Gammill instructor, will be teaching Road 2016’s Statler Educational Program which is a series of four longarm lecture/demo classes featuring the Gammill Statler Stitcher: 4017R Put the Hammer Down for Beautiful Borders! on Thursday; 5015R It’s a Photo Finish! on Friday; 6015R Victory Lap! on Saturday; and on Sunday, 7015R Statler Pit Stop.
When Georgia Stull’s oldest son announced he was getting married, she thought she would make him and his new bride a quilt as a wedding gift. Georgia had been a seamstress (wedding gowns to window treatments) since she was a teenager so sewing the quilt was not an issue. When it came time to have it quilted, Georgia and her husband, Ivan, took the quilt to an area quilter who proceeded to tell them all about his quilting machine. As they were leaving, Ivan said to Georgia, “You could do that!” Her reply was “Sure, if you buy me a machine!” Two weeks later, Ivan took off work early and bought Georgia a machine!! She couldn’t have been more surprised. Ivan was all ready to buy a Statler by Gammill for Georgia but she just wasn’t sure she could do it. They did lots of research and eventually bought a Statler four months later. And guess what? Georgia can do it!!
It didn’t take too long after Georgia started quilting that her husband, Ivan, decided he should learn all about quilting. He pieced and quilted his first quilt with a little help from Georgia. Now, he has pieced and quilted 5 quilts. Georgia is hoping that their oldest granddaughter, Ellie, will be a future quilter. She is off to a promising start. Together, Ellie and Georgia made a quilt for Ellie’s doll babies this past summer.
Since most of Georgia’s quilting is for customers, her inspiration comes from the quilt tops they bring to her. Georgia is a “computerized quilter” and she is honest to say that she “designs by credit card!” While there are many wonderfully talented digital pattern designers, the trick is to find the perfect pattern to bring a quilt to life. Georgia loves the challenge of putting together the perfect combination of designs for a quilt. She is also inspired by the fabulous quilting of others. As a teacher, she is exposed to the very ‘best of the best’ quilts. Georgia remarks, it is “such golden inspiration!”
Georgia has used a Statler by Gammill from the very beginning. Because the Stulls live in Harrisonville, Missouri (just outside Kansas City), it was easy for them to take classes at the Statler facility in Columbia, Missouri. Georgia actually learned from the master, Paul Statler. She counts Paul and Mildred Statler as good friends whom she respects and admires very much. Both Ivan and Georgia have showed up so many times at the facility that they are sure the Gammill people thought, “It’s those Stulls again!”
In 2008, Georgia was asked to be a beta tester for the software and she also became a Certified Statler Instructor. She has come to know many of the members of the Gammill team as she’s traveled and taught. Georgia says that “the Gammill team always takes good care of me as a teacher.”
Georgia loves meeting quilters from all over the world. She has been fortunate to travel as far away as England and Wales to teach. She always tries to remember how when she bought her Statler, she was more than a bit overwhelmed and thought, “What did I do?” She loves helping her students go from “What did I do?” to “I love my Statler!”
At Road 2016, Georgia’s desire is for students to become efficient and effective quilters without compromising quality. And more importantly, she hopes that they enjoy the process because, as Georgia says, “quilting is FUN!”
What is Georgia’s best quilting tip? “Don’t be so critical of yourself and your quilting. Computerized quilters, especially, tend to expect absolute perfection. I am all about doing the best that I can on every quilt but it is never going to be perfect. It’s so hard to enjoy the process if you expect perfection.”
How would you like to meet Georgia and take her Statler Educational Program classes for FREE? Road to California is going to award one lucky winner admission to all four classes in the series!!
To enter, simply comment below, by midnight November 22, 2016, why you want to participate in the Statler Educational Program with Georgia Stull. You can also enter by commenting on Road’s Facebook Page post about the contest. One lucky winner will be chosen by Real Number Generator and announced on November 23rd.
Good luck to all who enter.]]>
Tags: Gammill, Georgia Stull, Giveaway, Longarm Quilting, Longarm Quilting Class, Statler by Gammill
Would love the opportunity to learn
I have been interested in learning long arm quilting but have not made the commitment to buy one yet. Georgia is very inspiring and would love to take the classes.
