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Posts Tagged ‘Moore’s Sewing Center’

So You Want To make A Winning Quilt? Thoughts From Our 2013 Best of Quilt Winners

Tuesday, August 14th, 2018

The best way to set out to win a quilt contest might be to learn from quilters who have done just that.  We’d like to introduce you to this past year’s big winners as they share their thoughts on what they did to achieve their high honors. Starting off with our Best of Show winners, meet maker Claudia Clark Myers from Duluth, Minnesota and quilter Marilyn Badger of St. George, Utah who teamed up to win $5,000 from Moore’s Sewing Center, for their quilt, Red Feathers.    Claudia first got interested in quilting in 1991 when she attended the Minnesota Quilter’s annual show. She was amazed at the quilts she saw there and so she went out and purchased a rotary cutter, mat and Trudie Hughes’ book. Marilyn began quilting in the late ‘70’s when there was no such thing as a rotary cutter and mat. She marked, cut and pieced everything by hand. The designer of Red Feathers was Claudia. She decided to use traditional patterns in a non-traditional way. Claudia commented, “I couldn’t see why a Mariner’s Compass couldn’t have feathered points, so I decided to draft it that way.”

The quilt was pieced and appliqued by Claudia in 2-1/2 months after which it was sent to Marilyn to quilt. That process took about five months to complete because Marilyn and her husband were building a house at the same time. When the quilting was finished, Claudia got the quilt back and spent another 3 weeks painting it.Red Feathers

What was their reaction when they won? They were both floored. They had been competing together on their quilts since 2002 and had never won this kind of prize before. According to Marilyn, “Best of Shows don’t come around very often and a Best of Show at Road to California is just the best of the best.” When asked what they did with their prize money, both women spent it on things for their homes. Claudia said she and her husband are moving and wanted to change their decorating style from Victorian to Mid-Century Modern, so she used her share of the award to purchase new furniture.  Marilyn bought window coverings so she could “relate where the money came from.”   Attaining “best of the best” is a hard act to follow. Where do they go from here?  For Marilyn, she needed to take the past six months off from quilting so that she could take care of her husband, who recently passed away. She hopes to get her enthusiasm back and spend lots of time in her sewing room again. As for Claudia, she will continue to paint her quilts which will be puzzles of some kind. She “loves to create quilts that bring a smile to people’s faces.”      What was your reaction to Red Feathers? ]]>

Director’s Choice Winner

Friday, March 30th, 2018

Matt Reese. Because he has a Bachelor’s Degree in Tuba Performance from California State University, Long Beach, in the past, he was partial to choosing quilts with a music theme like last year’s, Yuja made by Linda C. Anderson. For 2018, Matt left his music roots behind and chose Marilyn Badger’s Champagne SuperNova. Marilyn received $5,000 from Sponsor, Moore’s Sewing Center. Marilyn is an accomplished, multi-award-winning quilter. She was Road’s last Featured Artist, chosen for that honor in 2017. How did Marilyn start out in quilting? Reading the first edition of Quilter’s Newsletter Magazine in the 1970’s!! At the time, she and her husband were living on a boat and didn’t have much room for sewing equipment so she hand pieced a design she saw in the magazine. As she finished the blocks, she would send them to her mother in Tennessee and her church group hand quilted them. Known for her unique quilt designs, Champagne SuperNova was another Marilyn Badger original. Star Quilts had always been a favorite of Marilyn’s. This quilt evolved from her desire to make a hand embroidered, embellished, red and black quilt. The black gradated fabric was the first purchase for the quilt. Marilyn added the fireworks because as she explained, “What’s an exploding star without a few fireworks in the background?!” After the quilting, when she added the paint, the quilt went from a silverier look to gold. Thus why she chose the name, Champagne SuperNova. Marilyn confided, “The gold theme sort of popped out unexpectedly.”  It took Marilyn 9 months to make the quilt. She finished it right before the entries were due to Road. In January, she was packing to come to the show when she decided to look at her emails one more time before going to bed. It was then that she saw Road’s name in the sender box. What was her reaction when she won? “My heart was beating a little faster than normal when I read the part that said ‘Congratulations.’ Then I read on and saw where it had won Director’s Choice and $5,000. I was totally thrilled and said a big silent thanks to Matt for choosing my quilt!!” Marilyn hasn’t decided yet what she is going to do with her prize money. Maybe put it “towards my dream car.” She is already ready to put her next quilt on the quilting machine and is hoping it will be ready by Road’s next entry deadline. We will definitely be watching out for it!! Follow Marilyn on Facebook to learn more about her quilting adventures.  ]]>

Everyone Loves A Winner

Saturday, February 11th, 2017

Konnect, rolled the drum and pulled out the ticket of a lucky winner:


Marilyn McKitrick from Penticton, BC, Canada won a Babylock Rachel from Moore’s Sewing Center. Giveaway Winner Quilt Show

This was Marilyn’s fifth time at Road to California. She came with a friend from Nevada and they spent four days at the show. Marilyn said that Road is the “highlight of my year.”

