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Posts Tagged ‘Bernina’

Meet Road 2018 Ruby Sponsors

Saturday, January 6th, 2018
Road to California would not be the premier consumer quilt show that it is without our sponsors. “Our sponsors are what keeps us competitive,” shared Show Owner, Matt Reese. Because of their generous support, Road continues to attract the industry’s finest entrants, teachers and vendors which are enjoyed by the thousands of our guests that attend our event.

Road 2018 has 13 Ruby Sponsors. To be at this third level of sponsorship, (our platinum sponsor, Gammill, is the highest level), an organization donates $2,250. Their generous contribution goes toward prize money for the quilt show contest as well as help fund other aspects of the event. Some Ruby Sponsors will also have a vendor booth on the main floor while many will have their products available with retailers at the show.

The Ruby Sponsors for 2018 are:


This Swiss, family owned company, has been celebrating creativity  for 125 years. To celebrate their anniversary year, Bernina has created a gold-plated special edition presser foot, available after March 1.


Brother International has more than 100 years of history in the global sewing industry. They’ve been a leader in the US for more than 60 years, offering a diverse lineup of machines with industry-first, exclusive features. Their motto is “Explore, learn and remember — being creative isn’t a hobby; it’s a way of life!”


Since around 1940, the Elna trademark has always symbolized quality, innovation and service. Today, Elna continues to build the company with these three elements as the foundation. Elna is a growing company committed to bringing excellence to our customers and our international distribution network. Elna is active in more than 60 countries, throughout the world.

Husqvarna Viking

The need for change inspired their beginning. They began as a royal arms factory in Huskvarna, Sweden in 1689.  Almost two centuries later in 1872, facing declining demand for firearms, the artisans of the factory were inspired to make a more peaceful product—sewing machines. Today, Husqvarna Viking® is a worldwide organization that still designs high-quality sewing machines in Sweden and markets our products to passionate sewers all across the globe.

Innova (ABM International)

Innova longarm machines are manufactured by ABM International, a three generation family owned and operated business near Houston Texas and are engineered to meet the most discerning quilter’s needs. Based on a long term commitment to excellence, ABM International offers a full array of high quality quilting machinery.


Martelli Enterprises is an international company based in Pensacola, Florida. They make tools, equipment, work stations and machines for sewing, quilting, and embroidery. For over 20 years, they have provided quilters and other sewing and crafting enthusiasts with the tools and accessories to pursue their art and express themselves.

Modern Quilts Unlimited

Modern Quilts Unlimited magazine is published quarterly – February, May, August and November — and offers quilt, accessory and home decoration patterns by exciting new designers. The publication also includes interviews with quilting innovators, machine quilting tips and quilts and projects.

OC Sewing & Vacuum

In business since 1991, they have four locations in Southern California: Buena Park, Fullerton, Irvine and Garden Grove. They carry high quality sewing, embroidery and quilting machines and sergers and offer a variety of sewing and quilting classes for all levels.


Known for their Original IDT™ System – Integrated Dual Feed, their quilting, sewing, and embroidery machines provide tools for creativity and precision.

Pineapple Fabrics

Best known for their Pineapple Packs: precut fabric collections that include 5 coordinated, quilt quality fabrics that make sewing projects a breeze.  Pineapple Fabrics is an e-commerce business.

Primitive Gatherings

A well known Southern California quilt shop with an old fashioned look, they feature the nation’s largest selection of reproduction fabrics, homespuns, Japanese fabrics, and their own beautiful hand dyed wools. They also carry a wide variety of cotton or wool kits, notions,and all the supplies for punch needle embroidery.

Robert Kaufman Fabrics

Creator of Kona cotton solids,  Robert Kaufman is a dual focused company, with an equally held commitment to both the Manufacturing and Quilting Retail customer. They operate two separate design studios, each one generating fabrics specific to the quilting and manufacturing customer.

Sew Batik

A direct merchant with a passion for designing, sourcing and distributing exquisite batik and hand dyed fabrics. Their fabrics are only sold on their website, at local, regional and national quilt shows, and through their ever-growing relationships with professional longarm/machine quilters around the world.

Please support our Ruby Sponsors by stopping by their booths and/or investigating their products.





Innovative Winning Quilts

Friday, October 27th, 2017

in·no·va·tive  (ˈinəˌvādiv/) adjective Featuring new methods; advanced and original.