This would be awesome to attend!!!
I would love to take the Statler classes. I current do not own a long arm, but I would love to explore the option and I am sure taking classes would help me make a decision. My sister has a Gammel and she loves hers. Thank you for the opportunity.
Linda, I think taking a class is one of the smartest things you can do! You will see just how flexible and powerful the Statler software is!
I have been unable to quilt for 5 years. I need help getting back into it. Would love to win.
I will be at Road this year! Would love to increase my skills!
My husband purchased a Gammill Classic Plus for me 7 1/2 years ago. I am, by no means, anywhere near a professional quilter but I have definitely enjoyed learning to use my machine and have quilted some lovely quilts for clients but never have I kept one for myself! I would love to upgrade to the Statler Stitcher system and would love to win this opportunity to learn from a master! Thank you for the opportunity! Sandy (Sandy’s Stitches & Seams)
I would just live an opportunity for more education and particularly with Georgia!!!
Who wouldn’t want to take this class! My Besty (statler) is up to the challenge.
I own two gammill optimum statler quilting machines and love them. I would love to refresh and gain more knowledge about these wonderful machines.
I want to be there in Georgia’s classes!!!!
Would love to win. Great training opportunity
I’ve spoken with Georgia at SUGAR but taking classes with her has just never worked out. I’d love the opportunity – I know she’s an awesome instructor!
I would love to take classes from Georgia Stull. I just purchased a Gammill Statler Stitcher and am asking myself, What did I do?” I would love to learn from someone so accomplished but also from someone who remembers what it felt like to feel so completely overwhelmed! Thank you for this opportunity!
I have a Gammill I am using now, but would like to upgrade it to the Statler. I am very computer literate and learn quickly so going to Georgia’s demo class and lecture would be great. Thanks for the opportunity to participate!
I would love to learn long arm quilting.
I have owned my Gammill with Statler Stitcher for about 3 years. I would love to win and have the opportunity to learn from one of the best Statler teachers out there. I would like to add more knowledge to my tool box. Thank you for this opportunity.
I have owned my Gammill with Statler Stitcher for about 3 years. I would love to win and have the opportunity to learn from one of the best Statler teachers out there. I would like to add more knowledge to my tool box.
I would love to take Georgia’s classes because I was blessed to see her briefly when I first owned my Statler and I learned so much! I am now ready for more advanced techniques! I own my own Longarm studio and every time I learn new things my clients and my guild gets so excited.
I have taken several of Georgia’s classes and they are amazing. I’d love to learn more so that I can build my confidence in using my Statler to its full potential.
Thus would be a dream come true for me.
I currently have a Pfaff GQ on a Grace frame and would love to “up my skill level” so that when I can get a long arm machine, I will be able to “hit the road running”. Maybe even get a chance to finish off some of the twenty-plus tops I have waiting. LOL!! It would be a great opportunity to explore new techniques. As I like to say, “It’s a good day when you learn something new.” Thank you for the opportunity to participate. Looking forward to Road 2016!!

I’m working really hard to improve my free motion quilting skills & that will be my focus for 2016. To win a class with a pro would be absolutely wonderful!
Love my Statler and love to continue to learn and meet new quilters.
Oh my gosh eeek! I am super excited to have the opportunity to enter into the Statler Ed program. My friend just bought a Gammill and it is absolutely gorgeous, so obviously I’ve got the bug to learn long arm and free motion. Thank you so much for making this available!
I would love to take any of these classes.
Congratulations Barbara — You are lucky winner #145!!!
I love Georgia’s classes! Her hand outs are full of great information that is easy to refer back to when you get yourself in a pickle. I’m not really planning to go to CA but heck, if I win? , I’m there! Thanks for the opportunity!
I would love to take these classes to learn the craft of longarm quilting for my quilts and others. There is a great need in my area to quilt for charity and they all need longarm quilters to donate their services; how rewarding to help others, however guidance and instruction is needed. What better way to learn from a Master longarm quilter! Going to the Road to California is on my bucket list, but don’t know if I would be able to make it without some help. Thank you sew much for this opportunity!
