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What is Modern Quilting?

There has been a big movement in the quilting world the past few years called Modern Quilting. While its name would lead one to believe this is something new and unique, in actuality, its roots are from techniques used for much of the 20th century.

According to the Modern Quilt Guild, “Modern quilts are primarily functional and inspired by modern design. Modern quilters work in different styles and define modern quilting in different ways, but several characteristics often appear which may help identify a modern quilt. These include, but are not limited to: the use of bold colors and prints, high contrast and graphic areas of solid color, improvisational piecing, minimalism, expansive negative space, and alternate grid work. “Modern traditionalism” or the updating of classic quilt designs is also often seen in modern quilting.modern_quilts_img_1581

A defining event for modern quilting occurred in 1998 when Martha Stewart Living featured Denyse Schmidt, calling her quilts a “chic, modernist aesthetic.” For many quilters in the early days of the movement, this was a key inspirational moment.”

There are four factors that have contributed to the growth of the modern quilt movement: the cultural shift of quality design being recognized by the general public, affordable digital cameras, the changing fabric industry and the rise of social media.modern_quilts_img_1594

Road to California understands the popularity of this quilt genre and has always shown support. Classes have been offered featuring modern quilt designers and quilters. For Road 2014, not only are more modern quilt classes being offered, but also a new Modern Quilt Category has been added to the quilt contest. The Modern Quilt Category has two subcategories to choose from. The first is Modern Piecing which includes quilts that utilize improvisational piecing techniques. The second sub-category is Negative Space which includes quilts set with large amounts of negative space including quilts with alternative grid work and modern abstract design. Prizes for the new Modern Category include Best Modern Quilt $2,000 sponsored by Modern Quilts Unlimited; Best Modern Piecing $1,000 sponsored by Stash Books and Best Use of Negative Space $1,000 sponsored by Stash Books. Quilts entered in to the Modern Quilt Category are also eligible to win other prizes such as Best of Show $6000, sponsored by Gammill . The deadline to enter a quilt is October 1, 2013. 

What do you think about modern quilting?



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One Response to “What is Modern Quilting?”

  1. Teresa D. says:

    Being new at longarming, I love the negative space in modern quilts. I have more area to expand my creativity and I love the simplicity of these quilts. Simplicity can still have great designs!

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