These four quilt artists were each awarded First Place and $1,000  for their innovative fiber art skills at Road 2017:
Innovative, Large
The A-E-I-O Ewes by Janet Stone.

Sponsored by BERNINA of America, Janet says,  “I had to design this quilt after the title came to me first, while lying in bed one night. The color fabrics were all hand dyed by my very talented friend, Gilbert Muniz. It was originally going to be just a wall quilt, but it demanded to be bit larger. This is the 16th quilt in my alphabet quilt series.”

Innovative, Wall, Appliqué 

PROUD PEACOCK by Mrs. Antonia Hering

Antonia is a resident of The Netherlands. She came up with her original design because she always wanted to make a quilt with a peacock.  Antonia said, “The challenge was to use very tiny stitches. It had to be a special one, different from all I had seen. Another challenge was the hand-piecing of the tiny triangles in the spirals.The rest of the quilt is inspired by old catalogs from the 1800’s showing all kinds of long forgotten crafts.” Leo9 Textiles sponsored this winning quilt. 

Innovative, Wall, Other

Bailando en la Noche (Dancing in the Night) by Shelley Stokes

Kerry’s Kollectibles sponsored this winning quilt. Shelley describes her innovative design that “the colorful medallions evoke the swirling skirts of Mexican folk dancers under an exuberant night sky. Just as music and dance add delight to our lives, hand stitching breathes life into the painted images. The shapes in the medallions were painted on whole cloth black fabric with Shiva Artist’s Paintstiks. All surface stitching was done by hand with pearl cotton threads. It appears to be appliqué, but it’s not.”

  Innovative, Wall, Pieced 

Five Turns of the Wheel by Sandra F. Peterson

This quilt was designed using Sandra’s original “fractured wheels” because she was thinking about a design that fills in between circles.  For Sandra, “the idea of playing with colors that move through the circles with an imaginary turn of each wheel was intriguing. Clockwise, follow yellow starting with the lower left corner circle and watch it move through the circles and burst out and consume the center circle.” Thank you Primitive Gatherings for sponsoring Sandra’s winning entry.

What innovative designs are you working on?


Twice The Fun Bernina Machine Quilting At Road 2018

Saturday, October 7th, 2017

Looking to begin or enhance your machine quilting skills?

Not sure if you want to use a domestic or longarm machine for your quilting?

Curious about the Bernina brand?

Road to California 2018 is offering three machine quilting classes taught by Sue NIckels where students get to experiment with both a Bernina domestic sewing machine and the Bernina Q-20, a sit down longarm machine.

Monday: 1011C     Machine Quilting Essentials 

Tuesday: 2011C   Freemotion Focus on Fillers  Wednesday: 3080C Masterclass on Feathers 

Sue Nickels will be traveling to Road to California from Ann Arbor, Michigan. She has taught quilting on quilting cruise to Norway (which included a stop in the Arctic Circle!) and on a cruise that had stops in South Korea, China and Japan.  She has also taught classes for Quilts Dubai in the United Arab Emirates as well as in New Zealand and Australia. Sue and her sister, Pat Holly, are in their 4th year leading the annual Hollygirls Quilt Retreat each fall. They took over for Gwen Marston’s Beaver Island Quilt Retreats when she retired in 2013. Sue loves the history of quilts and quilting and is “very inspired” by antique quilts- especially the appliqué quilts of the 1800’s. She is also inspired by her international travels and textiles from around the world.

Of course, Sue’s favorite quilting tool is her Bernina sewing machine. She says, “Having a sewing machine that allows me to do the machine appliqué and machine quilting I love is essential. Her other favorite quilting tool is curved tip snips to clip threads. Why? “The curved tip snips make it easy to clip threads when machine quilting. Without them it would take much longer to do machine quilting.” What does Sue like best about teaching? Sharing her enthusiasm for machine techniques and encouraging students to become relaxed and enjoy machine techniques. She also loves quilters and enjoys being with her students. Sue hopes every student in her Road classes, at the end of the day, will learn new skills, improve on skills they already have and most of all, enjoy the process of machine techniques. You can learn more about Sue on her website.  