Oh my gosh would I LOVE to take these classes. Have met Georgia at several events but haven’t taken any of her classes. This would be an awesome learning experience. Besides I’ve never been to California.
Oh my, classes with a pro would be terrific!
I have belonged to a quilt guild for over30 years. I have taken many classes and made several quilts. I would love to know how to machine quilt. I enjoy hand applique and quilting as well as patchwork. My grandmother, mother and aunts made quilts. We have a pioneer background. Love beautiful quilts! This would be awesome to win!
Would love to have Georgia’s Statler creativity rub off on me some more!
Great story! Thank you for this opportunity!
I’ve had my Stabler for 2 years and am learning in leaps and bounds, but feel I have so much more to learn.
I’d be honored to attend this class.
Would love to take this class! Been to road every year for the last 14 years. My favorite quilt show!
I would certainly love to take all the classes. It is so wonderful to meet Georgia Stull and learn all her techniques that she uses to quilt the beautiful quilts.
Would love to improve my quilting skills, especially custom quilting.
I grew up watching my grandmother piece quilt tops. I believe I have my love of sewing from her. I shared this with my daughter and she has made several quilts for quilts of valor, as wedding gifts. And just for fun.
I enjoy the creativity associated with piecing tops and then adding quilting that “ties” it all together.
I would love to learn more and continue to grow as a quilter.
Love your classes! I learn soo much.
Yup. That would get me to the show!
I would love this opportunity.
I never want to stop learning. I always need to find new things and adding skills to my stapler experience would v
Be very very welcome! Fingers crossed I get the chance!!!
Sound like an awesome course, would love to attend.
I would love the opportunity to come see Georgia teach Statler classes. I have had my Statler for 4 years and still have a lot to learn. When I get a challenging quilt I get nervous and indecisive about what to do on it. I would love to go from “what do I do to I love my Statler”! Thanks for the opportunity!
Melissa Minke
Wow, what a great giveaway!
I’ll be heading to Road to CA in January and would love, love, love to improve my longarm skills by taking a class or two with Georgia. Thank you for the opportunity.
Learning first hand what an awesome opportunity this would be …..count me in
I love Georgias work and would love to take her classes
Oh. Yes I would love to have more classes. I brought my Statler from Houston to Norway in 2013. And now I only do e2e… I kind of forgot my skills. And I don’t have anyone around. So pleace, if I get the classes, I will make the trip next Year. Hilde Skjevdal.
The classes sound great! Pick me!
I definitely need a shot in the arm for my creativity and longarm work. Business has been dropping steadily over the past few years to the point where I may have to sell my machine and go find a “real” job. I am sure other folks have more valid reasons for winning, but I would appreciate being considered. I had the opportunity to take a class from Georgia several years ago at SUGAR and I’m sure I can learn a lot if given the opportunity.
Thank you for your consideration.
I got my Statler about 4 years ago to help friends and family get rid of the stacks of tops lying around in their sewing rooms. I didn’t know a batik from a bobbin back then but after 100’s of edge to edge quilts, some with simple borders and a few custom experiments, my self teaching has run it’s course. I would love to advance to the next level with more classes. Thanks.
I definitely need more classes! I tend to blame my
Gammill for difficulties that turn out to be my own fault.
California in the middle of winter would be awesome!
I would love to attend! I have owned my stattler for two years and have not learned much other than e2e. I need to learn more????
I would like to win the free class because I want to give my customers a better product when I do their quilts.
I would love to win! There are some many things you can do with a Statler. It is always fun to see and learn how others are creating with their quitting machines.
I have admired Georgia from afar for a long time and would be so excited to win the opportunity to sit under her for some longarm classes. Georgia has been very gracious with her knowledge when I have emailed her with questions. I would love to learn from her in person.
I have been quilting on a Statler for just over 5 years now, and I love it! I have been in a number of Georgia’s classes/lectures from MQX to SUGAR and enjoyed everyone. While I consider myself to be a confident intermediate quilter, I want to learn so much more and become an advanced quilter. I live in a small rural community and there just isn’t a large number of quilters around the area. I would like to be able to educate other Statler owners that do live in the surrounding area, and help them in their efforts to quilt to their potential. The Road to California would be a dream come true for me. Thank you so very much for this possible opportunity!!!
