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Posts Tagged ‘OC Sewing’

Everyone Loves A Winner

Wednesday, February 11th, 2015

For the second year in a row, Road to California hosted a Daily Drawing.

Prospective winners filled out an entry form at the North Information Desk prior to the drawing at 3:00 p.m. each day of the conference.Thursday4

All guests had the opportunity to win one of these great prizes donated by these great companies:

Babylock Rachel donated by Moore’s Sewing Center

Bernina Sew Pink Sewing Machine donated by Mel’s Sewing Center

Viking Sapphire 930 donated by OC Sewing

LaCresta Premiere Work Station donated by Martelli

Everyone was excited and nervous waiting for the anticipated announcement. Thursday5

After giving the steel drum several spins, winners were selected and announced by Randy Graves.Thursday

And the lucky winners were:

Thursday: Agnes Wilkerson, Idylwild, CaliforniaThursday2

Agnes came to Road by bus with her local guild, The Mountain Quilters. She was on the bus waiting to leave when her friend ran out to tell her she had won. A quilter for 11 years, Agnes thought it was “amazing” that she had won.  “I’ve come to Road for several years and I love everything here.”

Friday: Lynn Grassel, Gillette, WyomingFriday

Lynn’s favorite color is pink. “I love pink blingy things.” So it was fitting that she won a pink Bernina sewing machine. It was Lynn’s first visit to Road. She came with six quilt buddies and they were having “a blast” taking classes, staying at the host hotel, and visiting the show. Lynn started quilting in 2001 when her youngest child graduated from high school. Going to Road inspired Lynn to want to become an art quilter.

Saturday: Susan Nowak, Thousand Oaks, CaliforniaSaturday

Susan was inside the Exhibit Hall when she heard her name called. This was Susan’s 5th time at Road. She came with friends who met at college at Cal Lutheran and are now all retired. What is she going to do now that she won her beautiful machine? “I plan to do lots and lots of sewing!!”  

Sunday: Kristin McClary, Alta Loma, CaliforniaSunday

Kristin had attended the show earlier in the week and was just going to stop back by on Sunday “for one more item.” Little did she know that a last minute drop of her entry would win her a new electric work station valued at $3,250!!!

All of our winners remarked that they “never win anything.” Just goes to show that it pays to take a chance and enter the daily drawing. Because one day, the winner’s name being called out just might be yours!!



A Daily Dose of Delight

Wednesday, February 5th, 2014

What could be more fun than a lot of clapping, whooping it up, and happy smiles?

That’s exactly what happened not once, not twice, but for each of the four afternoons at Road 2014.  Why? Because it was time for the new Daily Raffle. Each day, anxious and hopeful attendees gathered in the North Lobby of the Ontario Convention Center hoping to hear their name called as that day’s winner. 

To enter, all any attendee had to do was fill out a raffle slip at the North Information Desk before the drawing was held that day. Entries were collected in a large, gold drum. Then, precisely at 3:30 p.m., Road Staffer Randy Graves, gave the drum one last spin, unlatched the door and pulled out a winning ticket.


In order to collect their prize, the lucky winner had to be present at the time of the drawing. They had fifteen minutes to identify themselves once their name was read.  Every opportunity was given for the winner to come forth and be recognized. The  winner was announced over the loudspeaker in the Exhibit Hall and the Pavilion.   Because the mike couldn’t be heard in the main hall, Road Staffers walked up and down the venue yelling the prospective winner’s name. Even the class lists were verified just in case the prospective winner was in a class. On Thursday and Friday, the first names called did not respond, so Randy had to pick a another name. In both cases, the second winners came jubilantly to the award area.  Carolyn Reese presented the winners with their prize. There was much congratulating complete with hugs and high fives. 

Who were the winners of our inaugural Daily Raffle and what did they win?

Thursday- Bernina 215 donated by Mel’s Sewing and Fabric Center

Socorro Lapp of Yorba Linda California. Socorro has only been quilting for three years. This was her first time at Road to California.  Her friend Becky brought her. Socorro was in the Exhibit Hall when she heard the first name called. She wondered, “Why wasn’t that lady screaming?”  Then, when her name was called, she started to scream and ran all the way to the information table._i4c3115_copy

Socorro said she has never won anything before. She wanted to thank Road to California “For making this a fun place to go shopping.”   

Friday- Babylock Sofia 2 donated by Moore’s Sewing

Pam Pfister is originally from Kentucky. She moved to Brea, California a year and a half ago when her daughter had twins.   Pam is a new quilter and Road was the first quilt show she had ever gone to.  She came on a bus with other quilters connected with The Calico House and Cranberry Quiltworks in Placentia, California. In fact, she held the bus up from leaving because “She just wanted to make sure just in case her name was called.” What was Pam’s reaction? “Unbelievable.” _i4c3721_copySaturday- Husqvarna Viking 670 donated by OC Sewing and Vacuum

Another enthusiastic winner was Linda Brown of Canyon Lake, California. There were actually two Linda Browns at the show. Both came to the desk to claim their prize. The winning Linda Brown was identified by the phone number she wrote down on the raffle ticket. (We felt so bad for the other Linda Brown).  This was the eighth Road to California Linda has gone to. Each year, she attends with four friends. They stay for two days and “Have a great time.”  Linda has been quilting for 10 years. Her new machine joins her collection of three antique sewing machines at home.  _i4c4135_copy

Sunday- Martelli La Cresta Premiere Work Station donated by Martelli Enterprises

Eloise Sadler was the final winner. Her prize was valued at $1,299.98!!!Sunday Daily Raffle Winner

Congratulations to all our winners and thank you to the great companies that donated such fabulous prizes.

Do you think we should have a Daily Raffle next year?  