Meet Road 2017 Faculty: Amanda Leins

Saturday, November 12th, 2016

Amanda Leins is one of the teachers in Road 2017’s new industry room classes where students will be able to experience firsthand, quilting on both domestic and long arm machines. Amanda’s classes include: Monday 1007C  Refined Rulers: Using Templates With Domestic & Sit Down Machinesa-leins-rulers Tuesday 2010C  Blended Quilting: Combining Ruler-work With Free Motion Quilting On A Domestic Machinea-leins-blended-quilting Wednesday 3012C  Fundamentals of Free Motion Quiltinga-leins-fundamentals Thursday 4012C  Improv Quilting: Creating Curves Using Straight Linesa-leins-improv-quilting Friday  5012C Aqueducts: Piecing Curvesa-leins-aqueducts How did a trained classical archaeologist like Amanda Leins become a well-known quilter? a-leins4It all began with the men in Amanda’s family. Her maternal grandfather remembered carding the batting as a 6 year old boy during the Depression, listening to the ladies gossip as he sat underneath the quilting frame. Amanda got started in quilting on a visit to her grandparents about 14 years ago. Her “fella” (now Amanda’s husband) had to work while they were visiting so she had days to sit with her grandparents and listen to her Grampa Johnny share his love for quilts and how much he admired the ones left to their family, many of which Amanda had never seen before that trip. Her Gramma Nita had an in-cabinet Singer that many family members (mom, dad, aunts and uncles) had sewn on and Amanda wanted to be part of that tradition. Amanda made her first quilt on Gramma’s Singer, cutting things out on a coffee table, and never looked back. Amanda’s background in classical archaeology comes through with her quilting. Much of what she designs and makes is based upon the art and architecture of the ancient world. Her book shows how to take those ancient things that are timeless and still make fresh and modern designs. Amanda also appreciates how classical design principles are based upon observations of the natural world. She is thrilled to know that she is carrying on a grand tradition of working with her hands to make beautiful and functional things. She believes that “this creative act is something that is an integral part of what it is to be human.”a-leins2 Amanda has traveled all over the United States to take and teach quilting classes. Her two favorite classes that she has taken have been a practical class taught by Kimmy Brunner on trapunto and a class taught by Karen McTavish. While Amanda has yet to make a trapunto quilt, what she learned has helped with some tricky quilts that Amanda says “were less than perfect and had some extra fabric in some places and not in others.” Regarding her class with Karen McTavish, Amanda says she likes how Karen “approaches quilting design and finds her artistic process so very interesting.” What is Amanda’s favorite quilting tools?   For piecing, she cannot “live without” her glue basting and starch. For quilting, she adores working with rulers and templates, and is “wildly in love” with her BERNINA Q24 longarm which she says is “so fun to use.” Amanda’s best quilting tip is to relax and smile. She shares, “If your shoulders are down and you’re actually smiling a real (smile) and not gritting your teeth, you get less stress headaches and your quilting designs will be more fluid. If you find yourself tensing up, get up, walk around, shake out your muscles, and smile! Your body and your quilting will be grateful! [caption id="attachment_4465" align="aligncenter" width="839"]Quilt designed by Janet McWorkman and quilted by Amanda Leins for Janet's book,  "The ABCs of Quilting "(C&T) Quilt designed by Janet McWorkman and quilted by Amanda Leins for Janet’s book, “The ABCs of Quilting “(C&T)[/caption] Amanda got into quilting because “it brings me delight and being able to share that is, well, delightful!  Whether that’s providing a solid knowledge base, my tips and tricks, or sharing my love of the whole process, I want each student to come out of that class thinking ‘that was worth it. I can do this!’” You can expect Amanda to try and give as much information and time to practice in class as she can so that each student has what he or she needs to be successful and delighted in their work when they get home, not just those first few days, but as they continue to grow in their quilting abilities. To learn more about Amanda, please visit her website.]]>