I would love the opportunity to attend these classes and expand my knowledge. I love my Statler! I do mostly pantos/E2E and need to learn more on the custom side. Learning to combine different patterns to create beautiful custom quilts is right in line with what I want to learn. Getting ideas from what others have done is wonderful. I’m always open to learning how people pick the pattern/designs for each quilt. There is so much my Statler can do and I know I have only touched the surface. I would love the opportunity to attend your classes! Thank you…
I have been using my Statler (also a gift from my husband) for 8 years now. I am endlessly amazed at what I can do with this machine. Would love to take this class and learn even more.
I bought my Statler as my retirement gift to me. I use Wonder Woman for personal and charity quilting. I’m still quite the novice and want to expand my knowledge base with more specialized classes.
I did not receive a whole lot of training when we first got the statler at Anderson Fabrics, I would love the chance to learn more.
I would absolutely love to learn the statler. When I bought my longarm, I had no desire to learn more about computers, but since I have been free-hand longarming for 5 years now, I am ready to learn the automatic quilting.. Linda”s longarm class of Best of both worlds really got my attention and I am eager to learn how to do it with the computer. I have had a quilt in the Road To Ca. show before and know that it is a wonderful show to attend and having a class with a pro would be such a treat. Someone will come out very blessed to win this opportunity. Have a wonderful day.
I am 66 years of age and have been quilting since I was 9 years old. One is never too old to learn something new, and I think this would be an amazing opportunity to further my skills on my Gammill. I love my Gammill!
Mary Church
I would absolutely love this opportunity
I would love to learn more about the statler. I don’t own a longarm yet! we are building a house first so one can fit. I keep telling my husband a longarm is only $xx,xxx but he says I keep forgetting to add the cost of a new house! In the mean time I am improving my free motion skills and would love to take the opportunity to take the statler classes.
Hello, I am a new owner of a Statler. I could really benefit from classes to see all that my machine can do
I love my Statler it’s the second machine I have owned and will be the last. I hope the winner will learn much and enjoy the trip.
I love doing freehand custom work , but have no clue about digitized designs , or even pantos .Computerized work is so versatile and the options are endless….I would love to have Georgia Stull teach me so I can say ” I can do it ! ” too !
I love my Gammill Statler! It inspires me every day to create unique and beautiful projects.
thank you for the drawing
It would be wonderful to be able to learn from Georgia Stull. I love free motion quilting on my Gammill and decided it was time to I can expand my quilting skills and take my quilts to the next level. I ordered the Statler Stitcher retrofit package last week and can’t wait to learn all about it!
Would love the chance to take classes from Georgia again, having met her at MQX New Hampshire. For me, she took the fear out of using my Statler and made it fun and simple to learn from her. She includes lots of laughter along with a lot of learning.What a great opportunity to take more classes from her again. Thank you.
I bought my Statler Stitcher 3 years ago and have upgraded to the CS Version 6 with the all in one touch screen computer. I am still a novice and trying to learn more so I can improve my quilting skills. These classes could really take my quilting to the next level and more. I would be thrilled at the opportunity to work with Georgia. Thanks Cheryl Row
I would love to have some great classes with some one so knowledgeable and talented!
I have been quilting for >25 years but always took my quilts to a friend that had a long arm. Then I rented time at my local quilt shop on the Gammill until the shop went out of business. I then bought a “small” long arm and frame but I have only room for about a 6 inch design. I am in the process of looking at a bigger machine but feel that I need to really step up my knowledge and skill to justify this larger machine!!!
I also have a dream of going to Road to California to see your quilt show!!! I am from the Midwest but have family in CA near, and grandchildren that I don’t get to see enough of!!!
Please put me in the running, it would be a dream come true!
Would love to win
What a wonderful opportunity to take lessons from Georgia!
I’ve had my gammill for several years now and have taken two classes and they are wonderful. I’m no artist so I depend on the designs and designers. I do alot of charity quilts and some for profit but mostly for friends and family. I run across patterns from time to time that I could sure use some help with from a professional. I would dearly love to attend this workshop. I’ve never been to one of the Statler retreat because of travel and money concerns but needless to say I would LOVE to.