A quilter for the past 15 years, Marilyn was in Lea McComas’ Thread Painted Portraits class when the drawing was held. Earlier in the day, her phone had died. She knew she had to put a phone number down on the entry form, so she put her friend’s number down instead — and forgot to tell her. When Road called her friend’s phone and told her the news, she ran from her hotel room to Marilyn’s class to tell her so Marilyn could make it to the registration desk before the 15 minute time limit was up. Marilyn said she was in “shock–absolute shock” when she found out she was a winner.


Mel’s Sewing donated a Bernina Red sewing machine which was won by Nancy Zimmerman from Placentia, California. Nancy and her “Bunco-Quilting-Jazzercise-Friends” braved the rain to attend Road that day. This was Nancy’s fifth time at Road and she has been quilting for over 20 years.

“Thrilled” was Nancy’s reaction to winning. She said she had been “looking for a smaller machine to take to classes” and this machine would meet her needs. Nancy loves to see all the vendors at Road. “There are new things every time you come.”


Cathy Hesler came from Covington, Indiana to attend her second year at Road. She won the Husqvarna Viking Sapphire 930 that was donated by OC Sewing and Vacuum.

She also was in a class when she found out she had won, attending Jacqueline Kunkel’s Vintage Compass. Winning was “a dream come true” for Cathy. “Road is great–I love it!!”


Elle Sproal from Orange County, California was the final Daily Giveaway Winner for Road 2017. She won a workstation from Martelli Enterprises.

Thank you to the vendors who contributed the giveaway items and thanks to all who entered.


Meet Road 2016 Contest Winners

Wednesday, February 10th, 2016

Part of the fun of Road to California is entering the contests.

Two Tickets to Road 2016: Teresa Borkin

[caption id="attachment_3796" align="aligncenter" width="492"]Carolyn Reese congratulates Teresa Borkin Carolyn Reese congratulates Teresa Borkin[/caption]

Teresa Borkin, from the Seattle area, had always wanted to attend Road. When she won two tickets for the 2016 show in a giveaway on the blog back in September, that sealed the deal. Teresa and six of her quilting friends came for three days. Teresa expected to see high quality quilts and her expectations were met. She attended Preview Night  where she enjoyed viewing the quilts without the crowds. Teresa also enjoyed the shopping and seeing vendors from Washington: Carriage Country Quilts, Quilter’s Roost and Quilter’s Coop. “I’m going home with a whole bag of stuff.”

Thursday Daily Winner: Alice FinkelsteinDaily Raffle Thursday

Alice Finkelstein traveled to Road from Paramount, California. This was her 11th year attending the show. Each year, Alice along with her cousin and a friend, stay 3 – 4 days, taking classes, shopping, and enjoying the variety of things offered during the show. Alice put her winning ticket in the raffle barrel at around 1:00 PM on Thursday. It didn’t take her long to collect her prize; she was standing close by when her name was called as the winner of a Baby Lock Rachel sewing machine donated by Moore’s Sewing Center. “I was speechless when I won. It was wonderful.”

Friday Daily Winner: JoAnn Taylor Rice215

Road 2016 was JoAnn Taylor Rice’s first time at the show. A resident of Scottsdale, Arizona, JoAnn came for three days and “had the best time. I loved every minute.” She heard about Road to California through her quilt guild, Delightful Quilters. JoAnn was in “shock” when she heard her name called. “My friends and I hurried to get there when the raffle was being held. I hated to think what would happen if I wasn’t there when my name was called.” JoAnn  won a Bernina Simple Red 215, donated by Mel’s Sewing Center and Upland Vacuum and Sewing.

Saturday Daily Winner: Maj Uggelberg033

Maj Uggelberg was quilting away in a class being taught by Jerry Granata when her friend came running in and shouted that Maj had won the Saturday Daily Raffle. Maj dropped her project and ran to claim her prize, a Husqvarna-Viking 650 sewing machine, donated by OC Sewing and Vacuum. Maj is from Stockholm, Sweden and Road 2016 was the first quilt show she has ever attended. She arrived in the United States on January 12th and was staying until February 26th. Her first reaction to winning was “Wow!!” then, “Will it work back in Sweden?” and “How am I going to get this home?” Maj met OC Sewing and Vacuum owner, Joe Fuller, who told her because it was a Swedish sewing machine, all she would need is a particular cord and there would be no problem using it with the electricity back home. Shipping her new sewing machine home was a breeze because UPS was on site at the Ontario Convention Center and they were able to help Maj get her machine ready to send to Sweden.

Sunday Daily Winner: Liza DeBordSunday Daily Drawing winner

Lucky for Liza DeBord, her daughter entered Liza’s name into the drawing for Sunday. Liza won a Martelli LaCresta Premier Workstation, valued at $3,250!! Liza was “amazed” that she won such an awesome prize.