Experience Both Domestic And Long Arm Quilting In These 2017 Classes

Tuesday, November 8th, 2016

the first time, Road to California is offering an industry room where students will be able to experience firsthand, quilting on both domestic and long arm machines. Mel’s Sewing and Fabric Center and BERNINA have teamed up to provide both types of sewing machines for classes taught by Mandy Leins, Paula Reid, and Jenny Bowker.berninamtclogo-600 How did this concept idea get started?  Matt Reese, Road’s Show Director, approached Mel’s Sewing and Fabric Center with the idea and they loved it!! Mel’s has been a BERNINA dealer since 1960 and has been supporting Road to California for many years. BERNINA machines have been requested repeatedly for classroom opportunities because they are easy to use with a proven success record for all levels of sewing interest. Mel’s is providing 10 standard domestic BERNINA machines and 10 BERNINA long arm machines for use in the industry room classroom.bernina-longarm-q20-500x500 The long arm machine being featured is a BERNINA Q 20 – a sit-down long arm machine. This model accommodates the best of both worlds: it can be placed on a frame or set in a cabinet. Using a frame allows the quilter to move the machine while the fabric is stationary. With the cabinet, the fabric can be moved under the stationary machine. Each instructor assigned to teach in the industry classroom —Mandy Leins, Paula Reid, and Jenny Bowker — will share specific techniques on both machines. [caption id="attachment_4457" align="aligncenter" width="383"]Fluff & Stuff will be taught on Wednesday and Thursday by Paula Reid, Class 3401C Fluff & Stuff will be taught on Wednesday and Thursday by Paula Reid, Class 3401C[/caption] On the domestic machine, features that will be highlighted include the walking foot, darning foot, basting stitch, BERNINA Stitch Regulator, pedal control, the Freehand System, and user interface to achieve amazing results. The sit-down long arm will emphasize hands-on work with acrylic templates, the #96 foot, BERNINA Stitch Regulator, user interface, and pedal control [caption id="attachment_4458" align="aligncenter" width="388"]Quilting with a Starter will be taught by Jenny Bowker on Saturday, Class  6001C  Quilting with a Starter will be taught by Jenny Bowker on Saturday, Class 6001C[/caption] Students will be encouraged to spend time on both machines. With the experience on a domestic machine, anyone should be able to apply the skills at home to come up with creative and beautiful designs on their personal machines. And after experiencing the Q 20, students can use their hands-on experience to see what amazing things can be done with templates on a sit-down longarm. Road to California is thrilled to be the first show in 2017 to experience the BERNINA Q 20 in a classroom setting.  ]]>

Meet Road 2016 Contest Winners

Wednesday, February 10th, 2016

Part of the fun of Road to California is entering the contests.

Two Tickets to Road 2016: Teresa Borkin

[caption id="attachment_3796" align="aligncenter" width="492"]Carolyn Reese congratulates Teresa Borkin Carolyn Reese congratulates Teresa Borkin[/caption]

Teresa Borkin, from the Seattle area, had always wanted to attend Road. When she won two tickets for the 2016 show in a giveaway on the blog back in September, that sealed the deal. Teresa and six of her quilting friends came for three days. Teresa expected to see high quality quilts and her expectations were met. She attended Preview Night  where she enjoyed viewing the quilts without the crowds. Teresa also enjoyed the shopping and seeing vendors from Washington: Carriage Country Quilts, Quilter’s Roost and Quilter’s Coop. “I’m going home with a whole bag of stuff.”

Thursday Daily Winner: Alice FinkelsteinDaily Raffle Thursday

Alice Finkelstein traveled to Road from Paramount, California. This was her 11th year attending the show. Each year, Alice along with her cousin and a friend, stay 3 – 4 days, taking classes, shopping, and enjoying the variety of things offered during the show. Alice put her winning ticket in the raffle barrel at around 1:00 PM on Thursday. It didn’t take her long to collect her prize; she was standing close by when her name was called as the winner of a Baby Lock Rachel sewing machine donated by Moore’s Sewing Center. “I was speechless when I won. It was wonderful.”

Friday Daily Winner: JoAnn Taylor Rice215

Road 2016 was JoAnn Taylor Rice’s first time at the show. A resident of Scottsdale, Arizona, JoAnn came for three days and “had the best time. I loved every minute.” She heard about Road to California through her quilt guild, Delightful Quilters. JoAnn was in “shock” when she heard her name called. “My friends and I hurried to get there when the raffle was being held. I hated to think what would happen if I wasn’t there when my name was called.” JoAnn  won a Bernina Simple Red 215, donated by Mel’s Sewing Center and Upland Vacuum and Sewing.

Saturday Daily Winner: Maj Uggelberg033

Maj Uggelberg was quilting away in a class being taught by Jerry Granata when her friend came running in and shouted that Maj had won the Saturday Daily Raffle. Maj dropped her project and ran to claim her prize, a Husqvarna-Viking 650 sewing machine, donated by OC Sewing and Vacuum. Maj is from Stockholm, Sweden and Road 2016 was the first quilt show she has ever attended. She arrived in the United States on January 12th and was staying until February 26th. Her first reaction to winning was “Wow!!” then, “Will it work back in Sweden?” and “How am I going to get this home?” Maj met OC Sewing and Vacuum owner, Joe Fuller, who told her because it was a Swedish sewing machine, all she would need is a particular cord and there would be no problem using it with the electricity back home. Shipping her new sewing machine home was a breeze because UPS was on site at the Ontario Convention Center and they were able to help Maj get her machine ready to send to Sweden.