I would LOVE this learning opportunity!!!!! I have owned a Gammill Statler Stitcher for 1 1/2 years and would be so excited to learn more from an expert!!
Hi there. I took a class with page many years ago, but haven’t taken a class since. I would love to do this.
I would love to learn from Georgia. I still feel like I am such a beginner!
I took a class from Georgia when I was first getting started, right after I bought my Statler several years ago, and found it very helpful. Now that I’ve just upgraded to CS 6.0, I would LOVE to learn from the best how to realize my full potential with this AWESOME machine and software. Thank you for this opportunity!
I would love the opportunity to learn from Georgia.
I would like to participate in the Statler Educational Program with Georgia because I have a Statler and I love it. I took training but I have gotten the new Version 6.0 and have figured how to use the program but I believe I can learn from someone else perhaps a better way or different way of learning. I like what Georgia says about not being so critical, which I am. I try hard to make a perfect quilt but nothing is perfect. I would like to get advice on quilting with my statler. I do the borders myself instead of using the Border icon. I would love to learn to use the statler better. I have family in California and this would give me the opportunity to see my family, learn more about my statler and quilting.
I would love to learn more about the Statler Stitcher from one of the best !!
Thank you for the opportunity and a trip to the USA would be great too!!
Regards from Down Under!!!!
I would love to take lessons. I do own a Statler as well as a manual longarm by Gammill. My dreams came true when I first got my longarm. My dreams reached to unbelieveable heights when I got my Statler.
what a privilege and pleasure it would be to learn from one of the masters!
I just updated my Classic to a Statler. Just touching the edges of what it can do. Would love to learn more. Please pick me!
Carol Cote
What a fabulous opportunity to learn from Georgia! Please pick me! ????
Wow, would I love to learn more about using a longarm! The charity guild I quilt with has an old one. I am saving up for one of my own!
Pick me, pick me!!! I’ll be your best student ever!!!
My honey like yours, encouraged me to get a Gammill longarm. For 10 years he would have brochures sent to our house. I was always hesitant because of the expense or the size of the machine. Then on our 30th wedding anniversary he surprised me with a “test drive” of the Statler, and we drove it right out of the shop! I now own a beautiful Gammill Statler. Not a day goes by that I don’t turn it on and learn something new! I love my machine and learning as much as I can to make the most of my customer’s quilts. I’ve only been at it since April but have already won awards at my local show and I’m convinced it’s because I have a Statler. Please consider me for you class LUCKY recipient, I would love to learn from you!! Thank you and happy quilting!! ????
I am a huge fan of Georgia’s and would love the opportunity to be a part of this education.
Oh My I am going to this show. I have a couple of friends that have quilts that will be displayed in this show and so we decided to travel to California. We are from Michigan. I would love to take all of her classes but must limit myself due to budget. I own a Stattler. I love it and learn something new every time I use the machine. The power of this machine is amazing. I love the new Gammill web site.
We cannot believe we are going to CALIFORNIA!!!
Would love this great opportunity!
What a fantastic opportunity to learn from one of the best! I would love to take a class from Georgia. I’m sure I would be challenged to use my Statler to produce more beautiful projects. I hope you will choose me.
I would love to attend Georgia’s classes what an honor!!????
I would love to win this class, I am working on increasing my LA skills in order to move near my son and work full time for myself. Hoping to be chosen!
I would love to add a statler to my current longarm! What an opportunity!!
I would love to learn more on what design to pick for quilt tops and how to execute the plan.
I would love to learn all I can about the statler. I would love to win your contestso I can keep learning about my machine.
Would love to have a chance at winning classes from Georgia. It would be a great opportunity. I have a Gammill and do pantographs. Have been thinking about upgrading to Statler. Winning classes would help me make my decision.
I have a Vision II but want a Statler so bad I can taste it! Nothing would make me happier to win..then I could create twice as many quilts while my machine was working.
