

  32. Tricia Heimbigner says:

    Gosh where to begin! Love the opportunity to take classes! Look forward to the show every year! The vendors and beautiful quilts! The talent of some of these quilts made is amazing! And last but not least, Fabric, Fabric, Fabric!

  33. I just found out about this event when we did row by row I’m excited about being able to attend. My daughter decided this would be a great Christmas present and is sending me there from Ohio. I’m looking forward to finding out more about it!

  34. Val Gyurci says:

    “Road” has it all! So user friendly.
    It’s also the first show where one of my quilts was shown.

  35. Penny Burgin says:

    I love quilt shows but I’ve never been to the Road to California!

  36. I love the immersion in a quilt show, with colors and fabrics everywhere.
    Learning new techniques, getting to know more likeminded people.
    Filling the heart and the soul with inspiration and getting into the flow.

  37. Peggy S. Campbell says:

    As an intermediate quilter, I look for inspiration on how I can improve my work, plus I am the ultimate shopper.

  38. Anita mora says:

    Inspiration on all things sewing.

  39. Mary Ann says:

    I have never been to the show but so want to come in 2016!!

  40. Sue Page says:

    I love wandering the halls hearing the excited voices when they find the perfect item, seeing the beautiful colors and admiring all of the talent people have. The sights, sounds and beauty are the overwhelming. I feel like a little kid on Christmas morning… Oh what goodie am I going to find today!

  41. Connie Mersereau says:

    My absolute favorite part of Road to California is the inspiration I receive from the excellent talent of other quilters. I love seeing the possibilities!!!

  42. Patricia Keene says:

    I love all the vendors from all over the country. Fun to see new fabrics from a different location. Had a great time takung classes there too. Teachers are really fabulous.

  43. Sharon Tippetts says:

    I enjoy seeing all the beautiful quilts and wandering around to see all the vendors.

  44. Kathy Reece says:

    Looking forward to attending the Road to California! It is always fun to see all the quilts and visit all the vendors too!

  45. Cathy H says:

    The show quilts are fabulous, the vendors were great, the classes/instructors inspiring and the people everywhere were friendly! Overall a great time!!

  46. Caro Sikel says:

    My sister in Alaska and I (from Montana) would love to travel and join the group. Quilters are the best!!

  47. Cathy medinas says:

    I love all the fabrics and the talent seen in every design and finished product

  48. Cece Hartt says:

    I am amazed and awestruck by the beautiful quilts presented each year. It is an opportunity to purchase new patterns and items not readily available nearby. I look forward to taking classes offered each year. Road to California reignites my love of quilting.

  49. vicki gondeiro says:

    Never been, would like too !!!

  50. Becky Harrington says:

    I have never been to Road, but it has been always on my “to do ” list. I would like to go to experience the excitement of quilters looking at award winning quilts and possibly meeting with quilting instructors that you only see on television or the Internet.

  51. Tisha C says:

    This would be my first time going to the event and I would be so thrilled to go and be apart of such an amazing event. I taught myself to sew 2 years ago and would love to learn to quilt.

  52. Diane Healey says:

    I love seeing spectacular quilts!

  53. Carol Russell says:

    Was there in 2011. Enjoyed the many beautiful quilts on display and would like to come back and see what new techniques are being used this time. Also would like to see what new notions are out there.

  54. Linda Schaefer says:

    Love everything about it!!

  55. Jo Brickwell says:

    I find inspiration around every corner, from the classes to the vendors to the fabulous quilts!

  56. Barb says:

    I love the opportunity to learn new techniques and tips from the experts and lovers of quits and design! I love the fact that you can shop with fantastic vendors to find the latest notion that you can take home and treasure; not to say that every time you use such notion all the good times of Road to California will come flooding back to you! Cannot leave out the gorgeous quilts which will on display for all to drool (figuratively) over!!

  57. I have a seven year old and the children art work is so interesting. I love The Road because it is always an inspiration to me.

  58. Diane says:

    I love the opportunity to take classes with nationally recognized quilters and to shop with the vendors. Party Time is always a highlight.

  59. Teresa says:

    What I like best is that I will be attending for the first time this year!

  60. MICHELLE says:

    Can’t wait to go to Road Show again!

  61. Chris P says:

    I love seeing the quilts. There is so much inspiration it really gets the creative juices moving. I enjoy seeing things I haven’t tried, either techniques, colors or styles. Can’t wait for January/

  62. Diane W. says:

    I just love the entire Road experience! My friend and I always start at the vendor mall. Typically, I buy one “big” item, such as a quilt kit or a pattern & fabric to make a specific quilt. Then we eat lunch and see all of the beautiful quilts.