Sunday Daily Winner: Liza DeBordSunday Daily Drawing winner

Lucky for Liza DeBord, her daughter entered Liza’s name into the drawing for Sunday. Liza won a Martelli LaCresta Premier Workstation, valued at $3,250!! Liza was “amazed” that she won such an awesome prize.


Young Canadian Quilters With Heart

Saturday, June 6th, 2015

Road to California 2015 was quite the adventure for Alexus Jekill, age 11, and Charlotte Upitis, age 9. Both girls are from Calgary, Canada and both girls had their first ever quilts displayed in the special exhibit, The Next Generation.

[caption id="attachment_3204" align="aligncenter" width="593"]Photo by Gregory Case Photography Photo by Gregory Case Photography[/caption]

Alexus and Charlotte are not new to sewing. Charlotte has been sewing since she was four years old when she got her first sewing machine. Alexus has been sewing for the past two years. Both girls sew on Bernina sewing machines. Charlotte has the limited edition machine with peacock feathers and loves to sew clothing, purses, and accessories. Alexus has the limited edition with butterflies that she uses to sew pajamas. She also takes art classes at the Calgary School of Art where she has begun using fabric as one of her mediums.

Sewing for charities is a passion for both girls. They have sewn and donated clothing for Hats for Hearts, a Canadian fundraiser that raises awareness for stroke victims. Charlotte’s grandfather passed away from a stroke when Charlotte was 1 years old. She then had small hemorrhagic strokes in her cerebellum herself due to a sudden medical illness when she was two years old, requiring Charlotte to have to learn how to sit and walk again herself.

It was Charlotte’s mom, Kathryn Upitis, who found out about Road to California and the special exhibit. An article on Road’s blog about triplet girls who sewed attending Road 2014 first caught Kathryn’s interest because Alexus has a twin sister. Then, when she heard about The Next Generation special exhibit, she knew Alexus and Charlotte would want to enter.

The quilts Alexus and Charlotte entered in The Next Generation were the first quilts either girl had made. Both girls dedicated their quilts to a family friend, Toni Kohn Woodward, who had passed away last September from a heart embolism. At the time, Toni was in her 20’s and pregnant. The star on Charlotte’s quilts was added before the quilt show as a way everyone could remember Toni.

[caption id="attachment_3206" align="aligncenter" width="591"]Photo by Gregory Case Photography Photo by Gregory Case Photography[/caption]


Road to California was the first quilt show Charlotte and Alexus had ever been to. What did the girls think about seeing their quilts in person at the exhibit? Charlotte said, “I was so excited to see it. It made me happy.” Alexus added, “I thought it was crazy!”

Alexus and Charlotte are already planning for their next sewing projects: phone cases and backpacks.





Everyone Loves A Winner

Wednesday, February 11th, 2015

For the second year in a row, Road to California hosted a Daily Drawing.

Prospective winners filled out an entry form at the North Information Desk prior to the drawing at 3:00 p.m. each day of the conference.Thursday4

All guests had the opportunity to win one of these great prizes donated by these great companies:

Babylock Rachel donated by Moore’s Sewing Center

Bernina Sew Pink Sewing Machine donated by Mel’s Sewing Center

Viking Sapphire 930 donated by OC Sewing

LaCresta Premiere Work Station donated by Martelli

Everyone was excited and nervous waiting for the anticipated announcement. Thursday5

After giving the steel drum several spins, winners were selected and announced by Randy Graves.Thursday

And the lucky winners were:

Thursday: Agnes Wilkerson, Idylwild, CaliforniaThursday2

Agnes came to Road by bus with her local guild, The Mountain Quilters. She was on the bus waiting to leave when her friend ran out to tell her she had won. A quilter for 11 years, Agnes thought it was “amazing” that she had won.  “I’ve come to Road for several years and I love everything here.”

Friday: Lynn Grassel, Gillette, WyomingFriday

Lynn’s favorite color is pink. “I love pink blingy things.” So it was fitting that she won a pink Bernina sewing machine. It was Lynn’s first visit to Road. She came with six quilt buddies and they were having “a blast” taking classes, staying at the host hotel, and visiting the show. Lynn started quilting in 2001 when her youngest child graduated from high school. Going to Road inspired Lynn to want to become an art quilter.