What a joy it would be to sit in class with Georgia. I don’t think I can ever get enough training on using this amazing machine! The number of different ways to do the same thing, the number of ways to recover from my errors are fascinating. I don’t think I will ever learn all there is!
Pick me!
We always say, “The first one is free!” That’s how you get hooked. My name is Virginia and I want More! Thank you
Love my Statler but would love to learn how to use to the max
How exciting! I rent a long arm and realize there is so much more I need to know to improve my skills.
I would love the opportunity to learn this year! I’ve tried getting into small local classes, but something always thwarts it.
I would love the opportunity to learn more. I’m always looking to improve my quilting skills and offer more to my customers in return.
Planning to buy a Gammill soon and would love the learning!
I would love a refresher on statler and to learn new tips and tricks.
I know Georgia is a great teacher and her classes are fun. I need to get back to the fun of Statlering.
I’m brand new to this. I need the tutoring!
Something to learn every day are the best days ever
I love my Statler and love taking classes to become more proficient when using this awesome machine.
Someone will be lucky to win! Hope it’s me.
I would dearly love to take all of Georgia’s classes to help me take my quilting to the next level. Even though I’ve learned a lot from the Statler Sisters Yahoo Group, and from an assortment of videos, nothing can compare to training at retreats. So often, it’s not what you know, but what you don’t know, and what do to do when something doesn’t go right. Those are the things I learn at retreats.
I would love to take a class from one of the very best. Plus, she’s one of the sweetest people you’ll ever meet!
A class with Georgia would be a dream come true!!
I have owned my Statler for 2 year and so need training.
I bought a long arm machine at last years Road to California with the promise by the local machine supplier to provide classes. That never materialized and the supplier has no clue about long arm machines. I’ve already signed up for several long arm classes for this coming year but wanted to say what a great opportunity. I wish there were classes to take online or locally to make purchasing a long arm a success.
Loved the article about Georgia.
After working at a Quilt shop for 12 years I told my husband that I would like to purchase a Quilt Machine and work from home. A short time later there was a Quilt show in Tacoma, WA with lots of vendors of various Long Arm Quilting Machines. Walking through and seeing how the machines where constructed we were impressed with the Gammill Long Arm. I was leaning toward just the Manuel setup but my husband who worked on aircraft computers suggested that Gammill was a good machine, however with the potential of future clients, the addition of the Statler computer, would make my job much more enjoyable and easier. Paul Statler gave us a demo of how the computer worked and that was November 2009…the beginning.
There was a lot to learn along the way, but by studying the Manual, I managed to figure out how to do most tasks. I would really like to take instructions from Georgia Stull, a Statler/Gammill Instructor.
I can now tell you that as of November 18th 2015, I have Quilted 907 Quilts and all a labor of love.
I am thankful for my family and grateful for a life to do what I love. Gerry
I would love this……. it would help me to get more advanced, and help me so I could do this as a business. Right now only quilting for myself and my small quilting group. Thanks for the opportunity to win.
Really want to take these classes! Love my new Statler!
Why wouldn’t one want to expand their quilting skills by learning from a professional quilter.
Oh Georgia, let’s get busy!!!
I would love to win these lessons. This machine is the best – top of the line!! See you all at ROAD!!
Your quilting is awe inspiring. I would love to win and learn from you.
I would love to win this class.
I would love to win these lessons so I can learn to quilt as well as Georgia. I am amazed at how beautifully my Gammill w/ Statler performs. This machine is my third longarm. My other two purchases were another brand of longarm. I love my machine because I can turn out a perfect job and I can make money too.
Taking classes from Georgia would be amazing. I’ve been doing hand guided machine quilting on a long-arm since Sept. 1995, the past year and a half of that is on a Gammill. This would be the push I need to upgrade to the Statler. Oh Boy! See you @ Road! :0)
Quilting is one of my passions. A year before I retired, I converted one of our bedrooms into my sewing room. It’s a small corner of heaven for me. I purchased a used long-arm and proceeded to teach myself how to use it. Everything I know I learned from the Internet by watching videos, listening to my maintenance technician, reading articles, and of course, practicing. I quilt for myself, friends, and family, but mostly donate my quilts to various charities. I quilt basic, all-over designs. I am at a point where I want to improve my quilting skills, and confidence. I also want to learn more about determining quilting designs to enhance the look of the quilt and fabrics. Thank you for this opportunity. -Emily Meyer
Would love to learn all about this!
