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Posts Tagged ‘Quilt Teachers’

Discover Road 2019 Quilt Show Teachers

Monday, June 4th, 2018

A premier quilt show like Road to California always offers a wide variety of expert quilt teachers who provide classroom learning for all levels of quilters.quilt show teachers

Road has spent several months securing exceptional quilt show teachers for our 2019 quilt show. Many are returning favorites and some are brand new for 2019. We’ve separated our faculty by category of quilt styles and designs to help you begin planning your teacher preferences. For more information regarding each teacher, please follow the attached links on their name.

Fiber Art Quilts

Diane Gloystein Lynn Koolish Grace Errera


John Flynn Kate Flynn Nichols  Pat Yamin Kimberly Einmo Deb Granger Nancy Mahoney Lisa Calle Missie Carpenter Michelle Crawford Sandy Fitzpatrick Gudrun Erla Linda Hahn Rob Appell Charlotte Angotti Dora Caryquilt show teachers

Themed Design

Carrie Fondi Robin Long Gillian Travis Bobbie Berquist

Specialty Techniques/Products

Laura Murray Linda Nitzen Patricia Simons Joyce Teng Dan Tran Deb Tucker Teresa Coates Nancy Prince Laura Heine

 Embroidery and Applique

Gina Reddin 

Connie Spurlock Beth Watts Margaret Willingham Susan Emory Rosa Rojas Rienda Diane Kirkhart

Catherine Redfordquilt show teachersMachine Quilting

Mary Beth Krapil David Taylor Wendy Shepherd Gina Perkes Valli Schiller Jodi Robinson Linda Taylor Linda Gosselin


Linda Sullivan Mel Beach Maria Shell

Non-Quilting Classes

Annie Unrein Amy Loh Kupser Exact class titles and projects for each quilt show teacher will be announced beginning June 18, 2018.]]>

We Have Just The Class For You

Tuesday, June 27th, 2017

Classes for Road to California 2018 have recently been released. Priority Registration opens July 1st at 8:00 AM with public registration starting July 8th also at 8:00 AM, all Pacific time. For 2018, we are offering over a hundred classes taught by a distinguished faculty that are geared to all levels of quilters. Our classes offer assistance with traditional to modern techniques, hand and machine quilting skills and the latest in surface-embellishment using paint, thread and embroidery. With so many choices, how do you know which class is right for you?

Skill Level

Based on teacher recommendations, we assign the following skill levels for our classes: Beginner: New to sewing or it’s been awhile since you last sewn. A knowledge of basic sewing skills with some rotary cutting skills and a working knowledge of using a sewing machine is useful. Beginner-Intermediate: Some basic sewing experience with confidence to move past beginner. Intermediate: Knowledge and experience from sewing over time. Advanced: Experienced quilters looking for a challenge. All Levels: Assumes a knowledge of basic sewing skills, basic rotary cutting skills and basic quilting skills, either appliqué or piecing.

Expand your horizons

Take advantage of our varied classes and patient, expert faculty to explore new techniques that you’ve always wanted to try. Or enroll in a class that is not even machine sewing related. We offer several handwork classes like beading, watercolor on fabric, silk ribbon embroidery, and hand quilting, to name a few. [caption id="attachment_5011" align="aligncenter" width="279"] 3063C Celtic Dance Bracelet Amy Loh-Kupser http://www.i-bead.com/[/caption]


Are you looking to purchase a new sewing machine? While many of our classes require you to bring your own sewing machine, there are others that have sewing machines provided, allowing you to “try before you buy.” Have you always wanted to try longarm quilting but don’t have access to a longarm machine? We offer several classes that provide longarm machines for your use. Do you want to try a sit-down longarm machine? There are several classes that include sit-down longarms like the Handi Quilter Sweet 16 and the Bernina Q20.  Students can learn the same skills as a quilter who uses a domestic machine; the machine is stationary and the quilter moves the quilt through the machine.

Perfect your techniques

Have you just begun to learn a new technique and need some practice? Utilize our classes to perfect your skills.

Learn from the best

Our 2018 faculty is top-notch. Many have taught not only throughout the U.S. but internationally as well. And several are published authors too. We bring the experts to you.