So You Want To Make A Winning Quilt? Road 2015 Director’s Choice

Friday, August 7th, 2015

Juanita’s Pearl was made and quilted by Sue Hawkes of Pocatello, Idaho. The Director’s Choice award was sponsored by Moore’s Sewing Center who presented Sue a check for $5,000. Director's Choice

Sue grew up watching her grandmother cut up any fabric (most of which was recycled from something that was no longer usable as its intended use) she could find into little bitty pieces and then stitch them back together by hand. Sue was always fascinated with the colors and patterns her grandmother created and knew that for sure, someday, she was going to be just like her.

The inspiration for Juanita’s Pearl was Sue’s mother, for which the quilt is named.  The two center roses represent Sue’s mother and dad.  The nine circling roses are for their children.  The long stemmed roses are for their grandchildren.  In the border are sixty-four roses, one for each year her parents were married.  And the strings of pearls represent the never ending love Sue’s mother had for her family.Director's Choice2

It took two and a half years to complete this project.  Sue reflected on her work: “I have never taken on such a challenging project both mentally and emotionally.  I’m not an artist so the idea of drawing intimidated me a bit. But with all the great tools at hand, I pushed on.  My mother loved roses and her favorite color was pink.  Her middle name was Pearl so the designing process was easier than I thought it would be with these elements to work with.”

Sue had never done cut away trapunto before, let alone the color trapunto.   “The cutting was intense and very time consuming. I had the quilt on my longarm four different times for stitching in the color and then cutting away. During this process, I learned a lot about patience and pacing myself especially around all those pearls, just not once but twice. One wrong snip would end it all.  The fifth time on the longarm was for the final quilting.”

Getting to the end of the quilting stage, Sue said she was able to “see the light at the end of the tunnel.” She found that “it was very time consuming and challenging but I used this time to reflect upon all my memories of my mother. Lots of times I had to shut off the machine because I couldn’t see through the tears.” 

Her “wow I did it!” moment was when she took the quilt off the longarm and was ready to soak out all the markings and water soluble thread. She prayed it would all come out and that there would be no seepage of color around the trapunto – and there wasn’t!!  All her work and worry paid off.

Sue learned many things along the way. What kept pushing her on was what Karen McTavish tells her students and admirers, “Do the hardest thing and push yourself; it will pay off in the end.”

When Sue received her email that she had won Director’s Choice, it was the night before she was to fly out to the show.  She remembers, “As I read it I couldn’t believe the words.  I just handed off my iPad to my husband to see if he read the same words that I had read.” She spent her winnings on what “every other quilter would do — I bought more fabric!”

Where does Road’s 2015 Director’s Choice winner go from here? “The quilting world is growing in every direction and I plan on growing with it.  My biggest obstacle is not enough hours in the day for all I want to do and learn.”

Congratulations Sue Hawkes on winning the 2015 Director’s Choice Award sponsored by Moore’s Sewing Center.


Everyone Loves A Winner

Wednesday, February 11th, 2015

For the second year in a row, Road to California hosted a Daily Drawing.

Prospective winners filled out an entry form at the North Information Desk prior to the drawing at 3:00 p.m. each day of the conference.Thursday4

All guests had the opportunity to win one of these great prizes donated by these great companies:

Babylock Rachel donated by Moore’s Sewing Center

Bernina Sew Pink Sewing Machine donated by Mel’s Sewing Center

Viking Sapphire 930 donated by OC Sewing

LaCresta Premiere Work Station donated by Martelli

Everyone was excited and nervous waiting for the anticipated announcement. Thursday5

After giving the steel drum several spins, winners were selected and announced by Randy Graves.Thursday

And the lucky winners were:

Thursday: Agnes Wilkerson, Idylwild, CaliforniaThursday2

Agnes came to Road by bus with her local guild, The Mountain Quilters. She was on the bus waiting to leave when her friend ran out to tell her she had won. A quilter for 11 years, Agnes thought it was “amazing” that she had won.  “I’ve come to Road for several years and I love everything here.”

Friday: Lynn Grassel, Gillette, WyomingFriday

Lynn’s favorite color is pink. “I love pink blingy things.” So it was fitting that she won a pink Bernina sewing machine. It was Lynn’s first visit to Road. She came with six quilt buddies and they were having “a blast” taking classes, staying at the host hotel, and visiting the show. Lynn started quilting in 2001 when her youngest child graduated from high school. Going to Road inspired Lynn to want to become an art quilter.

Saturday: Susan Nowak, Thousand Oaks, CaliforniaSaturday

Susan was inside the Exhibit Hall when she heard her name called. This was Susan’s 5th time at Road. She came with friends who met at college at Cal Lutheran and are now all retired. What is she going to do now that she won her beautiful machine? “I plan to do lots and lots of sewing!!”  

Sunday: Kristin McClary, Alta Loma, CaliforniaSunday

Kristin had attended the show earlier in the week and was just going to stop back by on Sunday “for one more item.” Little did she know that a last minute drop of her entry would win her a new electric work station valued at $3,250!!!

All of our winners remarked that they “never win anything.” Just goes to show that it pays to take a chance and enter the daily drawing. Because one day, the winner’s name being called out just might be yours!!