I have had my gammil for about 12 years and I absolutely love quilting. I am progressing but would live to learn more. I am by far the most happy when working on my quilting machine.
My dream is to retrofit my Gammill Classic Plus to a Statler someday. I would love to learn how the Statler works, to learn more about the machine then getting a demo at a quilt show. To learn from Georgia would make it ever so special. So, please, please pick me!
I would absolutely love the opportunity to take your classes!
Would love to have, be able to, and learn hoe to long arm
Quilt, it’s your dream to be able too.
This looks like a good chance to learn from an expert!
After starting to quilt and teaching my triplet daughters to quilt as well, it was a natural thing to get our own longarm machine, rather than quilt by checkbook! Old Betsy has done really well for ten years and is still going strong, thank heaven. Business is good, but it’s always been too busy for me to teach my girls, and our quilt tops have been piling up, waiting for the quilter… Now we’ve added a new baby, complete with a Statler system, loaded with hundreds of designs from the previous owner. I am just getting to know little “Mo” and we’ve been finishing those old tops, but I have so much to learn! The girls have each tried it, and my husband says he wants to try too. I would love to take Georgia’s classes and share that training with my family! Thanks so much for the opportunity!
My quilt shop has a Statler machine and they want me to learn to use it. These classes would help decrease my level of anxiety. I especially love the custom feature and options are endless. Sandy
Georgia is a wonderful teacher and I would be privileged to win classes at this great retreat.
So need these classes… i would really appreciate the opportunity as I have been struggling on my own for several years. Thank you for the chance to learn from the best!
I find myself in the same boat you were in Georgia. For the past 15 years I have said someday I will have a statler. I guess my husband was listening. He surprised me this year for our anniversary saying I know you would never buy it for yourself so hear it is. Now as I am trying to learn how to use it i find myself thinking WHAT WAS I THINKING!
I’m hoping classes will be just what I need to get me over the fear of this machine so I can say I LOVE MY STATLER!
I bought my Statler right before Road last year (it was used at Road as a demo machine) and I have edge to edge down but not much else. I would love the opportunity to take classes from Georgia to learn more!
I’m self-taught so would love some new perspectives.
This would be an incredible opportunity . I would sincerely appreciate every minute of it!
How Exciting! I could really use these classes!
This is a talent I would love to develop.
It’s just beautiful.
Georgia Stills is a talented and gifted quilter
I use the Statler almost everyday and I have never taken a class. Would love to use the machine to the fullest extent.
It would be wonderful to win this prize package! Learn new things to use the longarm.
My friend has a Gammill and LOVES it. Her work is gorgeous. It inspires me to want to learn long arm quilting and I’ve been very close several times to buying a long arm machine…but haven’t yet. Having the opportunity to learn from the very best will push me to buying that machine and taking my quilting skills to the next level.
I’ll be at Road for sure. Thank you for this fantastic opportunity.
Beautiful work!
This is awesome. I would treasure the opportunity to learn from her in person.
I’m a retired teacher and current Deli owner who just purchased a quilt shop and would love to gain the skills and confidence to quilt like this–Absolutely inspiring!
I broke my ankle last year and had to have surgery which put my guilting on hold for too long. Taking Georgia’s classes would improve my skills and JumpStart my motivation. Go Gammill!!!!
What an opportunity to learn from such a skilled quilter. Thank you
What an opportunity to learn from such a talented quilter Thank you
Statler owner for 5 years, would Love to learn more
Would love a class to learn more.
Going to the Road To California is #1 on my bucket list, and winning the Statler classes from Georgia, is a dream come true. Thank you Gammill, for offering such a great experience. Statler is the best machine!
Would love to be more confident with my Longarm quilting!
I want to learn more to give my customers a better product
What an opportunity. Would love to learn from a master quilter.
I would absolutely love this opportunity
I took a class from Georgia at Sugar a few years back, and would love a refresher!!