Direction Optional was made by Stephanie Z. Ruyle and the 2016 members of Bee Sewcial. It was quilted by Christine Perrigo. They received $2,500 from Sponsor, Modern Quilts Unlimited.
Many quilters start out first as garment makers and Stephanie Ruyle is no exception. “I love it when I can use a garment making skill/technique in quilt making,” shared Stephanie. The idea for Direction Optional was based around the concept of linear— using the line in piecing, whether straight or curved. Each Bee Sewcial Member was given this directive as they created their own improv block. The color palette was chosen to keep the composition cohesive. The pops of color help move the eye around the quilt top. Stephanie said that “curating the placement of each member’s block and making the connecting pieces that brought all the varied pieces together into a pleasing whole was both challenging and thrilling.”