Saturday: Susan Nowak, Thousand Oaks, CaliforniaSaturday

Susan was inside the Exhibit Hall when she heard her name called. This was Susan’s 5th time at Road. She came with friends who met at college at Cal Lutheran and are now all retired. What is she going to do now that she won her beautiful machine? “I plan to do lots and lots of sewing!!”  

Sunday: Kristin McClary, Alta Loma, CaliforniaSunday

Kristin had attended the show earlier in the week and was just going to stop back by on Sunday “for one more item.” Little did she know that a last minute drop of her entry would win her a new electric work station valued at $3,250!!!

All of our winners remarked that they “never win anything.” Just goes to show that it pays to take a chance and enter the daily drawing. Because one day, the winner’s name being called out just might be yours!!



Road 2014: Changing It Up

Thursday, January 16th, 2014

What keeps Road to California the premiere quilt show in the West is that Carolyn Reese always has something new up her sleeve to add to the show. For 2014 there will be a new Pavilion area featuring more vendors, more seating, and more food service area.  

Also new to 2014  is the Daily Raffle Drawing — opportunities for guests to win some outstanding prizes each day.  Raffle tickets will be offered every morning of the show to guests. The tickets must be deposited at the North Information Desk to be eligible for the drawing. The Daily Raffle Drawing will be held each afternoon at 3:30 p.m. Winners will be announced over the loudspeaker in the Exhibit Hall and must be present to win, either in the Exhibit Hall or in a class. 

Prizes each day include:

Thursday: Bernina 215 donated by Mel’s Sewing and Fabric Center  Mel's Sewing and Fabric CenterMel’s Sewing and Fabric Center have been with Road since it began. They, along with Upland Sew and Vac, are the official Bernina representatives for Bernina America. Says owner Perry Lytton, “The Bernina 215 is a great machine for beginners. Experienced sewers will love it for a second machine because it is lightweight and portable to take to classes.” Mr. Lytton added: “We are glad to be a part of this first raffle. Road is a great show.”Bernina

In addition to the raffle, Mel’s Sewing and Fabric Center is providing sewing machines for two classrooms. There will be a class set of 26 of the Bernina 550 quilter machines in one classroom and 26 Bernina 760E embroidery quilting machines in another room. Mel’s will also have the entire Bernina line available in their booth.

Friday: Babylock Sofia 2 donated by Moore’s Sewing                                                                                                                                                                                                Moore’s Sewing is a Diamond Sponsor of Road to California and a great supporter of the show. The trend-setting Sofia 2 is a compact machine that features 70 built-in embroidery designs and 168 stitches. With a 4″ X 4″ embroidery field, convenient LCD Touch Screen and a USB slot for transferring designs through a thumbdrive, the Sofia 2 is perfect for creating and inspiring.

Babylock Sofia 2

Saturday: Martelli La Cresta Premiere Work Station donated by Martelli Enterprises                                                                                                                                         Martelli Enterprises is excited to be back at Road and is looking forward to sharing the new changes within their company with Road’s guests. Valuing innovation and continual improvement through the support of a dedicated research and development team, Martelli Enterprises has a new website, offering more tools and accessories for quilters and other sewing and crafting enthusiasts. Be sure to visit them in Booths 1918 and 2017.


The La Cresta Premiere Work Station features a 29” x 47” work surface, adjustable height, electric motor with hand control, 24” strip ruler, two sided cutting map, and a 45mm Martelli Rotary Cutter.  

Sunday: Husqvarna Viking Opal 670 donated by OC Sewing and Vacuum                                                                                                                                                              This is OC Sewing and Vacuum’s third time at Road and they “love the show.” They are the number one Husqvarna Viking dealer in the world and have never donated such a high end machine before to any show. Husqvarna Viking Opal 670

The Opal 670 is a computerized sewing machine that is extra-efficient with loads of built-in assistance including a Touch Screen that is easy to navigate and shows all your settings; an Automatic Thread Cutter that cuts the top and bobbin thread automatically; a Bobbin Thread Sensor that alerts you when the bobbin thread is about to run out; and an Electronic Self-Adjusting Thread Tension that sets the best tension automatically for all techniques and fabrics.

Thanks to these great vendors for donating these great prizes. Be sure to get your raffle tickets early each day and turn them in to the North Information Desk so that you can be included in the Daily Raffle Drawing.

Which prize would you like to win?