  63. Debbie says:

    Four of us quilters from Parker, CO are coming to Road for the first time. We have had our reservations for months and we are so excited! I am sure that we will LOVE EVERYTHING there! We are booked for non-stop classes and are each bringing an extra suitcase to carry home all of our treasures! See you there!!!!

  64. Margaret Marlow says:

    This one event gives me ideas to fill my spare time for over a year. So much to see and learn.

  65. Lynda Lasich says:

    The trip to the Road of California Quilt Show with friends, and being among hundreds of beautiful quilts is exhilarating and inspiring. The vendors are just as exciting. All in all, a wonderful experience.

  66. Robin says:

    Great teachers, beautiful quilts, fun entertainment, exciting vendors, inspiration floating through the air but my most favorite thing about Road is the energy of thousands of quilters and that I am one of THEM!!!

  67. Cindy Shelley says:

    I like all the classes offered, the quilts, and the vendors.

  68. Marilyn Linn says:

    I enjoy seeing the talents of the quilters as well as discovering new fabrics, tools, etc. from the vendors.

  69. Sara says:

    The energy, creativity, Quilter’s, and oodles of fabric!

  70. sandy rader says:

    Omg everything quilting..a wish come true. All the th I,gs I want to learn and experience. Happy quilting to all and the winner enjoy it.

  71. Pat Dull says:

    I love being able to see new things all in one place. And all the quilts, inspiration, new friends and old friends.

  72. Janis says:

    I have never been to Road to California since I am on the east coast but if I won tickets I wouldn’t be able to pass up the opportunity. I enjoy learning new techniques and having the opportunity to purchase items not available locally. The quilts of others provides inspiration.

  73. BJ Sandusky says:

    Sounds like a fun time!!! BJ Sandusky….

  74. Janet My says:

    I live on the East Coast…. this would be a trip of a lifetime. I’ve followed Road on Facebook and drooled over all the beautiful quilts. So many talented people in one place. Let’s not forget the shopping to be done. Thank you for the opportunity to get a chance to enjoy this event 1st hand.

  75. Patti Prince says:

    I love quilts shows, I have been twice I really like all the vendors and the ability to see products up close, all the fabric and the hunt for that special one to spark an idea, my hubby even comes and looks for unusual fabrics for me to create for him, lol

  76. Pam says:

    I come every year with my hubby. To see quilts, friends Etc. Road is our favorite show. Lately with taking care of my folks it’s the only 3 day getaway we get!

  77. Kay Laboda says:

    I love love love Road 2 California. Can’t wait.

  78. Carol Malone says:

    Hey I have never been so a win will be in my favor…

  79. QuiltShopGal says:

    I love just about everything at Road. Great teachers, classes, quilts, vendors, special exhibits. But I am a bit partial to free-motion quilting classes on a domestic machine, precision piecing classes, as well as machine embroidery classes.

  80. Deanna says:

    I’ve never been and I’d love to attend!!! I’ve made it to Paducah and Road is also on my bucket list!

  81. Janice K Erickson says:

    When I attend the Road To California, my emotions of anticipation and appreciation come out. It allows me participation on every level and leaves me feeling accomplished. I love it!!!!

  82. Becky says:

    The wide variety of quilts, incredibly talented instructors, and the high quality of vendors make Road to CA a terrific event.

  83. Elaine says:

    I love seeing all the beautiful quilts most. Visiting so many vendors is a close second.

  84. Sherry loftis says:


  85. Diane says:

    Beauty and Inspiration from every quilt motivates me to try to improve my quilt skills!

  86. Annis Gerner says:

    Always something to learn.

  87. Judi Doud says:

    The fabulous quilts, of course !!

  88. Kathleen says:

    So excited to be going to my first road to California event. I am a new quilter and hoping to learn a lot.

  89. irene master says:

    Love the quilts and creativity!

  90. Lynne McCann says:

    I want to enhance my quilting skills and this seems like a great opportunity! I’ve never taken a quilting class, so would love to learn from a professional.

  91. Last year was my first year there – loved every minute of it. The band, the enthusiasm, the teachers, the quilts, the vendors… and probably most of all, the weather in southern California in January! What a lovely break from the New England cold and snow. I’ll definitely be going back – hopefully sooner, rather than later.

  92. Cynthia andrews says:

    Such an awesome blog. Road to California is top notch. Having preview night and being able ty o preview and ask questions. Fabulous.

  93. Judy Atkinson says:

    It represents all the ways you can quilt. From old fashioned blocks to new age, portraits and everything in between

  94. Sherry Jagels says:

    NeVery been there but would love to experience it. Sounds like so much fun!

  95. Patti Bench says:

    I love going to Road to California to be in the company of others who love quilting as much as I do and don’t laugh at me when I buy more than I intended on buying!

