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Posts Tagged ‘Modern Quilts’

Behind Road To California 2018's Outstanding Modern Quilt

Tuesday, May 22nd, 2018

Direction Optional was made by Stephanie Z. Ruyle and the 2016 members of Bee Sewcial. It was quilted by Christine Perrigo. They received $2,500 from Sponsor, Modern Quilts Unlimited.modern quilts quilt show

Many quilters start out first as garment makers and Stephanie Ruyle is no exception. “I love it when I can use a garment making skill/technique in quilt making,” shared Stephanie.  modern quilts quilt showThe idea for Direction Optional was based around the concept of linear— using the line in piecing, whether straight or curved. Each Bee Sewcial Member was given this directive as they created their own improv block. The color palette was chosen to keep the composition cohesive. The pops of color help move the eye around the quilt top. Stephanie said that “curating the placement of each member’s block and making the connecting pieces that brought all the varied pieces together into a pleasing whole was both challenging and thrilling.”modern quilts quilt show

Placing the blocks and the irregular pieces together took several months to complete. Stephanie felt “very lucky” to utilize the creative talents from nine of her “Bee-mates.” Seeing their diverse interpretations of the prompt and then how they all came together proved to Stephanie that the “sum is really greater than its parts.” The quilting was done by Colorado longer quilter, Christine Perrigo, and took another several weeks to finish.modern quilts quilt show Stephanie was at home when she received the email saying that she had won. She had to read it several times before it sunk in. Winning in the Outstanding Modern Quilt category was really special because Stephanie had originally entered it in the Abstract Category. She used her prize money to update her “aging cell phone” and will save the rest for later. What is next with Stephanie’s quilting? “There are definitely more modern quilts in my future, and hopefully more quilt shows as well.” She loves spreading the word about modern quilts and its growing contributions to the greater quilting community by creating quilts that inspire ideas and start conversations. Congratulations to Stephanie and her Bee Sewcial friends for their Road 2018 winning entry.    


Up, Up And Away With Modern Quilts

Saturday, April 28th, 2018

At Road 2018, the Long Beach Modern Quilt Guild created the beautiful quilt exhibit that rose above everyone’s heads as they entered the venue.  The Long Beach Modern Quilt Guild was established in January, 2015 to bring together individuals who are passionate about modern quilting. Their goal is to inspire, educate and develop friendships and they continually strive to use their love of quilting to bridge the needs of our community.   Guild Members were active participants with this year’s Quilts from the Ashes, the initiative created to support the Ventura Modern Quilt Guild’s efforts in supplying quilts to the survivor’s of the  devastating Thomas Fire in Ventura County, California.  Another philanthropy the guild supports is the Memory Pillow program. On the one year anniversary of the passing of a child, the guild makes a memory pillow which is customized to that child and which the hospital presents to the surviving family members.    The Long Beach Modern Quilt Guild is also a member of the worldwide Modern Quilt Guild, founded in 2009 as an online community of modern quilters by one of Road 2018’s vendors, Latifah Saafir.  Road 2018 was Latifah’s first time hosting a retail booth for her Latifah Saafir Studios. She really enjoyed being in front of customers and putting faces to names.   Latifah also hosted a Special Exhibit,  Expanding Traditions. One of the quilts included in the exhibit was Latifah’s first free motion quilt. Because it was her first quilt, there were a lot of mistakes. Latifah felt it was important to show this “not perfect” quilt because learning to quilt is a part of the quilting process.  Thank you Long Beach Modern Quilt Guild and Expanding Traditions for sharing modern quilting with Road 2018 guests.  ]]>

So You Want To Make A Winning Quilt: Outstanding Modern Quilt

Tuesday, May 30th, 2017

Z is for Zoey won Outstanding Modern Quilt at Road to California 2017. Sponsor Riley Blake Designs awarded $5,000 to maker, Mary Kerr and quilter, Karen McTavish.

Family and quilting goes hand in hand for Mary Kerr. She grew up in a family of quilters and her latest winning quilt, Z is for Zoey, was made for her granddaughter, Zoey Rose, Mary’s “very own mini-me.”

A Road 2016 faculty member and curator of the special exhibit, Quilt As Desired, Mary has a special affection for vintage designs. She wanted this piece to reflect the convergence of the past….her love of vintage with the excitement of the future….Zoey’s place in the modern world.

Z is for Zoey was inspired by a a single long strip from the 1930s. Tongues of fabric had been hand appliquéd with black thread on both sides of a muslin strip. It was never incorporated into a quilt and at one point someone even cut out one of the fabrics to reuse. The quilt married Mary’s “love of vintage textiles with the freshness of the Modern quilt aesthetic.”

Mary thought long and hard about the design. Once she decided how to create the “Z,” the top came together in just a couple of days. Then, according to Mary, Karen McTavish “added the perfect background with her distinctive lace quilting.”

While both Karen and Mary were “very pleased” that Z for Zoey won Outstanding Modern Quilt, Mary says, “My Zoey takes full credit for the win!”

For the near future, Mary plans to continue to teach, write books and hopefully inspire others to work with vintage fabrics.

You can learn more about Mary on her website.