Don’t forget the Swag

All class attendees receive a badge for admission to classes, exhibits and vendors. In addition, they also get a show program plus entrance to Preview Night. Registrations prior to January 9th will also receive a special gift: a Road pin and/or year bar. One last bonus item that all class participants receive is a tote bag. Last year we gave out small foldable grocery bags. Although many students enjoyed the bag due to California’s strict new single use plastic bag ban, many were not satisfied with our choice of bag. We sincerely apologize for 2017 class attendee bag. When selecting our 2018 bag, last year’s comments and desires were taken into account. The 2018 tote bag is a canvas tote large enough to hold shopping goodies without getting too heavy. There will also be a very special surprise included with each bag which will be revealed later this year. Road hopes you’ve found your reason to sign up for one of our many classes. To encourage early sign-ups, we will be giving away 5 Priority Registrations. To enter, comment below with the name of the class(es) you are interested in taking before midnight Pacific time on Thursday, June 29th.  Using Random Number Generator, 5 winners will be chosen and notified June 30th, in time for Priority Registration on July 1st. Remember, Priority Registration is non-transferable. Good luck to all the entrants. We can’t wait to see the class registrations start coming in.]]>

Road 2016 Highlights

Tuesday, January 26th, 2016

Were you one of the over 35,000 guests at Road to California 2016?

Did you enter the Ontario Convention Center to see the magnificent Atrium Display by the Glendale Quilt Guild?

[caption id="attachment_3754" align="aligncenter" width="496"]Photo by Brian Roberts Photo by Brian Roberts[/caption]

Did you see the over 1,ooo quilts on display including Best of Show, Silk Road Sampler, by Melissa Sobotka?Best of Show

Did you shop with one of the 220 retailers that came from 37 states and 7 foreign countries in the 700 merchant booths?_I4C8435

Did you meander around the live trees adorned with twinkly lights in the Pavilion?

[caption id="attachment_3755" align="aligncenter" width="529"]Photo by Brian Roberts Photo by Brian Roberts[/caption]

Did you attend one of the 173 classes, lectures, and special events taught by our internationally recognized experts in their field?

[caption id="attachment_3757" align="aligncenter" width="454"]Natalia Bonner Natalia Bonner[/caption]

Did you take a bus tour to local sites and quilt shops on one of our bus tours?113

Did you get inspired?

We hope you were able to come and participate with all the show had to offer. The next few months, we will be sharing on the blog some of the amazing stories that came out of Road 2016, bringing back wonderful memories and moving forward to future possibilities.

What did you enjoy most about Road to California 2016?


How We Choose Classes For Road To California

Monday, June 23rd, 2014

It is almost time to announce our Road to California 2015 classes. Because we are often asked how we come up with our slate of offerings, we wanted to share the planning process that goes in to our class selection. 

The first step is to secure our teachers. Selecting the faculty for Road to California actually begins more than two years prior to an upcoming conference. Carolyn, Matt and Stevii Graves (Road’s consultant and talent scout), search for the newest, upcoming talent (as well as seasoned veterans in the teaching world) that would be a good fit for Road. They look for teachers at trade shows, in trade publications (Stevii does book reviews for IQA) and in blogs on the internet. Searching for teachers is a full time job!teachers_classrooms__i4c6216Choosing the classes can best be summed up as one giant jigsaw puzzle with pieces that don’t fit together! To be certain that we are offering classes that meet the needs and desires of our attendees, we have several methods set in place to ensure that we have a diverse cross section of classes that represent quilters today. We want to make sure that our classes range from Appliqué to Zentangle! teachers_classrooms__i4c6372

We have 22 classrooms with certain rooms better utilized for certain techniques. For example, this year we have Kim Eichler-Messmer teaching a two day class on Fabric Dyeing for quilts. Her classroom must not only be near water, but also be covered with plastic on the floor so that the fabric dye does not damage the carpeting. 

We have received some complaints that Road is primarily catering to the long arm quilter and is not meeting the needs of all quilters. Rather than simply deny this, we would like to provide you with some numbers:

              Three of the 22 rooms are utilized with Longarm Machines (Gammill, Handi Quilters & Innova)  

Two of the 22 rooms are utilized with sit-down, Longarm Machines (Gammill Charm & Handi Quilters Sweet 16). The techniques used in these classes are directly applicable to domestic machines. 

Seven of the 22 rooms have sewing machines provided for attendees (Brother, BabyLock, Bernina, Janome, PFAFF, Viking). These rooms are used for Machine Quilting, Machine Piecing, Machine Applique and many other techniques & projects. teachers_classrooms__i4c6375

Ten of the 22 rooms are utilized for other classes including Hand Work, Fabric Dying, Painting, Bring Your Own Machine classes, etc.teachers_classrooms__i4c6209

Classes for Road 2015 will be posted on our website no later than July 1st and registration begins on-line July 13th.   

We invite you to join us for THE BEST Road to California yet, our 20th Anniversary Conference & Showcase. 