  96. I love quilting, applique, and embroidery and all that goes along with it. This would be a tremendous opportunity for me to learn from a good teacher. My daughter just moved out to CA. so she could meet me there. I miss her. We have been in this together for years.

  97. Susan says:

    There is nothing like the companionship of quilters that are sharing in a tradition that is 200 years old.

  98. Ann Williams says:

    What do I love about the Road to California – the vibrancy of the rainbow of colours in the quilts, the amazing quilts themselves – beauty and outstanding talent in every one. The friendly, talented, generous quilters you meet there, both amateur and professional. The fabulous vendors who are always ready to help and assist – it is always a happy and laughter filled experience buying from them. The wonderful treasure hunt that is called finding new fabric designs, design books and quilting tools. It is Christmas and birthdays rolled in to one. Above all it the chance to meet friends I have made on Facebook but been unable to meet until now as they are in America and I am in the UK. It is a perfect end to a wonderful holiday in California.

  99. Mary Ann Zonenshine says:

    Fabulous quilts!!!! Great teachers!!!!

  100. Anne McKenzie says:

    I love going to Road for the energy I absorb fron all the great quilts,the color, the new & exciting gadgets the vendors have. Fun to watch the demos. There is such motivation from all the people gathered in one spot who have a common love–quilting. Can’t wait to go again????

  101. Debbie Parnell says:

    This would be my first quilt show! Excited about seeing all the vendors and learning from the experts!!!!

  102. Debbie Parnell says:

    This would be my first quilt show! Excited about seeing all the vendors and would love to learn from the experts!!!!

  103. I’ve never been, but I’m sure what I’d love most is the inspiration!

  104. What do I like best about the Road to California? The Displays of Antique & Vintage Quilts and the Wearable Art! It is wonderful to see what ideas previous generations had for quilts and the Wearable Art is always Inspiring!

  105. Lisa Knight says:

    I have never been many of my friends have gone and it all sounds wonderful. I loved hearing about and seeing all the great things that they have learned. Love quilting and think this would be just fabulous.

  106. Scarlett Rose says:

    I’ve entered quilts and wearables in Road over the years, but I haven’t had the opportunity to attend myself. I’m entering a quilt for 2016 so if it gets in, maybe it’s time??

  107. Cindy Werkmeister says:

    I love all the stories and photos about the road show. It has made me wishing I could attend a show each and every year. Maybe this year can be the year!

  108. Martha Hann says:

    I love all the shopping and the inspiration from the beautiful quilt displays.

  109. I’m available to go. Haven’t been to California in 28 years. We want to go desperately! Pick us in Texas!

  110. Pat Mourek says:

    Love all the beautiful quilts and the classes.

  111. debbie deal says:

    I love all of the creativity! I leave so energized!

  112. Karen Heriford says:

    Just yesterday we were talking about Road and my friend described at as “summer camp for quilters”. We learn so many new techniques, meet new and old friends and look forward to returning every year.

  113. How can I know what I love if I have never been? I am from the East Coast and have heard from so many people what a wonderful show this is. I would love to go and find out for myself!

  114. Mary Kay Fuhlrodt says:

    Everything. The excitement you can feel from everyone over the vendors,the quilts,and learning new things or finding that special tool or the most perfect fabric, to a pattern they love. Just being in a place with others that feel the same way you do about your quilting addiction..

  115. Meta Bonnell says:

    I would love to have the opportunity to go to Road2California, since I have never been there. I imagen the best part would be to see all the beautiful quilts.

  116. Debi Ross-Brownell says:

    I’ve never been. It looks and sounds amazing! I’d love to be in such a creative and inspiring environment.

  117. paulina heather says:

    shopping for quilt fabrics!

  118. Linda rhoades says:

    I have been attending Road to California since the beginning. I am always impressed by the fabulous quilts on display and all the wonderful vendors! I look forward to it every year!

  119. Pat says:

    Love the beautiful quilts, lots of venders and warm weather in January.

  120. Rebecca says:

    Love the Road to California quilt show. So many extraordinary quilts to see and it is a shoppers paradise.

  121. Peggy Love says:

    All so inspiring!!

  122. donna jolley says:

    Sounds like an amazing road trip to me!! Let’s go to Cali and get inspired!!

  123. SheilaR says:

    I would love to win the tickets!! Jan 2016 will be my first time to attend the Road to Calif.
    Quilt Show. I can hardly wait..

  124. I’ve never been, since I live in Texas and I’ve only been quilting for 4 years. I would love to come to the event! I could see my 4 grandchildren too!!

  125. Leslie C says:

    I love looking at the displays of quilts, as well as checking out all the vendors with beautiful fabric, new patterns and fun stuff!

  126. Carol Dickson says:

    Wall to wall quilts and fantastic vendors — what’s not to love!

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